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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.


Time to grind for levels.

It's my fault I thought Game Freak were some what competent back then lol...

From Bulbapedia:


A glitch in Generation I causes a black out to occur out of battle and without poisoned Pokémon by using a PC to store all Pokémon except ones that have fainted.

Also, I bet the check is every four steps like the poison


What if we leave Pidgeot in the box for a while and train our other Pokemon so we don't fall into the cycle where everyone but him dies and he gets all the EXP?

Then we rescue him later.


I'll be damned:
	ld a, [W_NUMINPARTY] ; $d163
	dec a
	jr nz, .asm_215bb
	ld hl, CantDepositLastMonText
	call PrintText
	jp BillsPCMenu
	ld a, [W_NUMINBOX] ; $da80
	cp $14
	jr nz, .asm_215cb
	ld hl, BoxFullText ; $5802
	call PrintText
	jp BillsPCMenu
	ld hl, W_NUMINPARTY ; $d163
	call Func_216be
	jp c, BillsPCMenu
	call Func_2174b
	jp nc, BillsPCMenu
	ld a, [$cf91]
	call GetCryData
	call PlaySoundWaitForCurrent
	ld a, $1
	ld [$cf95], a
	call Func_3a68
	xor a
	ld [$cf95], a
	call RemovePokemon
	call WaitForSoundToFinish
	ld hl, wWhichTrade ; $cd3d
	ld a, [$d5a0]
	and $7f
	cp $9
	jr c, .asm_2160a
	sub $9
	ld [hl], $f7
	inc hl
	add $f6
	jr .asm_2160c
	add $f7
	ld [hli], a
	ld [hl], $50
	ld hl, MonWasStoredText ; $57f8
	call PrintText
	jp BillsPCMenu
It only stops you if it would result in your party containing 0 Pokémon or if the box is full.


For safety's sake, if I were the controller I'd keep a few save states permanently archived around major events.

Heck, it'd be nice to have split off the two progression paths, actually. Clone the game in a second emulator in a second channel, one could follow the Eevee path, the other the Lapras path. No-one loses!


I never felt this way for pokemon in all my life. I am really sad now. We will never get pidgeot back. He will be released. I can't handle this.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
What if we leave Pidgeot in the box for a while and train our other Pokemon so we don't fall into the cycle where everyone but him dies and he gets all the EXP?

Then we rescue him later.

That would be most sensible, so its not going to happen.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
What if we leave Pidgeot in the box for a while and train our other Pokemon so we don't fall into the cycle where everyone but him dies and he gets all the EXP?

Then we rescue him later.

You know what happened the last time we tried to withdraw Pokemon from the PC?


Can't take this, I opened a tab with the stream.
I see they're going to either withdraw or release Pidgeot.



I'll be damned:
	ld a, [W_NUMINPARTY] ; $d163
	dec a
	jr nz, .asm_215bb
	ld hl, CantDepositLastMonText
	call PrintText
	jp BillsPCMenu
	ld a, [W_NUMINBOX] ; $da80
	cp $14
	jr nz, .asm_215cb
	ld hl, BoxFullText ; $5802
	call PrintText
	jp BillsPCMenu
	ld hl, W_NUMINPARTY ; $d163
	call Func_216be
	jp c, BillsPCMenu
	call Func_2174b
	jp nc, BillsPCMenu
	ld a, [$cf91]
	call GetCryData
	call PlaySoundWaitForCurrent
	ld a, $1
	ld [$cf95], a
	call Func_3a68
	xor a
	ld [$cf95], a
	call RemovePokemon
	call WaitForSoundToFinish
	ld hl, wWhichTrade ; $cd3d
	ld a, [$d5a0]
	and $7f
	cp $9
	jr c, .asm_2160a
	sub $9
	ld [hl], $f7
	inc hl
	add $f6
	jr .asm_2160c
	add $f7
	ld [hli], a
	ld [hl], $50
	ld hl, MonWasStoredText ; $57f8
	call PrintText
	jp BillsPCMenu
It only stops you if it would result in your party containing 0 Pokémon or if the box is full.

That's quite well-annotated assembly. How easy would it look to simply prevent releases full stop?
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