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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


hate the theme so much now.
My reaction to as soon as the theme kicks in

Whyyyy D:

If we leave again I never want to go back again.


The idea of a self-correcting stream is sort of broken by how many people seem to be coming to the stream from articles, fucking around with it for ten minutes, and then leaving. Eventally, the articles are obviously going to drop from the main pages of a bunch of web sites and it'll be somewhat self-correcting again, but right now it's really noisy and getting worse.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
That's what makes this stream good, all the shit happening. Meanwhile on the less populated streams there's actual teamwork and progress.

I feel like since the copperatives need to do shit manually, the trolls should to. Lazy fucks.
Wow, it's just crazy spam right now. Even yesterday with 15k+ people it still seemed like the masses were trying to steer Red towards a common goal. It's just insanity at the moment.


So was cut learned because of streamer doing it manually or did the chat manage to accomplish that feat by themselves?
So was cut learned because of streamer doing it manually or did the chat manage to accomplish that feat by themselves?

The streamer only fixed the start button, now it works every now and then (it's not blocking bots, I saw it blocking me because now we're trying to cut a tree). The rest is only result of pure patience.
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