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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


Actually, we bought 2 pokedolls.

By extra I meant more than the one we need. :) Although I forgot we bought a third one. -.-

OR they can just go and revive Omanyte "D "D

Right but it will still involve removing one poke from our party which can be risky.

Apparently you can release pokes with HMs, so the daycare seems the most feasible (although it has a ledge...and we did get lucky with the PC before). You can't put pokemon with HMs in the daycare, so if we went that route, it would have to be Jay Leno, Eevee, Drowzee, or Pidgeot.


The chat seems to be grinding to a three-way halt between using the stone, going up for a drink, or going up for another... stone?

This Eevee really is ruining everything.



I give up. I tired my damn hardest to fucking get Red to speak to the shopkeeper again, but they somehow managed to leave the floor and go down 2 more floors. I'm out.


I'll tell you what Eevee gives us, ladies and gentlemen, and its something that Lapras never could. Eevee gives us a narrative. When we, the poor unwashed masses, pour our hopes and dreams and adulations and sorrows into this great game, we are but mimicking that cruellest of stories which is life. In life, not everything is buttercups and daisies. The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley - but without those depths, without the despair, the struggle, the torment, the pain; well, we wouldn't have the pinnacle, the catharsis, the triumph, the ecstasy. Lapras represented the mechanical option, the brutal utilitarian calculus of efficiency - about as human as a knife to the heart. We're more than that. We embrace what it is to be human, and understand that it's not always about what's efficient, or quickest, or easiest: the joy is in the journey. When I look to Eevee, I see that journey. I see choice, the divergence of paths that we may determine for ourselves. I see a great aspiration, that we may one day better ourselves and realise our full potential. I see a better world, and one we should strive towards. There are those who cast doubt upon those words, who throw petty scorn - and they failed - you failed - for a reason. You failed because in your whinging rebuke, you let go of the narrative. You let go of your ability to influence the story, your input into this little world. So busy with your mewling spite and hatred, your penitence must be to suffer the consequences. Those consequences are that this story is now ours.


Preach Brother!



I'll tell you what Eevee gives us, ladies and gentlemen, and its something that Lapras never could. Eevee gives us a narrative. When we, the poor unwashed masses, pour our hopes and dreams and adulations and sorrows into this great game, we are but mimicking that cruellest of stories which is life. In life, not everything is buttercups and daisies. The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley - but without those depths, without the despair, the struggle, the torment, the pain; well, we wouldn't have the pinnacle, the catharsis, the triumph, the ecstasy. Lapras represented the mechanical option, the brutal utilitarian calculus of efficiency - about as human as a knife to the heart. We're more than that. We embrace what it is to be human, and understand that it's not always about what's efficient, or quickest, or easiest: the joy is in the journey. When I look to Eevee, I see that journey. I see choice, the divergence of paths that we may determine for ourselves. I see a great aspiration, that we may one day better ourselves and realise our full potential. I see a better world, and one we should strive towards. There are those who cast doubt upon those words, who throw petty scorn - and they failed - you failed - for a reason. You failed because in your whinging rebuke, you let go of the narrative. You let go of your ability to influence the story, your input into this little world. So busy with your mewling spite and hatred, your penitence must be to suffer the consequences. Those consequences are that this story is now ours.


This plus the fact that Lapras isn't as sexy as Eveee. You all know it to be true.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
The chat seems to be grinding to a three-way halt between using the stone, going up for a drink, or going up for another... stone?

This Eevee really is ruining everything.


Five way. Current teams are:

1) People trying to evolve to a Flareon.
2) People trying to get a drink.
3) People trying to get another stone.
4) People trying to get Fly.
5) People trying to get Eevee released.
My prediction for the next 8 hours

- 1hr spent grabbing a thunderstone
- 3hr spent fiddling trying to evolve eevee. thunderstone gets tossed. flareon sucks
- 5hr spent Battle for Drink Mountain


So uh, about not being able to release Pokemon with HM moves.

I just tried releasing all of my Pokemon that know Fly and nothing stopped me.

Are we sure we know exactly how this works? There may be some additional conditions.

People don't know what they're talking about.

You CAN release Pokemon with HM moves.

The Pros and Cons of Fly:

Fly gives a strong attack on our strongest Pokemon and a way to hit Ghosts.


It makes it very easy for us to Fly all over the map and lose progress. Remember Dig in Rock Tunnel? We hit it accidentally constantly. Now imagine the same thing with Fly. Except it's even worse, because it by default the cursor is on Pallet Town, which means unless we manage to successfully navigate the Fly menu (highly fucking unlikely, or just dumb luck) we might have to walk all the way back to where we want to go, including trips through places like Viridian Forest and Mt Moon.

It's just not worth it. Just give Pidgeot Hyper Beam or something.


Even Reddit agrees eevee was a bad idea...

You know you picked the wrong side when both reddit and 4chan agree on something.



It isn't impossible.

down flood onto the back of the daycare then go right and try and get in the door. It has no dire consequences and if you fail you just spam up to have another go. It is a funnel, it might take a few tries but better than messing with a PC


If people did actually try for another stone, odds are we'd buy 3 poke dolls and that'd be the end of that. GG Flareon, its probably happening.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
According to Bulbapedia, you can release Pokemon with HMs so long as they aren't the only Pokemon remaining that knows that HM - i.e., if you only have one Pokemon with Fly left, you can't then release it.
It isn't impossible.

down flood onto the back of the daycare then go right and try and get in the door. It has no dire consequences and if you fail you just spam up to have another go. It is a funnel, it might take a few tries but better than messing with a PC

and people inputting commands during battle like its instant in the event of a pokemon encounter will inevitibly fuck that up every single time
I can't take my eyes away from this trainwreck, I've been trying to study for my exam that I have tomorrow but I can't find the strength to close out this stream.


The best case scenario to appease the eevee lovers is that we end up getting SOME stone without buying another doll. Then we can all at least agree to buy a drink with the ~1400P that remains.


I want to know this too.

For the input/game to freeze occasionally, it's because of either bugs in the bot or overload from tens of thousands of inputs being thrown at it.

The way the game takes button inputs is you push a button and it performs an action, and until that action is completed all other presses are ignored. So for quick things like moving through menus, it will read a lot of the inputs, but when moving, it will ignore any inputs until the movement is completed, on a tile-by-tile basis. Opening the start menu takes a few seconds, for example, so until it's open any inputs the bot receives and sends will be ignored by the game.


According to Bulbapedia, you can release Pokemon with HMs so long as they aren't the only Pokemon remaining that knows that HM - i.e., if you only have one Pokemon with Fly left, you can't then release it.

That's a recent Generation thing.

It is for a fact possible to get stuck on Cinnabar Island if you release all your Surf/Fly Pokemon and have no Fishing Rod. I have seen this first hand. Releasing Pokemon is incredibly easy in Gen 1 and there are NO RESTRICTIONS in terms of HMs.

That's why we should avoid the PC as much as possible.
Stone is still there but they're going to need to spam B constantly once they get the drink so they don't actually use it or toss it till they get to the guard.


According to Bulbapedia, you can release Pokemon with HMs so long as they aren't the only Pokemon remaining that knows that HM - i.e., if you only have one Pokemon with Fly left, you can't then release it.

Are you sure? I just tried this. It might not apply to unnecessary moves like Fly.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
And we're back! Attain Fly.

Yeah, basically. If I was boss, the plan would be: aim for Thunder Stone. If we can't get it, tough titty, move on, get drink. Head for Fly, teach Pidgeot Fly, progress with game. Do not teach Dux Fly under any circumstances.

EDIT: Box, I don't know, I'm just repeating the Bulbapedia talk page. I've not played RBY in a long time.
According to Bulbapedia, you can release Pokemon with HMs so long as they aren't the only Pokemon remaining that knows that HM - i.e., if you only have one Pokemon with Fly left, you can't then release it.

Once again: Gen 1 didn't have this feature.

Mikey Jr.

Wait I just started looking at this thread and watching the stream. Can I get some context?

Half of the stream didnt want to get eevee because we had 5 pokemon, enough to fit lapras.

The other half wanted eevee and evolve it to vaporeon or jolteon.

A huge struggle between 2 sides ensued, eaching pulling the character a different direction.

The eevee people eventually won.

Now we have 6 pokemon, and unless we successfully evolve eevee to vaporeon, we HAVE TO go to the PC and deposit a pokemon. (we need the surf ability to progress in the game)

This is problematic because there is a good chance we can release pidgeot, and essentially destroy our team. (pidgeot essentially being the pokemon that carries the entire team)

So now the chat is trying to go into 5 different directions right now. We bought the fire stone, and are trying NOT to use it (flareon being the weakest of the evolutions).

So yeah, getting eevee was one giant fucking disaster.
Holy cow, what the hell happened with this stream over the past two days? I can't even wrap my head around the fact that it has blown up to 50k viewers.

And judging by some of the avatars of posters in this thread, Pidgeot must have done something special. What's the story with that?


According to Bulbapedia, you can release Pokemon with HMs so long as they aren't the only Pokemon remaining that knows that HM - i.e., if you only have one Pokemon with Fly left, you can't then release it.


I only have a pidgeot that knows fly/only flying pokemon i have and i just released it no problem. Someone else can confirm as well.

If you're going to try to evolve this fucker, do it BEFORE getting more items.

i agree with this let them get other stone and evolve before we waste the lemonades/water


Welp, we got Eevee. Might as well try to make it evolve to Flareon so we can move on. I've never seen the chat so indecisive (not counting the trolls).

Edit: They are trying to get the lemonade too? What a horrible idea. We're going to end up tossing it while trying to use the stone lol


Holy cow, what the hell happened with this stream over the past two days? I can't even wrap my head around the fact that it has blown up to 50k viewers.

And judging by some of the avatars of posters in this thread, Pidgeot must have done something special. What's the story with that?

Its our single most powerful pokemon so far


Watching the entire method of playing Pokemon get turned on it's head is amazing. Can't go to the PC because you might accidentally release Pidgeot? Incredible.


That's a recent Generation thing.

It is for a fact possible to get stuck on Cinnabar Island if you release all your Surf/Fly Pokemon and have no Fishing Rod. I have seen this first hand. Releasing Pokemon is incredibly easy in Gen 1 and there are NO RESTRICTIONS in terms of HMs.

That's why we should avoid the PC as much as possible.

This is true. People don't remember how much gen 1 was different from the later games. I think the only HM restriction was that you can't overwrite an HM move once assigned


For those complaining about Flareon, remember, Gen I didn't have the Physical/Special move split, who types are Special or Physical.

Moreover, this was before the Special Attack and Defense split. Flareon's Special, which is both offense and defense is decent.

It's typing sucks, though, especially Gen I. Most of the Elite 4 Pokemon resist Fire and many of the remaining Gym Leaders also have Pokemon that resist fire, plus the huge surfing sections near Cinnabar.
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