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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


I think it probably says a lot that I started watching this steam 24 hours ago, and they were stuck in the PokeCentre trying to access the PC while accidentally taking to a random NPC about cycling. It's been a full day since and... yeah :/


They managed to deposit and subsequently withdraw Dux. Right now I honestly don't know if I'm finding this steam so compelling because I want them to succeed, or because I want them to mess up horrendously.
The answer is column A and column B. Also Helix Fossil.
There's really no intent to actually make any progress anymore is there?
This assumes there was intent to make progress in the first place.
I just woke up.

When did they manage to get out of the maze with that horrible music? Have they actually made progress or have they gone backwards?


Just woke up. What's with the democracy talk?

Also, what are we doing now? I know there's no way we ever solved that maze. Did we wind up going for the pokedoll route instead?

Edit: Love that I'm not the only one that rushed to this thing the moment I woke up.


Unconfirmed Member
Jay Leno Wikipedia Entry

I'm dying over here. I hope someone makes a thread with all the funny pics once this is over.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Just woke up. What's with the democracy talk?

Also, what are we doing now? I know there's no way we ever solved that maze. Did we wind up going for the pokedoll route instead?
The beginning of the saga: streamer implements a voting system that queued votes and made decisions in ten second intervals. That failed pretty horribly.
Paused it, returned with a shorter interval voting system, five seconds instead of ten. Also failed.
Then, five second intervals where you could queue multiple commands, "start9" would press the start button nine times. Thus the start9 armada began. This broke the blockade of the streamer's heart. Or Helix Fossil got involved.

So most likely, the voting system failed because there were long intervals between actions. Ostensibly to give the script some time to process votes. Didn't work because actions felt extraordinarily delayed due to the game waiting long periods for single inputs.


considering I've only tuned in about 4 times for no more than 10 minutes at a time, I'm surprised that I've managed to catch a lot of the big events @_@ Saw them beat Lt. Surge and just witnessed the start9 revolution lol


Unconfirmed Member
How sad to see the old faith be twisted and turned into something so hateful and vile. His words were of love and joy; this experiment an adventure to be enjoyed with comrades. But we, the collective, are so prideful and vain we cannot see ourselves were we truly are: at fault.

Anger and jealousy has not breathed life into the dome fossil nor is Flareon some malicious demon bend on leading us astray! It is our own incompetence that has caused us our suffering. It was our anger at their weakness that released ABBBBBBK( and JLVWNNOOOO! It was our inability to accept the blame that labeled Flareon a “False Prophet!”

And it will not stop there, for as blessed as he is, our Champion, he still only a Pidgeot. His limits will show themselves and when they do we will cast him aside; as we have done the others and those who have yet to come.

His words were of love and joy. To succeed with our Pokémon, no matter how “weak” or “useless” others said of them. And we have betrayed His words. Betrayed Him.

We have become that which we most hate; for our name may be written RED but our soul is BLUE.
Beautiful... Just beautiful :'(
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