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Twitter Fires Its New Head of VR After Two Days When "Homeless Rant" resurfaces

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Twitter Fires Its New Head of VR After Two Days

This was Greg Gopman’s first week at Twitter. Today was his last day.

Twitter just hired Gopman to work on the company’s virtual reality efforts. But then TechCrunch resurfaced his vile, disgusting rant about San Fransisco’s homeless population. Gopman got fired roughly 48 hours after he started his fancy new job, and about 12 hours after the TechCrunch post. The now-unemployed technology enthusiast let the world know in a Facebook status: “Anddd I’m fired. Thanks TechCrunch.”

This is Gopman’s rant from 2013:

Just got back to SF. I’ve traveled around the world and I gotta say there is nothing more grotesque than walking down market st in San Francisco. Why the heart of our city has to be overrun by crazy, homeless, drug dealers, dropouts, and trash I have no clue. Each time I pass it my love affair with SF dies a little.

The difference is in other cosmopolitan cities, the lower part of society keep to themselves. They sell small trinkets, beg coyly, stay quiet, and generally stay out of your way. They realize it’s a privilege to be in the civilized part of town and view themselves as guests. And that’s okay.

In downtown SF the degenerates gather like hyenas, spit, urinate, taunt you, sell drugs, get rowdy, they act like they own the center of the city. Like it’s their place of leisure… In actuality it’s the business district for one of the wealthiest cities in the USA. It a disgrace. I don’t even feel safe walking down the sidewalk without planning out my walking path.

You can preach compassion, equality, and be the biggest lover in the world, but there is an area of town for degenerates and an area of town for the working class. There is nothing positive gained from having them so close to us. It’s a burden and a liability having them so close to us. Believe me, if they added the smallest iota of value I’d consider thinking different, but the crazy toothless lady who kicks everyone that gets too close to her cardboard box hasn’t made anyone’s life better in a while.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
yep i would not want to have this cunt in my work environment

though i do feel discomfort over the fact that he was fired because it resurfaced. twitter must have been aware before they hired him.


I mean, I agree the homeless issue in San Francisco is pretty rough-but this guys words are pretty vile.

qcf x2

The bolded part of the rant is textbook scumbaggery.

I don't know what it is about the internet that inspires people to flaunt their bigotry.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
If he'd blamed the situation on local politics and national crises and complained about the causes, not the victims, he'd have been fine, but he talked about those people like a Victorian slumlord.


Lmao, planning walking paths out of fear. I've seen a couple die hard liberals crumble when stepping into the poor community. Glad they're fired.

Guests my ass.
Can we change it from Silicone Valley to Shitbird Alley soon?

Silicon Valley is suburbia on the border between Santa Clara, San Jose and Sunnyvale. There are homeless all over Santa Clara and you get to know them after awhile. Like the homeless vet that sings out the front of Fry's in Sunnyvale. Or the couple of guys that hang out at the mattress store after hours on Saratoga and Stevens Creek. Or the vets out the front of the 7-11 on Kiely and Benton. They're all nice people. Just fallen on hard times.

San Francisco might as well be a different country.
Everyone's going to rag on this guy, but if you've ever had to deal with super-aggressive homeless on a daily basis, I can understand ranting about it on the internet one evening after a shitty day. I can't say I've ever done it, and doing something like that under your own name in this day & age is a mistake, but it doesn't take a hateful monster to do it.
The now-unemployed technology enthusiast let the world know in a Facebook status: “Anddd I’m fired. Thanks TechCrunch.”

Way to take responsibility for your own actions. It wasn't TechCrunch who wrote that garbage in the first place.
The guy oozes entitled and privileged. And I love all of his friends not calling out his shit in that Facebook post. But I suppose that's the type of company he would keep around.

Vile and good riddance.
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