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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


What? Is that sprite legit? I dont remember MISSINGNO ever looking normal.
It sometimes uses one of the Pewter Museum skeleton sprites or the Lavender Tower ghost sprite, depending on your character's name.

The famous glitch block form people usually think of happens if your name has an H in the third spot (and Ash was a name a lot of people picked).


What? Is that sprite legit? I dont remember MISSINGNO ever looking normal.

All MISSINGNO.s are legitimate entries in the internal Pokémon table. The fossil sprites all come from such entries. They put the sprites on MISSINGNO.s so they could tell the game "show the sprite of Pokémon #189".
Yeah I think a better course of action might have been for Democracy to be another input instead of one side of a slider. Have 40% of the chat say democracy? Put it into democratic mode. Falls below the threshold? Goes back to before.

That being said introducing two more possible, separately weighted inputs has been a great input sink that helps cut down on the chaos.


Yes, it is true the original system got it this far, so anarchy "worked," but you have to remember that all this progress was far before the stream got so popular. With so many people entering commands (upwards of 100k,) the anarchy is just pure chaos.

So I for one think the change was warranted...


This is stupid. Do people seriously not have any patience? Simple tasks becoming torturous was the charm of this.

No patience whatsoever. ADD Generation, yo. They want things done before they lose interest. Sad.

In a perfect world we will use only democracy for the really hard-navigation parts. Everything else should be anarchy :D

In a perfect world, a "anarchy" stream and a democracy stream would have been started at the same time.


I think the delay is gonna make us miss "B4F" and hit the "CANCEL" button

Edit: Yeah that's what I thought... we just moved to the first floor because of that


Democracy is constructed by the evil Dome God, designed to hinder the true spirit of red. All actions taken under it's influence are illegitimate.
But seriously. There will never be another event like this again. Even if this concept continues to draw large numbers, which I doubt, this is forging a new path for online games. Why would we want to A. make it end quicker and more importantly B. Remove the compelling nature and the challenge from it. Anarchy is not only the best system. It's the necessary one.
In a perfect world we will use only democracy for the really hard-navigation parts. Everything else should be anarchy :D

I guess "in a perfect world," was a bad phrase to use. I agree with what you said however.

I think Demo would be better if it was quicker. Maybe the first to 20 votes or something.


Oh no, believe me. That i agree. I just wanna battle Giovanni on Anarchy mode :p

If this system works properly, it'll be democracy when everyone knows what needs to happen and just has to execute it. Anarchy for more open experimentation when people are creating new solutions, like during boss battles.
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