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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


All this Evee talk is making my head spin.

I think my main problem is that any pokes we get will be WYSIWYG with regards to evolution rank and move set. With so many players, there will always be one stray button press to interrupt an evolution or discard a new move. Once all four move slots are occupied via normal level up mechanics, that's that.

Additionally, the only hope to consciously affect the move set of a Pokémon is a TM or HM - and that's a whole new can of worms in itself since we're just as likely to overwrite important moves. Just ask Abby (Mr. Bide&Cut).​

So, methinks we need to look at possible party members not in terms of potential, but in terms of viability "out of the box".



Better them than Pidgeot


I'm fucking dying over here lol. Seeing them get rid of Abby and Jay Leno back to back... It's too much to process. I'm laughing and crying at the same time.


It's okay, Pidgeot survived. We can use Flareon and Hitmon___. We still have Dux for cut.

You can mourn Abby and Jay all you want, but Jay was severely underleveled and Abby is the biggest jobber out there.


We got Bird Jesus back...but at a terrible cost. May as well try to use the Fire Stone now.

I'm in tears, I can't stop laughing.


To be honest, the only way that Charmeleon was ever going to be useful is if it learned flamethrower, which it probably wouldn't have. Nice moves on Jay Leno, that's more of a shame. And the biggest problem is that the insidious digrat is back in the party.
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