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Two Minutes Hate, redux

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Zaptruder said:
Boogie and Boogie9ign should have a fight to the death; their handles are way too similar.

It would be like some jackass coming onto this board with the name Zapruder.

I tried to get it changed with no luck after I saw Boogie was already here :(
wow, mimic is the super snitch.

but yea i remember that massacre shit :lol

they sucky thing about that, was most of the album was played on hot 97 and satellite radio the day of the thread or whatever.

but mimic, you shouldnt hold a grudge, its not a big deal man.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
wow, mimic is the super snitch.

but yea i remember that massacre shit :lol

they sucky thing about that, was most of the album was played on hot 97 and satellite radio the day of the thread or whatever.

but mimic, you shouldnt hold a grudge, its not a big deal man.

I'm not holding a grudge. That's why I didn't say a word when I always saw it on the front page.


I'm not sure. As many others here have experienced after a banning, I was never given an explanation. All I know is that I must of rubbed Mandark's e-penis the wrong way when I made a small innocuous comment about the lack of consistent moderation on the forum. Hah, kind of funny that I got banned by same thing I was speaking against. Anyways, after that and the bad treatment Leguna and LyteEdge received from the administration, I stopped posting at GA and now mostly lurk :p


Catzgirl said:
I'm not sure. As many others here have experienced after a banning, I was never given an explanation. All I know is that I must of rubbed Mandark's e-penis the wrong way when I made a small innocuous comment about the lack of consistent moderation on the forum. Hah, kind of funny that I got banned by same thing I was speaking against. Anyways, after that and the bad treatment Leguna and LyteEdge received from the administration, I stopped posting at GA and now mostly lurk :p

When I get banned, I charge #ga and demand an explanation. :)


MIMIC said:
When I get banned, I charge #ga and demand an explanation. :)

That's what I did when I got the conflicting explanations.

Ancient history now, of course. I'm really just bitching because this thread is here. It's tempting me.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
I've grown out of just hating people. I don't think there's anyone I hate on GAF, but I do find some people annoying, though I'd never tell them. I'd probably just shoot a mean remark their way.


I'm also a member of the "never been banned" club. Go me!

Boogie9IGN said:
I tried to get it changed with no luck after I saw Boogie was already here :(

Dammit, I can't get pissed at you for sharing my name...you're just generally so pleasant on here.

Which is why I was surprised that you had such a long hate list.

I'm also rather surprised that Willco hasn't gotten more hate in here than he has.


- I hate those crazy anime idiots who praise to death japanese tv animes that are marketed over there to kids. The weekly anime threads here are comedy gold with people getting worked over childish story arc (OMG WILL THEY FIND THE HIDDEN PIRATE TREASURE OMGOMG SO DEEP"). The comic books fans are somewhat more contained and I can actually stand reading their threads, to a certain degree. The Batman Begins thread was streching it a bit

- The "oh look i'm so clever and underground and in the known" people like Demi and Wario who always make oh so insighfull comments like "OH CODED ARMS IS PRETTY SMALL ONLY 120MB ADMIRE MY HABILITY TO DOWNLOAD" . Seriously guys, nobody cares, stop it

- The psychotic oldschool sega fans "HAY THIS PRIMITIVE 3D SEGA RACER THAT NOBODY CARED IN 1991 IS STILL UNMATCHED WHEN IT COMES TO GRAPHICS". There is a reason why those games were never ported to modern consoles. They were average and not commercially viable

- The desperate Nintendo fans.. "HAY DDR HAS ALWAYS BEEN LAME TO BE BUT NOW THAT THERES YOSHI BREAKDANCING IT SUDDENLY BECOMES A CLASSIC PRAISE THE SHIGGY!!". It's like every fucking title that the big N shits out is a modern classic. It's annoying how they think that Nintendo is the only last true oldschool hardcore innovative company but somehow ignores how Nintendo were such bitches in the '80 and how they are gods of rehashing and re-releasing. Get a grip guys..

- Those J-POP weirdos. It's fucking pop music that you probably spit on here BUT NOW IN JAPANESE.

- The indie music wankers. I swear you guys make up band names and new genre in a race to out-indie each others.

- The idiots who try to look so alternative with their japanese imports-only taste and constant bragging on "how they only play rpgs in their original releases" even if they don't understand japanese and have to resort to online faqs or translation tools. Whatever guys, seriously :p

- The fruitcakes who don't play game that aren't made by japanese devs because WESTERNERS ART SUCKS LOL and then turn around to play some average rpg or platform games with a 14 years old girl with pink hair, a giant sword and a cute critter friend.

and now to balance, Some shout outs:

+ The obscure electronic music crew along with their cousins, the fans of unclassifiable genre of turntables music that fine gentlemen like Dj Shadow and Buck65 make. Fans of mashups and others are my friends too. Let's make a furpile!

+ The movies reviewing/arguing crew. I excluded from that group those annoying super heroes movies fanboys, get the fuck out of my threads. A special thanks to the horror movies and other fringe movie fans, I know that we must be like 5 of us here.

+ the #ga people


MIMIC said:
When I get banned, I charge #ga and demand an explanation. :)

I did that...msged Hito and there was no response...asked him again and then I was kicked. :lol

I never thought ill of either Hitokage or Jinx, but I hate rude people who are consistantly rude when you are being polite to them. Lately their behaviour seems great though.


Catzgirl said:
I'm not sure. As many others here have experienced after a banning, I was never given an explanation. All I know is that I must of rubbed Mandark's e-penis the wrong way when I made a small innocuous comment about the lack of consistent moderation on the forum. Hah, kind of funny that I got banned by same thing I was speaking against. Anyways, after that and the bad treatment Leguna and LyteEdge received from the administration, I stopped posting at GA and now mostly lurk :p
Well, if anything at least this thread got catzgirl to talk about rubbing penis....even if it is "the wrong way." <3
Naked Shuriken said:
- I hate those crazy anime idiots who praise to death japanese tv animes that are marketed over there to kids. The weekly anime threads here are comedy gold with people getting worked over childish story arc (OMG WILL THEY FIND THE HIDDEN PIRATE TREASURE OMGOMG SO DEEP").

:lol I often wonder if there is some underground following of japanese adults that import episodes of Captain Planet or Denver the Last Dinosaur and follow/discuss them. (SUBBED NOT DUBBED DURR!!)


Ninja Scooter said:
:lol I often wonder if there is some underground following of japanese adults that import episodes of Captain Planet or Denver the Last Dinosaur and follow/discuss them. (SUBBED NOT DUBBED DURR!!)

Captain Planet fansub community is a funny thought


Naked Shuriken said:
- The indie music wankers. I swear you guys make up band names and new genre in a race to out-indie each others.

Miguel and I actually did this a few months ago to see if anyone could tell if we were bullshitting :lol

Flaming Remotes 4 life!
I think people who hate Mandark are similar to how I used to hate fart. I was on the verge of banning him a small while back and Mandark suggested that I give him a few more weeks and a clean slate, since he thought he was a good poster. It's all about how you initially view someone, and reading fart's posts, they were similar to demi's in that they looked like they lacked content in order to gain a humorous deposition. After I dropped my acquired opinion of him and started to read his posts anew, I discovered that wasn't the case, and now I think fart is a good poster! I can see how those who haven't spoken to Mandark for a while like I have would harbor negative opinions somewhat incorrectly.

Except for Catzgirl. That ho hates the brother.


I just want to be part of this historic thread.

I don't really hate anyone, nor does anyone hate me - as far as I know.
(Although if anyone does, now's the perfect time to tell me off)


Theoretical Magician
explodet said:
I just want to be part of this historic thread.

I don't really hate anyone, nor does anyone hate me - as far as I know.
(Although if anyone does, now's the perfect time to tell me off)
explodet I hate your pacifist attitude. Kick some ass and take some names.


Since we're doing the BANNED! thing:

I've been banned two times that I can remember. Maybe one more, but I'm not sure. First one was during one E3, I called someone an idiot(that's right, I just called him an idiot. It was fucking SurferHurleyDude, of all people). That was kind of bullshit, the mods didn't say that the forum was on a zero-tolerance state. Banned for calling BuddyC a Mike clone too, but not by BuddyC himself. Heh. People stood up for me, though. That was kinda cool. THE MAN tried to shut them down by deleting some posts. :p

Also uh, about the Mandark hate, I can't recall a single post of his.
I hate it when people get all huffy, and offended over written word. I hate it even more when people do so to appear sensitive. If you get offended by words, you're an irrational moron. Even if what the person said was politically incorrect, you're still a moron. People who try to justify violence, or legal action in retaliation to speech are the worst.

I hate it when people get emotional during arguments. Its lame, and discourages discussion.
Mandark really is a loser. I was banned a few days ago for no reason, and Demi tells me that someone gave him mod powers in #ga one night so he banned me and some others, and then changed Manabyte's name.

I don't even think I've ever talked to him.


BobbyRobby said:
I hate it when people get all huffy, and offended over written word. I hate it even more when people do so to appear sensitive. If you get offended by words, you're an irrational moron. Even if what the person said was politically incorrect, you're still a moron. People who try to justify violence, or legal action in retaliation to speech are the worst.

This...coming from a guy who openly advocates the eating of babies...sheesh.



Oooh, oooh, my turn. I might have to censor her name incase she reads the forum. I did send her a link once.

*************************, you are the worst human being I have ever fucking met. Sure, when I first met you, I liked you. But I'm a guy, you have a vagina. If only you could have kept your FAT YELLOW-STAINED (YET YOU SAY THEY'RE PERFECT) TEETH MOUTH CLOSED, much unlike you keep your FAT SMELLY VAG CLOSED. Stop calling me your friend. You only talk to me because we are at work. And I only talk to you for the same reason. We don't do things friends would normally do. I never see you after work. I keep telling you we're not friends, but your witty retort in song form "why can't weeeeeeeee be friends..." makes me want to gouge my fucking eyes out, rip my balls off and shove them in my sockets.


I hate that you used to take fucking drugs, fucking coke, marijuana, acid, shrooms, EVERYTHING YOU TOLD ME… And when you told me this shit and I was shocked, you said “Oh, I’d do them again.” OH, FOLLOWING YOUR LORD’S WORDS I SEE. I don’t give TWO SHITS about your PAST. WHY DO YOU TELL ME THIS SHIT. TELL YOUR FUCKING SHRINK, WHICH YOU GO TO SEE EVERY THURSDAY. You are such an on and off SLUT. You saw a shrink a few years ago and he prescribed you drugs. Now you’re going back to another shrink because YOU THINK YOUR’E TOO HARD ON YOURSELF WHEN IT COMES TO IMAGE AND WEIGHT. WELL GUESS WHAT, YOU’RE NOT SLIM AND YOU NEVER WILL BE. YOUR ASS LOOKS LIKE FUCKING TRIGGER’S, SADDLEBAG SLUT. Whatever that fucking “doctor” is telling you in private is what he tells hundreds of other people just like you. Don’t you feel special? Stupid fucking retard.

Yeah, you’re so passionate about losing weight. Just about as passionate as a pig is to keeping out of a ham sandwich SLUT. You and I go to the gym every morning. However, lately, you’ve been missing days because you’re too tired or some bullshit. Fat ass, when you want something, you haveto work at it. Stupid fucking dumb bitch. I can’t believe I actually paid you money to be my FUCKING TRAINER. WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING? YOU’RE TERRIBLE. BUT GUESS WHAT? I HAD ANOTHER TRAINER ON THE SIDE. NOT ONLY WAS SHE ACTUALLY GIVING ME PROPER EXERCISES AND VARIETY, SHE DIDN’T LOOK LIKE THE BACKEND OF A FORD TRUCK.

Fuck you and your religious righteousness attitude. I was so fucking angry when you told me to stop saying “jesus Christ” or “god dammit”. I was so close to slapping you, hoping some some sense would rattle into your head, and maybe see your fat ass jiggle and lose a calorie YOU DISPROPRTIONATE FATASS DEMON SLUT. Guess what, I’m going to say Jesus Christ whenever I want. I’m going to say god dammit just to piss you off. Fuck you for telling that to just me. Fuck you for not telling the countless other peoples at work who say it consistently day in and out.

Fuck you for singling me out ALL THE TIME WHEN YOU’RE ON THE RAG. FUCK YOU FOR MAKING ME FEEL LIKE SHIT AT WORK BY SAYING “OH YOU LOOK TIRED” OR CALLING ME A “JACKASS” WHEN I’M JUST TRYING TO INJECT SOME FUCKING HUMOR IN OUR FUCKING DULL WORTHLESS WORK ENVIRONMENT. FUCK YOU FOR GIVING ME ATTITUDE WHEN I THOUGHT THE BOMB THREAT AT WORK WAS A DRILL AND IT TURNED OUT TO BE THE REAL THING. JESUS, MAYBE IF I STARED AT YOUR FATASS FOR LONG ENOUGH, I COULD SEE THE FUTURE LIKE YOU AND SOMEHOW KNOW. And yeah, I know you hate it that I’m right 99.9% of the time and you think I make you feel like you’re wrong all the time. But fuck Joseph & Mary’s aborted fetus… YOU ARE WRONG WITHOUT FAIL.. JUST GET USED TO IT. I’ve been doing my thing for over 10 fucking years. Unlike you, I started work when I was 13. I planned for my future at an early age. I am the best, and you know it. You just hate that it’s the truth. You hate that I dropped out of high school, never went to post-secondary like you, and I ended up where you are and I’m an infinite amount better than you. I’m so fucking SMART when it comes to what we do. I wasn’t out with my useless shit-brained friends doing drugs and drinking and hoping a guy would fill my black fish filled cunt with his man yogurt because I’m so desperate to tell my friends “YEAH, GUESS WHAT I DID LAST NIGHT” (which happened when you were 21, and guess what, I talked to one of your friends who HATES YOU, THEY PAID THE GUY TO FUCK YOU. GET IT? FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT TWAT. And think that you’ve never been with another guy since, I wonder what the fuck is wrong with you?).

And I fucking hate when you talk about how your parents never call you. Well NO SHIT. THEY ARE RETIRED. THEY ARE FINALLY AT PEACE AWAY FROM YOUR STUPID HORSE ASS.

I hate that you have tattoos. You have a fucking Chinese mandarin character of PEACE on your FUCKING ANKLE. That proves what exactly? You look so fucking stupid with it. You just got it because it LOOKED COOL. Do you realize that’s like fucking putting the Roman characters “PEACE” on your foot… to a Chinese person, I guarantee you it looks fucking STUPID, just like to an English speaking person, PEACE LOOKS FUCKING RIDICULOUS. I WANT TO BITE THAT FUCKING “TAT” OFF (AS YOU CALL IT) AND SPIT IT INTO YOUR VENOMOUS VAGINAL PIT, AS IT’S THE ONLY “PEACE” IT WILL EVER FUCKIN SEE FOR THE REST OF ITS DRY, SMELLY LIFE. And, the best yet… You have a tattoo of a dragon fly right above your ass. Are you fucking dense? Did you realize the dragon fly is flying upwards, RIGHT OUT OF YOUR ASS? WHOLLY MOTHER OF CHRIST, LOL!111111 I LIKE HOW YOU’RE SO FUCKING PROUD AND SHOW IT OFF BY LIFTING UP YOUR SHIRT TO A GUY CO-WORKER, AND WHAT HE SEES IS A DRAGON FLY FLYING OUT OF YOUR UNCLEAN HEMMEROID ENDUCED PEROGY ASS! LOL! I love that. Yeah, and HOT girls (not you) get tattoos there and actually wear short shirts to show it off. You can’t do that because you look like a midget crossed with that fucking horseman Newton from the old Hercules cartoons. YOU’RE NO HELENA THAT’S FOR SURE. And what’s with that fucking little nose decoration you have. It’s a fucking ear ring in your nose. From a distance, it looks like a shiny pimple. Great fashion sense. And speaking of that, LOL! You actually stopped wearing your EMO looking shitty thick rectangle glasses because I Told you they look like shit. Wow, you sure do care about your image. Oh yeah, and those new pants you bought at ELLE PLUS (LOL) make your ass look even FATTER. It’s like you went from a truck to a Goodyear blimp. You see those massive pockets on the back? They’re too big. You know nothing.

You filed for bankruptcy 4 years ago. $22,000 in fucking debt. How the fuck does your fucked up head get you into that kind of trouble? WHO THE FUCK FILES FOR BANKRUPTCY AT SUCH AN EARLY AGE? You are MENTALLY UNCAPABLE OF SUSTAINING A REASONABLE LIFE. You are beyond help, you are destined to suicide.

The funniest thing I ever did to you: You had a car. You were contemplating selling it because the payments are too high and you can just ride your bike. Man, I knew you’d listen to me. I knew it would be a mistake for you to sell it, because you’re ALWAYS DRIVING to your stupid ass friend’s. But yeah, I (along with afew other people at work) convinced you to sell your car like a dumb slut you are. You FUCKIGN SOLD IT. I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT. You are SO STUPID. Get this guys… not less than a month later, after hating trucking her fat ass around on her overpriced bike, she decides she needs a car again. Wholly Christ. So, yeah, she has the worst credit in the history of mankind, and has to settle for some high financed HYUNDAI WITH NO AIRCONDITIONING AND NO POWER WINDOWS LOL!

I hate that you think you’ve been through a lot in life, that you’re stressed out, that you’re so busy, that you’re so fucking important. I hate that you complain that your friends ask you out to dinner and they don’t accept your no answer. Stupid trailerhitch ass, don’t take everything so god damn seriously. Just say fucking no to them, and go on with your pathetic life. And fuck you. I’ve been through way more in life than you. I have a fucking legacy, and I’m jesus fucking Christ 23 years old. I’m 3 years younger than you. I’ve accomplished more in life than you and your whole fucking pathetic alcoholic family ever has COMBINED. I’m a creator, I create fucking art, fucking music, fucking programs, FUCKING AN YTHING. I AM SUPERIOR TO YOU IN EVERY WAY IMAGINABLE. Here’s what you’ve accomplished in life: You helped your mom out of her wart covered alcohol smelling vaginal cavity. You skipped classes at school. You took drugs to be cool with your unsuccessful friends. You spent money that wasn’t yours and filed for bankruptcy. You sold a car for a BIKE LOL. You are a terrible, worthless person. You will never amount to anything. I have ambitions, and I will follow through on them. I know what potential is only limited by my imagination.

You told me you want to become a nurse? Then you said “don’t tell anyone.” What the flying fuck would anyone do with that pertinent information? Heaven forbid this classified information fall into the German’s hands. FILTHY COMMUNIST SCUM! You will never become a nurse. You are 26 years old. You have no ambition to go to school for 4 years. And if you were my fucking nurse, I’d immediately phone a Veterinarian, because I would have thought fucking Trigger escaped from his pen again and needs another shot of banamine.

I’m done typing for tonight. All I can say is that I will crack. And I will crack soon. When I crack, I will unleash an unholy nightmare of rage that she has never even imagined possible. It will be the Unholy War, and it will be waged between her and I. I will wreck her life, her family’s life. Everyone will feel my wrath. The force of my onslaught will be unbearable. She will be crushed by the weight of my Unholy Nightmare. The Unholy War.


God's Hand said:
Oooh, oooh, my turn. I might have to censor her name incase she reads the forum. I did send her a link once.

*************************, you are the worst human being I have ever fucking met. Sure, when I first met you, I liked you. But I'm a guy, you have a vagina. If only you could have kept your FAT YELLOW-STAINED (YET YOU SAY THEY'RE PERFECT) TEETH MOUTH CLOSED, much unlike you keep your FAT SMELLY VAG CLOSED....

Does it smell like curry?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
jinx has officially left GAF, btw. He wanted his account deleted, but I don't care for that sort of thing, so he's banned instead.


EviLore said:
jinx has officially left GAF, btw. He wanted his account deleted, but I don't care for that sort of thing, so he's banned instead.

Whoa. Well, too bad.

Can I have his modship? ;) j/k


Theoretical Magician
EviLore said:
jinx has officially left GAF, btw. He wanted his account deleted, but I don't care for that sort of thing, so he's banned instead.
Dudes sounds like he needs to quit his job yesterday
EviLore said:
jinx has officially left GAF, btw. He wanted his account deleted, but I don't care for that sort of thing, so he's banned instead.

Sad to see him go but it's probably for the best. I don't know what he's like in person but it seems like GAF was driving him insane.


hopefully he'll come back when he sorts his life out. if not, i'm sure i'm with everyone when i wish him the best.
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