No, I don't believe he said that. I believe he said he'd be ok if Twitter censored certain things on the platform that favored candidates, which, in itself, is not the interfering with the democratic process. The democratic process is voting, and Sam Harris never has advocating preventing people from voting. Twitter can allow whatever they want on their platform pre or post Elon Musk. And while I may disagree with some of the things they do with their platform, I agree with Sam that we can't have governments telling platforms they have to allow certain things.
Having outside entities tell an individual what they can and cannot allow or censor on their platform is a slippery slope I don't think anyone wants to go down, and that's what Sam was arguing. And I agree with him on that. I'm someone who believes in free speech, but I also believe in autonomy, and I believe companies should have the freedom to allow or disallow whatever they want in their companies or platforms. And if you don't like it? Don't go on the platform. It's that simple.
Btw, one of Sam's most contentious podcast episodes, where he had to edit in an apology to the viewers after the fact, is a podcast that got heated because he defended Trump. And Sam loathes the guy. But he defended him, because he believed his guest was misrepresenting certain things Trump said in certain situations. That's not what someone with TDS does. Someone with TDS will not challenge something that is said about someone you hate. They'll just go along with it even if it isn't true because it supports their agenda. Sam is one of the people level-headed enough to hate someone, but if someone says something about that person that isn't true, he'll say "Hold on a second..."