The real reason for tall the hatemongering against him is this:
The establishment media simply cannot allow this to happen, that is why they are whipping their audience into a frenzy. They are the true enablers of hate, not Musk.
"entertainment is pushing civilization towards suicide"
Sounds more like an overdramatic personal problem, "oh my show isn't the right, woe is me! Woe is the world!". Quite the schizophrenic justification to accept blindly.
It's interesting that Musk thinks twitter can save civilization from suicide by fighting something called "the work mind virus" in the entertainment industry. How does that work?
Would like to see Elon walk through the meanings since it sounds similar to other recent remarks by anti-Western threats to see if they're the same.
He's approaching almost the entire established social and user structure of Twitter as hostile and as something that can be controlled instead of managed. It's the community itself that sets the so-called Twitter narrative and to create a counter-narrative would be to go against that community. No end of the world fabrications involving are convincing to sane people.The counter narrative however, cannot be right wing. Because then you are just replacing one destructive, biased, and divisive narrative with another.
Centre ground. Balance. That's what Musk has to strive for, and I'm not convinced by the way he talks that he understands that.