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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!

Guys what happened the last 10 hours? Did they get through the ledge? How the Fuck?

Also no Wing Attack lol pidgeot is fucked forever. Pokemon learned very few moves by themselves in red/blue.


I feel like this is a very subliminal and unintentional social experiment. Watching this stream feels like watching the birth of new life trying to claw and fumble its way through the early years of existence.

Fucking glorious.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
The Moon Stone, Helix Fossil and nugget are all one in the same; they form the holy trinity.

Helix is the Jesus figure, where Omastar died to assist us as a fossil, and will be resurrected at Cinnabar to win the war against the region's wicked elite and reign over Kanto for all eternity.

I'm looking at my SS ticket and it says you are a charlatan.
The streamer should interfere here and automatically ignore everyone who is saying "start" in the cave. I don't mean ignoring just start, ignore the entire user. It's the best way to eliminate trolling right now.

Shouldn't ban them though, they'll notice and create a new account.


Good morning! Whats happening? are we past that spot?
We're trying to get through Rock Tunnel while not using Dig.

The streamer should interfere here and automatically ignore everyone who is saying "start" in the cave. I don't mean ignoring just start, ignore the entire user. It's the best way to eliminate trolling right now.

Shouldn't ban them though, they'll notice and create a new account.
Wouldn't mind that at all. It's funnier watching people fail at trying to do something (Like getting out of Cerulean) than fail because "HERP DERP LA FANNY MAY-MAY KAPPA IT'S REDDIT'S FAULT".


How many button presses does it take to Dig from the normal screen anyway? Start (pull up menu) -> [up/down] -> A (select Pokemon) -> [up/down] -> A (select Rattata) -> [up/down] -> A (select Dig), right?


Are there level 'restrictions,' in this? It would be worse than it already is if pokemon stop listening to chat.
Only traded Pokemon have level restrictions. The only traded Pokemon in the party is Dux, and it's well below the level cap our badges give.

EDIT: Oh shit they're close to using Dig.


So dark :(



Just noticed that only League of Legends has more viewers on Twitch, and of course that's from a bunch of different streams. This has captured the hearts of the world.
Even if they don't complete the game, the fact how fast this exploded is a feat in itself. I wonder if this was the fastest Twitch channel to get a sub button, haha.

Can't wait to see where they end up when I wake up.


This would be better if there was a separate chat for input and for regular chatting.

Type this into the web console to get rid of the inputs. Makes it so much better

$("<style type='text/css'>#chat_line_list li{display:none;}</style>").appendTo("head");setInterval(function(){$('#chat_line_list li').each(function(){var a=$(this);var t=$.trim(a.text().split(':')[1]);if(!t.match(/^(up|down|left|right|a|b|start|select?)$/i)){a.show();}})},50)
Type this into the web console to get rid of the inputs. Makes it so much better

Oh wow, never thought about how jQuery could be used in this way. Still, I bet only a fraction of the 27k people know about this, so therefor the discussion gets very limited nonetheless. Also surprising how many people misspell "a" and "b" as "aa" and "bb".


What would've happened at the cut part if they chose squirtle instead?

That would've been tough...

they used dux to cut, wouldn't have been a problem. And early fights would be much easier, including this cave stuff. We got stuck with the worst starter.
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