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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results my friend. Twitch has made it's choice, and we need to focus first on the task at hand.

So, what we did up to now is insane? We failed like 100000 times in this maze, but only once with the pokedolls (and besides, they were never actually an objective, but a side effect to the fact that everyone wanted to buy stones for eevee)

EDIT: Or were you just being sarcastic because we indeed failed like infinite times in this maze?

That success felt like nothing. :(

Definitely not the same.


I think Anarchy will be back as soon as we leave the rocket hideout. No way people keep the voting system after Giovanni. I expect it to return for the Safari Zone (unless the streamer removes the step count, as has been discussed), and Ledge 2: Ledge Harder.
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