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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


60HZ refresh, that's about 30ms. Not impossible to do, but very hard to both coordinate and have happen at random. If this only happens once every 2 1/2 days of constant running, it's not so bad.

The only thing that may have prevented this to happen sooner is probably the quite low probability of a select button registered. But if some stupid chatters discover that soft reset is possible, you'll get an increase in select inputs, and that could lead to an large increase of the probability that a reset happen.



In case anyone missed it.

Glad they caught it so quickly.
that was scary.


Switch Pokemon -> SS Ticket -> Helix Fossil -> SS Ticket -> run -> No running from a trainer battle! -> switch Pokemon

It's like clockwork!
Good Morning everyone. Doing a quick check of the latest page we beat Surge? Nice forward progress ho! How the hell did they manage to cut down the tree? I'm impressed.

(edit) Glad I checked the thread first... Cerulean city... le siiiigh

Wow, they actually managed to beat Surge? And I missed it?! Darn!
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