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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


GIF representation of our progress the past 6(?) hours.


The people trying to progress are the ones putting them into the wrong maze. That's the real problem. The delay makes the action less than intuitive normally, but in this particular layout it is really screwing them.

There still shouldn't be that many people going left. Even when their objective has been rightward for over a minute there's still a flood of lefts.


The current regression is pathetic. I'm starting to lose hope.

The stream's popularity is contingent on progressing past this maze. Now that the novelty of collectively controlling a game through Twitch chat has dissipated, the popularity of the stream is reliant on things "happening" - something getting deposited, a close win in a battle, catching a new Pokemon, etc.

With the severity of the delay, someone will have to press "left" approximately 100 seconds before Red is in the proper position in the maze. And there are a few additional turns to maneuver if they even get past that turn.

It's almost like watching RNG at this point.


oh goddamnit i keep getting disconnected from chat



Abby was our starter. He's gone now.

They're about halfway done I think? They still have to: go through Sylph tower for lapras; defeat koga and sabrina;get surf and warden teeth in safari zone; get through seafoam islands; get though pokemon mansion; defeat blaine; get back to viridian; defeat giovanni; get through victory road; defeat elite four; defeat gary fucking oak.

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
Abby was our starter. He's gone now.

They're about halfway done I think? They still have to: go through Sylph tower for lapras; defeat koga and sabrina;get surf and warden teeth in safari zone; get through seafoam islands; get though pokemon mansion; defeat blaine; get back to viridian; defeat giovanni; get through victory road; defeat elite four; defeat gary fucking oak.

Forgetting something?

Abby was our starter. He's gone now.

They're about halfway done I think? They still have to: go through Sylph tower for lapras; defeat koga and sabrina;get surf and warden teeth in safari zone; get through seafoam islands; get though pokemon mansion; defeat blaine; get back to viridian; defeat giovanni; get through victory road; defeat elite four; defeat gary fucking oak.

Instead of going through seafoam islands, why not go get Fly and the head to the PC-

Actually, nevermind.
Haha, I knew they'd be in the same place when I got home from work. Maybe they'll progress by the end of the day tomorrow.

This whole experiment is a slow burn in patience. We have plenty of time! Nothing wrong with chilling in the enemy lair for a dozen hours.


They are not trolling a real person, they are trolling 75000.

Besides, according to this Reddit post it's done so the game can get in sync with the chat, and people can control Red better.

To try and explain this better, look at this image:

That area I circled in the blue/grey is where you wind up a lot on the third floor once you're in the maze, because it is the end point of every failed attempt.

When people watching see him there, a ton of right inputs come in to start moving him out of here, and those inputs are stretched over probably 20+ seconds due to discrepancies in delay between individuals. This doesn't even slow down until most people see him start going that way. It's hundreds and hundreds of inputs. There are a lot of up commands here too, from people that don't want to go back down onto the spin tile.

By the time he hits the right wall and starts going up, people are only just starting to do left/down inputs to try and get him into the hallway right above there. But the right/up commands are going to come in for another 15-20 seconds, which is more than enough to often put us to the staircase. So the left/down inputs don't start registering his movement until we are on the above floor... and there left/down inputs easily send us into the wrong maze. The left inputs are really prevalent too because people desperately want to send him into the hallway, so over half of them are left. They just come in way later than you'd actually need to have hit left to even have a chance. The only times we've gotten in that hallway where with predictive random lefts while people were still mostly spamming right from below, and the rights continue long enough to counter those usually.

What dropping start into all of these movement commands does is waste a lot of those unnecessary commands that flood in, so long as the start commands are put in during the big movement pushes. Realistically you need him to be like one foot in that doorway with a menu open for 10-ish seconds before you have a solid chance of having the people doing inputs based on what they see to get him in the rest of the way.


If by the end of the game there isn't some sort of poetic justice inflicted upon flareon in the name of Jay Leno I will be disappointed.


I really don't like how other copycat streams are undermining this original stream. It would be cool to see how big the original can really become.
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