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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


Because they have been stuck in Rocket HQ for over 24 hours with no actual progress?

I mean, if you want to see Red run into walls and hear Game Corner on infinite loop for the rest of the play's duration, more power to you.
If simple tasks require 4-14 hours, I imagine a slightly more complex task taking on the order of a few days.
Uh, guys? The reason we dropped in viewership is probably because we've accomplished fuck all in this warp tile hell. Even that goddamn ledge didn't take this long.

There was a holiday in parts of Canada and USA yesterday which likely helped boost the numbers to the 70,000 plus thousand viewers.
Because they have been stuck in Rocket HQ for over 24 hours with no actual progress?

I mean, if you want to see Red run into walls and hear Game Corner on infinite loop for the rest of the play's duration, more power to you.

Isnt that the whole point though? Like I said, most people want the maze to be completed... so what's the difference between the "democracy" option, and the guy just playing and doing it?


How exactly is this Democracy/Anarchy choosing move inputs? There's that bar at the top, but I can't find an explanation anywhere.


Out of curiosity, what's the problem with Flareon, and what's the problem with the release option? I imagine trolls are trying to release the pokemon to screw the run, but is there more to it? Why are people upset with Eevee/Flareon?

They tried to get Eevee out of the pc but released Abby (charmillion) and Jay Leno (Ratta) in the process. Eevee since they has been referred as a demon like entity since then.


Gaining and losing viewers with ups and downs are to be expected... you don't change your experiment parameters because you aren't getting the result you want.
I personally don't like the democracy system, at least not until it's basically necessary to win. Route 22 is going to be hell without it; the rest of Victory Road is fine, but we really need it for ledge 2: Electric Boogaloo.
The plan for the Safari Zone was to remove the step counter from what I heard.

Safari balls aren't a problem with the step counter gone, we get 30 of them (the chat can't be awful enough to waste ALL of them) and there are plenty of close trainers to battle for money every time we fail.

This was never decided... a few people speculated it would be easy to remove the step counter (it is, incredibly so) and the streamer said he WOULD intervene in some way if we reached that point.


I think the fact that the streamer tried to test things out, even if they failed ,added to the stream. Real time development based on direct feedback is interesting to see play out.

I also believe that Streamer has probably rigged the polls so that there's more time to get things done. I like the idea of polls being a diversion for trolls and the masses. But people need to get things going before the masses stop caring about the poll.

He can only buy so much time


I think the reason most are against the Democracy style of progressing is because it only slowed down the game and didn't actually solve any problems (at least from what it seems like, I wasn't watching the stream when it happened).

correct. the twitch chat actually hated the democracy system, so they all spammed start9 as a protest. the game was stuck for like 10 minutes with the start menu popping up closing nonstop with no movement being made at all. the democracy voting system was broken and made movements way too slow


correct. the twitch chat actually hated the democracy system, so they all spammed start9 as a protest. the game was stuck for like 10 minutes with the start menu popping up closing nonstop with no movement being made at all
It's strange how it emulates modern democracy.


Democracy system sucks for regular gameplay, but the ability to avoid downvotes on Ledge 2 makes me think it's a good idea for that particular point. It'll still take way too many tries thanks to the lag, but once they start heading left they won't stop.
If they went democratic, you'd be faced with the problem of nothing but A inputs being selected during battles, assuming he just takes an average of the most popular inputs. Plus with the stream lag, there's no guarantee that the most popular choice is the right choice and when you lock yourself into that system you're doomed to be making the same map navigation error over and over again.

If anything, I'd say the best solution would be something like just out and out dropping 50% of the inputs.


The only thing I want right now is for obvious bots to be banned, even though the admins won't do that. Other than that, focus on getting shit done.

And by shit I mean getting that Lift Key.
Democracy system sucks for regular gameplay, but the ability to avoid downvotes on Ledge 2 makes me think it's a good idea for that particular point. It'll still take way too many tries thanks to the lag, but once they start heading left they won't stop.

But what's the point? Most people want red to successfully pass the ledge, so lets make him pass the ledge with votes? I don't see how this is much different to a guy playing and asking the convo what he should do next and doing it. That is not "Twitch plays" at all.

The beauty of this was the chaos of people trying to work together and make their inputs count. Who cares if it takes weeks? What's the rush?


What's the start9 movement?

I've abandoned the stream a while back and have no idea what that is.

he implemented a voting system that chose movements every 10 seconds. It was too slow so he tried different intervals such a 5 and 2 I believe. In addition, he made it so you could input commands such as 'left2' which would make Red move left twice if voted the most. The chat hated the new system so they all voted 'start9' which made the start menu pop-up/close 9 times in a row. 'start9' won the voting every 2 seconds so no progress or movment was made for like 10 whole minutes. The stream went offline and he removed the voting system. Now it appears he implemented a new system, anarchy/democracy.
The beauty of this was the chaos of people trying to work together and make their inputs count. Who cares if it takes weeks? What's the rush?

This, we've accomplished GREAT things with the current system... even if we don't progress a single step more, we'll at least have known we got much further than a lot of people thought we could. Changing the system invalidates ALL of the hard "work" we put into this run previously... what's the point if you're going to throw it all away?
But what's the point? Most people want red to successfully pass the ledge, so lets make him pass the ledge with votes? I don't see how this is much different to a guy playing and asking the convo what he should do next and doing it. That is not "Twitch plays" at all.

The beauty of this was the chaos of people trying to work together and make their inputs count. Who cares if it takes weeks? What's the rush?

Completely agree with this.


But what's the point? Most people want red to successfully pass the ledge, so lets make him pass the ledge with votes? I don't see how this is much different to a guy playing and asking the convo what he should do next and doing it. That is not "Twitch plays" at all.

The beauty of this was the chaos of people trying to work together and make their inputs count. Who cares if it takes weeks? What's the rush?
Good luck then. :-\

If the chaos of people trying to work together is what matters, we should be playing a new game post-Surge.


What's going on right now? I see that Anarchy/Democracy bar up there but is that real time gameplay or a recording of a previous milestone?
he implemented a voting system that chose movements every 10 seconds. It was too slow so he tried different intervals such a 5 and 2 I believe. In addition, he made it so you could input commands such as 'left2' which would make Red move left twice if voted the most. The chat hated the new system so they all voted 'start9' which made the start menu pop-up/close 9 times in a row. 'start9' won the voting every 2 seconds so no progress or movment was made for like 10 whole minutes. The stream went offline and he removed the voting system. Now it appears he implemented a new system, anarchy/democracy.

Thi is really a sociological experiment now...
How's the new system?

PS: The blue stream is a lot more fun in my opinion and has already surpassed the red stream btw.
he implemented a voting system that chose movements every 10 seconds. It was too slow so he tried different intervals such a 5 and 2 I believe. In addition, he made it so you could input commands such as 'left2' which would make Red move left twice if voted the most. The chat hated the new system so they all voted 'start9' which made the start menu pop-up/close 9 times in a row. 'start9' won the voting every 2 seconds so no progress or movment was made for like 10 whole minutes. The stream went offline and he removed the voting system. Now it appears he implemented a new system, anarchy/democracy.

It's not a new system, it's just a vote to see which system to "stick" with.


Thi is really a sociological experiment now...
How's the new system?

PS: The blue stream is a lot more fun in my opinion and has already surpassed the red stream btw.

I don't see any sociological experiment going on, just a bunch of trolls fighting people who wan't to play the game.
This, we've accomplished GREAT things with the current system... even if we don't progress a single step more, we'll at least have known we got much further than a lot of people thought we could. Changing the system invalidates ALL of the hard "work" we put into this run previously... what's the point if you're going to throw it all away?

Exactly. The only thing I can agree with is something like disabling the step counter in safari zone, as the game was obviously not designed for this. Even then maybe that can be decided by votes every 10 hours, to see if people want that interference or not. The admin can say the helix fossil listened to the people and removed the step counter (lol) so we feel some sort of satisfaction and still finish the game using the original input method.


I dont like that the streamer is having to intervene now. Just let them go. They can get past this tile room, its just going to take a while.

A lot more boring to watch... 1/100th as many people and less than 1 command a second. Why even bother IMO.

Agree, any copycat stream that isnt a game other than pokemon is dead to me. This is the one true stream.
I somehow suspect he wanted to do this anyway.

Then he should have done it from the beginning. I've been here since day 1 and the changes being made are just frustrating.

(edit) Seriously for all the fan I've had over the last few days, these changes and potential changes to the control stream are just ruining it all. I'm going to take a break, see how things play out in a few hours.
A lot more boring to watch... 1/100th as many people and less than 1 command a second. Why even bother IMO.

I don't know... I guess I just like the feeling of getting something done.

Despite some problems that still happens in the blue stream.

The red stream has reached a point where they won't be able to proceed without changes.


Thi is really a sociological experiment now...
How's the new system?

PS: The blue stream is a lot more fun in my opinion and has already surpassed the red stream btw.
I've heard people complain about the blue stream because a only select few have true control over progress and dissident voices get banned at the drop of a hat.

Kind of ironic if you consider what red and blue are traditionally associated with in U.S. politics.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Anarchy needs to win. Democracy ruins the point of this experiment.


Then he should have done it from the beginning. I've been here since day 1 and the changes being made are just frustrating.

I dont get this sudden ideology.

We let them sit and struggle for a day on that ledge with no help. We struggled for hours trying to cut down the 3 trees. Yet all of a sudden we get to this room (an already amazing feat) and now he wants to change it up because they havent succeeded yet?

That makes no sense. Let them go. No "record" is going to be made if the streamer intervenes.


It's already being played on a romhack that changes the game.Purity went out the window from the word go.

It's also a good idea to let it organically evolve instead of insisting on going with what you started with, despite what the community thinks
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