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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


The streamer has been capturing save states so it should be ok even if they overwrite

It always says "saved state 1" though. I hope it's not automatic.

Edit: Phew, the admin caught it, stopped the chat, and is figuring out how not to make soft resets possible.


napkin dispenser
Oh man, someone almost saved!

This is going to be hilarious, hours of people trying to save over the old file, hahaha

edit: someone stopped the inputs!


what do you mean disabled? How can they use it when they need it, lol.

Well, you can see in the command window how START is greyed out. The admin added this to the channel description:

Start button throttle

Spammers pushed this button too much and now it doesn't work all the time. Sometimes it pops back in and works perfectly for awhile.

I dislike this compromise but unsuppressed start spam was annoying and didn't really have any effect on travel gameplay (no position changes).

I'm sure he's checking in periodically, and is going to enable it if needed. Still, kinda ruins the 'purity' of the experiment.


Roughly maybe less, but I doubt it will be accomplished, we might end up running out of steps before getting the gold teeth and surf.

The thing to remember that every move *away* from the optimal route adds takes *two* from the counter - the step back and the extra step required forwards.


I love how the stream lost the video part (black screen, still sound) and suddenly, all people in the chat





In case anyone missed it.

Glad they caught it so quickly.


The Select button isn't used for any mandatory features, right? There's moving moves and items around but you don't have to do that anyway. Since the soft reset combination is A + B + Start + Select (right?), removing it seems very simple.


I'm sure he's checking in periodically, and is going to enable it if needed. Still, kinda ruins the 'purity' of the experiment.
I think the people actively trying to prevent progress in any way they can are the ones really ruining the purity of it. It's a waste to constantly get stuck in menus.


How did they manage to reset it? I thought it only registered one input at a time.

If you look at how fast the list is scrolling, depending on how the emulator works, it's definitely possible that it managed to register all of the soft reset buttons between two frames and interpreted it as the same time.
If you look at how fast the list is scrolling, depending on how the emulator works, it's definitely possible that it managed to register all of the soft reset buttons between two frames and interpreted it as the same time.

60HZ refresh, that's about 30ms. Not impossible to do, but very hard to both coordinate and have happen at random. If this only happens once every 2 1/2 days of constant running, it's not so bad.

Did they get the 3 badge?



The thing to remember that every move *away* from the optimal route adds takes *two* from the counter - the step back and the extra step required forwards.
I can just see it running out of steps before leaving the first zone, I'm not sure if the optimum route is even possible with this many inputting the controls.


60HZ refresh, that's about 30ms. Not impossible to do, but very hard to both coordinate and have happen at random. If this only happens once every 2 1/2 days of constant running, it's not so bad.
The bottleneck is probably the IRC bot interpreting the commands. The emulator seems to have absolutely no problem running the game at full speed, which isn't really a surprise considering the platform, but if there's 15 000 people chatting instead of 200, the chat bot is going to have to parse a lot more stuff, which could lead to hitches where a lot of buttons are pressed very quickly.

Looks like he restarted the parsing part of the stream and it runs ten times better now, so something has been fixed at least temporarily.


We spent over 14 hours in Cerulean yesterday... and then again for a bit this morning. I'll take anywhere but Cerulean at this point!

Yeah I know, but that was due to Misty, Destroyer of Worlds. They got Lt. Surge so quick earlier, it looked like there was hope for progress!

Edit: Then again, they did take few hours to use Cut.
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