When someone is fired there is no hand off, unless the agreement is they stick around a bit and ease out of it.
The big difference is that Musk canned half the company whereas under normal situations, companies fire individual people here or there where even covering that person's job can be a pain if only they knew the role.
His mass firing might be the biggest mistake ever. Or, like most companies the roles get refilled and covered and things smooth out.
It assuredly is a mistake - no one runs a business like this. And end the end what does he expect to get? I mean.... It's fucking Twitter. It is a marginal business with marginal monetization methods. There is no real upside to the business model, it's a legacy tech company, that's both controversial and uninteresting for advertisers. And shit, even TikTok which is light years ahead of Twitter can't make money.
The buy out was silly, but thinking the problem was the employees (who are taking the blame and the firings) isn't really the problem. It's just a full business space at this point. Despite his addiction to it, the rest of the world would rather invest in things that actually make money or add value.
The thing that cracks me up about this thread is how hyper focused it is on the employees - like this they are some brain dead cabal - so smart to be master mind manipulators of society with their moderation but too lazy to actually do real work (and can just get contracted out like garden workers or warehouse employees).
I remember a time when I worked at a failing tech company I am sure everyone knows... But anyways... Got a new CEO. He walked around the halls then ended up sending an email to the whole company that basically said "you know the problem, and why we are failing, is there aren't enough left over pizza boxes on people's desks". As though the failing business was lazy employees instead of a gross mismanagement of a once high flying company. Despite the "it's the lazy workers" fault approach, it didn't actually ever get better and continued to decline into obscurity. Cause generally it's not the employees fault things go tits up.
Unless there's so actually reshaping of what Twitter really does there's just no way I can see it getting anywhere. Meanwhile, the gross abuse of employees (and folks cheering it on) has me feeling pretty justified in calling Musk an idiot.