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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


remember me
Curse is a gen 2 move.

lrn 2 gen1 pls

Nightshade, man.

Generation I
Night Shade inflicts damage equal to the user's level. Although Night Shade deals Ghost-type damage, its type does not alter the amount of damage it inflicts. Night Shade hits both Normal-type Pokémon and Psychic-type Pokémon, both of which have immunities to Ghost-type moves during Generation I.
This is all his doing.




Drowzee is immune to ghosts in Gen 1. If he can power level in the tower where he is basically a god then he could be useful if he can get to level 25+

Well, Ghastly has Night Shade which will deals damage to immune types as well as Confuse Ray. It'll get really rough there but with Drowzee can hit supereffective back and Pidgeot and Flareon can weaken with Sand Attack.


It was a programming mistake.

Not in Gen 1.

Psychics are immune to Ghost-type attacks.

(Yes, it's goofy.)

Psychic itself is immune to ghosts in gen1. It became super-effective in gen2 onwards.

Yes, that means the anime and guides had it wrong. Possibly the developers even got it wrong and it was all a programming mistake.

Well then.

So drowzee will be our savior in pkmn tower. We still need to risk the PC to bench jesus bird (unless we are benching dux) for lapras.
Flareon is not the problem, Digtatta is

Jay Leno was actually the target all along. Jay was the first to be released so that Digtatta would be placed in the party again. All part of Digtatta's master plan as a digging hindrance to us.

Abby was merely the innocent bystander


Flareon is not the problem, Digtatta is

Jay Leno was actually the target all along. Jay was the first to be released so that Digtatta would be placed in the party again. All part of Digtatta's master plan as a digging hindrance to us.

Abby was merely the innocent bystander
That's why Pidgeot went in to try to confront him...! :O


Either we get our free lapras, or we catch a magikarp and switch-out level it to gyarados, or we find a good rod and catch a horsea/staryu/psyduck/krabby/goldeen/slowpoke/tentacool/poliwag. I'm pretty sure some of those are exclusive to super rods.


Either we get our free lapras, or we catch a magikarp and switch-out level it to gyarados, or we find a good rod and catch a horsea/staryu/psyduck/krabby/goldeen/slowpoke/tentacool/poliwag. I'm pretty sure some of those are exclusive to super rods.

switch out level? lol


You know, don't they have to beat the Rival before they can even get Lapras?

How in the hell are they gonna pull that off?

Nightshade, man.

Generation I
Night Shade inflicts damage equal to the user's level. Although Night Shade deals Ghost-type damage, its type does not alter the amount of damage it inflicts. Night Shade hits both Normal-type Pokémon and Psychic-type Pokémon, both of which have immunities to Ghost-type moves during Generation I.

As Gen 1 is concerned, Night Shade will hit anything regardless of type. It's basically set damage.

They didn't change the properties of it until Gen 2, where it functions like an actual Ghost-type attack and doesn't work on Normal-types.

Oh okay. I didn't know what level the Pokemon in the tower were and assumed some of the Ghastly might not have it. If they start with the move, never mind lol.

Yup, they got Lick, Confuse Ray, and Night Shade to start with.


No. You need to go to the tower first and clear it of all trainers.

Then backtrack for the doll.

Otherwise I guarantee it willbe tossed before the hour is out.

Pretty much. Unless they can buy like 10+ Pokedolls, they will almost certainly manage to throw a handful of them on the way up the tower.


I still say the ideal plan is to go right to lavender and take out all the channelers in the tower before going back to celadon to buy the dolls. That way, there's fewer obstacles on the way there.

Too complicated for the hive, though. They'll probably risk it the regular way.


Have they managed to make it through at least one of the correct arrows? I've been watching it on and off and they can barely get into the maze.


WHAT I definitely purposely went and caught ghost pokemon before fighting Sabrina, I'm pretty sure, because that's what the cartoon did. -_________- I must've Nightshade'd everything because I don't remember my ghosts being useless.

I'm learning so much from this (like the pokedoll trick).
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