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Two Minutes Hate, redux

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You know what I really hate? I hate those circle jerk or cock sucking threads about "Your favourite posters".

That said, jinx was a cool cat, and should be told that, if he ever has the urge to come around, he'll be welcome by most, and shouldn't get too cutup about the other prats.


I'll just post my ignore list since these are the people I've found that usually contribute nothing to conversations and just post blatantly wrong information.

Kobun Heat


You have Chespace, Kobun Heat and jarrod on ignore?

That's ALMOST enough to put you on ignore, if I actually put anyone on ignore. Which I don't.
BTW, I really hate that Alysaa Dujor chick. Her whole I am women hear me roar/I 'm so open about my sex/sexuality even though no one cares/me and Tomme Hu$tle fucked posts are really annoying.

Her avatar sucks too.

Musashi Wins!

catfish said:
Awesome Musashi wins! is quoted in the sticky in the gaming forum about all the trolling. from his moan in this thread.

oops, forum will probably die now.

maybe it was a little self-righteous, and this short term crusade is funny, but they know what I mean. It should be like the Gong Show....troll, but you better be funny, bitch.


I have to laugh at people admitting they "hate" someone on the internet :lol

But seriously, there's shit that goes on in the gaming forum that makes it both entertaining and terribly sad at the same time. The main factors for me include the 2 or 3 argumentative posters who love to cherry pick posts in threads and derail them in an attempt to "pwn" someone. The peeps who looove to post the same shit every week and argue the exact same points within it ("XBL IS PEER TO PEER!!!", "NINTENDO IS DOOMED!!", etc.) And the most juvenile shit I cant stand is the kiddie "fanboy" labels that like to be thrown around. "YOU'RE AN NBOT, XBOT, PSYBORG!" I really wish kiddie shit like that was included as bannable phrases.


Amir0x said:
You have Chespace, Kobun Heat and jarrod on ignore?
Not chespace, he's one of my favourite posters. All these guys were added quite a while ago and all are pretty rabid Nintendo supporters, people who I would say represent the bad side of Nintendo fandom. Kobun has the added benefit of being pretty ignorant in political matters as well.


I went through all 11 pages hoping for some hate. Even old Zaptruder let me down.

I hate people who change thier avatars every 5 minutes. Find one, and stick with it.


rastex said:
Not chespace, he's one of my favourite posters. All these guys were added quite a while ago and all are pretty rabid Nintendo supporters, people who I would say represent the bad side of Nintendo fandom. Kobun has the added benefit of being pretty ignorant in political matters as well.

He still manages to produce some of the funniest posts on the forum, to the point where I'm willing to slog through his unhealthy polarities. Props to him, I say.

Of course, I don't "hate" anyone. Duh. But Manabyte and Olimario are just embarrasing members of the community. When I picture the big GAF hostel I always imagine those two tucked shamefully away in the boiler room so as not to offend any passerbys.

And Tre' really used to ruffle my feathers as I'm sure he did alot of people (he was good at what he did), but he seems to keep his callousness to #ga now.


DMczaf said:
Miguel and I actually did this a few months ago to see if anyone could tell if we were bullshitting :lol

Flaming Remotes 4 life!

Yeah, there was a bit of debate on whether it would be Frozen or Flaming Remotes, DM eventually decided it'd be Flaming though.

I don't think I hate anyone enough to write a paragraph about. All my hate is sports-driven. I'd just lump in all Spurs/Mavs/Cowboys/Eagles/Titans/Colts/Jaguars/Rangers/Cardinals/Cubs fans here.

I'm really disappointed that no one hates me :( I fail at GAF.

The posters who are all sexist assholes and crude or whatever, than fawn all over the latest forum girl. I'd blame the women for attention whoring, but I don't think saying "I'm a girl" ought to get the response that it does.

People who join a thread to nay-say. It's one thing when it's the latest big thing and you want to weigh in with your opinion, it's another when you reply to every goddamned PBF or Penny Arcade thread just to say it sucks. And it's the same damn people, as if saying it 10 other times wasn't enough. Disco Stu, this means you.

I hate the fuck out of people who can't distinguish a discussion of opinion from some sort of genaralized "quality" or "success" discussion. Like when I was looking for opinions and thoughts about the PSP before its release and commented on how I wasn't that into Nintendo's handhelds and got shit for it.

Gaming elitists. People who use the word "old school" meaning they would jizz their pants if only Nintendo were king of the hill again. People who mythologize the 8 and 16 bit eras of gaming by way of insulting modern games or other people's tastes. I don't mind the opinion, although I disagree-- it's the fucking righteousness that goes with it. And along with those people-- I hate people who only like Japanese games.

People who talk about "polish" and "presentation" as a way of putting somehting else down. Here's a tip-- 90% of those "polished" games are turds, boring as fuck.

People who feel the need to run down some particularly company. Usually Sony, but Nintendo, and MS, too.

I hate people who post in a political thread precisely because some bonehead has made an indefensible post. It's like watchign piranhas. People feeding their need to be right and superior. I lump myself in this category-- I truly hate some of the posts I have made when in hindsight, and brief dismissal would be more appropriate.

Anybody who calls any developer "lazy." Especially somebody who's on a goddamned forum all day.

My last and strongest hate is for all the fanboys (Sony and Nintendo) who are picking winners week to week based on sales in the slow season. It was annoying with the nintendo assholes were predicting death for any Sony portable ("it'll cost $400! Battery life sucks!"), it was more annying when PSP started outselling the DS ("DS is doomed! Third pillar my ass!") and now it's even more annoying with the PSP all but declared dead. And the Propganda Minister picture is getting really old. Are you all so wounded by the fanboys on the other side that you feel justified being an even bigger prick when you get the leg up on them?

MC Safety

Ignatz Mouse said:

People who join a thread to nay-say. It's one thing when it's the latest big thing and you want to weigh in with your opinion, it's another when you reply to every goddamned PBF or Penny Arcade thread just to say it sucks. And it's the same damn people, as if saying it 10 other times wasn't enough. Disco Stu, this means you.

I'll lose quite a bit of sleep over this, Ignatz, and in my great mourning probably won't be able to finish a third bowl of Cookie Crisp today. Yet, in time, I will find the strength to carry on, much like Penny Arcade will summon its reserves, marshal its forces, and squeek out turd after turd each week, enabling me to go onto Gaming Age, publically note that their comics suck, and thus misalign your humours.
MrAngryFace said:
This whole thread is a big bucket of lame. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for not even mentioning me once.


P.S. Disco Stu is neither clever nor funny.


Chipopo said:
He still manages to produce some of the funniest posts on the forum, to the point where I'm willing to slog through his unhealthy polarities. Props to him, I say.
Definitely agreed, and those posts get quoted and referenced and I get to read the funny stuff while missing a lot of their more annoying comments.

MC Safety

Ignatz Mouse said:
I just don't understand *why*. You get something out of it?

There needs to be a why?

People post Penny Arcade comics and solicit opinions on it. I read said posts because hey! I am a masochist and forever punish myself by thinking THIS Penny Arcade will be funny.

But they never are funny. Not one bit with the funniness.

As to what I get out of reading the Penny Arcade comics posted on this message board, well, I would think I get a hearty dose of the punishment I must so subconsciously crave. Because, you know, when Pauly Shore films and reality TV fail, Penny Arcade is always there to administer the beat-down.
Disco Stu said:
I read said posts because hey! I am a masochist and forever punish myself by thinking THIS Penny Arcade will be funny.

But they never are funny. Not one bit with the funniness.

This sounds an awful lot like why I don't have you on ignore!
Disco Stu said:
There needs to be a why?

People post Penny Arcade comics and solicit opinions on it. I read said posts because hey! I am a masochist and forever punish myself by thinking THIS Penny Arcade will be funny.

But they never are funny. Not one bit with the funniness.

As to what I get out of reading the Penny Arcade comics posted on this message board, well, I would think I get a hearty dose of the punishment I must so subconsciously crave. Because, you know, when Pauly Shore films and reality TV fail, Penny Arcade is always there to administer the beat-down.

As part of some sort sort of sadomasochistic ritual, I guess I understand. Good luck with that!
Really what this forum needs is some fear. None of you guys fear the mods. You all think there's some kind of system based on 'rights' here because a few mods dont have the balls to enforce this like a private forum.

The mods who do are swiftly kicked out. So now the animals are running the fucking zoo, flinging their lame shit in every direction waiting to see what sticks so they can jump up and down and hoot n hollar and shove a bag of peanuts up their asses.

Wanna know why I stopped trying? This forum isnt even worth my time to troll anymore. If it isnt the lameass TXB and IGN refugees its the mods that endlessly support their stupid agendas.

Nothing about the gaming forum is intelligent, and the OT forum is on borrowed time. Ive been around this community longer than most, and the rapture is upon us!


shit, a few people allmost killed this thread. thank god the HATE brought us back on track.

Bobety said:
Do it
CO_andy. I can't fucking stand how you always say "iz" in place of "is". I know there are a lot of things people say on this forum that are much more annoying, but for some reason this gets to me more than anything. I could understand if it were a shorter way of typing it BUT IT ISN'T!! IT'S THE SAME AMMOUNT OF LETTERS WHY DO YOU DO IT ARGH I FUCKING HATE YOU.

GODAMMIT! someone else mentiond this before, you and i almost commented, but-

ive posted a minimum of 6-10 times directly to CO_Andy about this, and i know others have too, and that is using restraint. ive wanted to make many many smartass comments about it, but i left it alone.

he'll type "isn't" and then he will type "iz".

someone stop this fucker PLEASE! i believe he is doing it to annoy me at this point.


I can tolerate all the bickering in the gaming forum. Fanboyism?...comes with the territory. The numbers battles etc?.. All in good fun I say. It's what gives this place it's charm afterall. What really pisses me off sometimes though are the mods on occassion who either love the power trip or are just plain assholes. From the shitty comments made that would get others banned in an instant, to the personal attacks etc.. It's all so childish and unnecessary. Sometimes I wonder if it's all to help your ego's in real life. Certainly seems that way. heh. I don't feel I need to make a list, but seriously, some of you guys need to cut the shit.

It's not all the time mind you and most of you are great for the most part. But there are a few that could stand some "retraining" so to speak. :)
MAF really is an elitist dork. I've seen his picture though, so I guess I can't really blame him for venting some frustration online.
DarienA said:
I'm very disappointed that no one here hates me enough to tell me... come on... I'm argumentative, snobbish, stuck up, etc.... well I know some banned folks hate me... but they don't count...

Darrien-- I considered listing you, since you *are* me in a lot of respects, and GAF tends to bring out the parts of me I hate the most.

But then again, you back me up, so.... peace. :)


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ignatz Mouse said:
Darrien-- I considered listing you, since you *are* me in a lot of respects, and GAF tends to bring out the parts of me I hate the most.

But then again, you back me up, so.... peace. :)

It's very possible I am the manifestation of all that is evil in you.... I like the sound of that. ;)


MrAngryFace said:
Really what this forum needs is some fear. None of you guys fear the mods. You all think there's some kind of system based on 'rights' here because a few mods dont have the balls to enforce this like a private forum.

The mods who do are swiftly kicked out. So now the animals are running the fucking zoo, flinging their lame shit in every direction waiting to see what sticks so they can jump up and down and hoot n hollar and shove a bag of peanuts up their asses.

Wanna know why I stopped trying? This forum isnt even worth my time to troll anymore. If it isnt the lameass TXB and IGN refugees its the mods that endlessly support their stupid agendas.

Nothing about the gaming forum is intelligent, and the OT forum is on borrowed time. Ive been around this community longer than most, and the rapture is upon us!


There's a better term for it, but I can't recall, so sue me.


force push the doodoo rock
MrAngryFace said:
Really what this forum needs is some fear. None of you guys fear the mods. You all think there's some kind of system based on 'rights' here because a few mods dont have the balls to enforce this like a private forum.

The mods who do are swiftly kicked out. So now the animals are running the fucking zoo, flinging their lame shit in every direction waiting to see what sticks so they can jump up and down and hoot n hollar and shove a bag of peanuts up their asses.

Wanna know why I stopped trying? This forum isnt even worth my time to troll anymore. If it isnt the lameass TXB and IGN refugees its the mods that endlessly support their stupid agendas.

Nothing about the gaming forum is intelligent, and the OT forum is on borrowed time. Ive been around this community longer than most, and the rapture is upon us!

i dont have an agenda really but its nice to know you think about us so much.
one thing i never got was the Black stallion hate.....the guy was hilarious.

In the post your pic thread, when he interruped the 2 chicks who were cat fighting and tried to hit on them both at the same time...well that had cracking up :lol

also his MAF pumpkin was awesome.


MrAngryFace said:
Really what this forum needs is some fear. None of you guys fear the mods. You all think there's some kind of system based on 'rights' here because a few mods dont have the balls to enforce this like a private forum.

The mods who do are swiftly kicked out. So now the animals are running the fucking zoo, flinging their lame shit in every direction waiting to see what sticks so they can jump up and down and hoot n hollar and shove a bag of peanuts up their asses.

Wanna know why I stopped trying? This forum isnt even worth my time to troll anymore. If it isnt the lameass TXB and IGN refugees its the mods that endlessly support their stupid agendas.

Nothing about the gaming forum is intelligent, and the OT forum is on borrowed time. Ive been around this community longer than most, and the rapture is upon us!

Also I'd like to say I find it amusing how much attention this ^ guy gets. I admit I am amused sometimes, but not for the reasons he believes. I laugh because it's painfully obvious he actually developed some sort of online super ego where he believes his banter to be some kind of magical genius we should all worship. His "Trolls" are pretty lame, his sarcasm is not really funny and most of the time he is just a straight up bastard to everyone. I'm glad he finds it amusing, but I think most actually don't and would probably vote him to be more annoying then anything if asked in some kind of anonymous poll. Most kiss his ass though because he's buddy's with Drinky. I'm sure this has something to do with his claim to GAF fame, but whatever. Lets lay this all out on the table. I think he's just a lame sidekick. Drinky at least has some intelligence and decent wit in his remarks (though Drinky can be a real bastard as well).

In summary, MrAngryface. I'm sorry buddy, but your act doesn't fool me and your really not as awesome as you think you are. Don't take this the wrong way though. I don't dislike you. Just want to get some things out on the table that you may not be aware of. :)

On the other end of the scale, hats off to Demi. I haven't been around forever, but I have to say, I really enjoy your comments and wit. You should convince MrAngryface to pay you for lessons. heh.

I now shall wait for my inevitable banning.
EviLore said:

-No attacks on a person's race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation

tho bashing on gender is totally ok. Bash gays get banned. Bash women, get high fived. I hardly come here so I dont really care, but since you asked.....
onion_pixy said:
tho bashing on gender is totally ok. Bash gays get banned. Bash women, get high fived. I hardly come here so I dont really care, but since you asked.....

So why aren't you up in arms about bashing men being ok?


Ignatz Mouse said:
Darrien-- I considered listing you, since you *are* me in a lot of respects, and GAF tends to bring out the parts of me I hate the most.

But then again, you back me up, so.... peace. :)

Yeah, he's the reason I don't post as much. I don't need to when he's just going to voice my opinion anyway.

Plus I'd rather him get the ban for actually posting some of the shit I think. :D


rollin' in the gutter
Fuck all fanboys. They are pathetic and on other forums they are pathetic and uninformed, which is hundreds of times worse.

Fuck Halo haters. Fuck people that think Halo 2 > 1

Fuck bitwise, he was garbage when he started posting, i really don't care what he's doing now.

Fuck the masses that have flooded the board during e3. People like turokn64 are not contributing shit.

And fuck me for not being on gaf as much.


Tenacious-V Redux

this is vBulletin-for-beginners level stuff that hasn't been fixed yet.
The two-minutes' love thread is stalled at 15 replies... this one keeps on going!

Oh, and not on the same scale, but all you fuckers who talk about how many pages a thread is, or whihc page of thread something is on... some of us have changed the default, assholes!
If I could fuse OT Drinky and Gaming Kobun, Drinkobun might be my favorite poster. On the other hand the experiment would probably fail and I'd end up with OT Kobun + Gaming Drinky, who'd be a total jerkface.

GAKMAN I don't so much hate as take as a warning. I've been known to make fake controller/device mockups and write longass explanations on things I wish would happen... but then I see him do similar things to the next level, and realize that anyone who didn't care or agree in the first place probably won't afterward, and will more than anything be annoyed at the prospect of reading several pages of explanation to get the idea.

What I really get annoyed at are threads/posts that are taken to be somewhat argumentative, at which point a dozen people will type "Time to get the popcorn!" or post images of popcorn, yada yada yada. It's just a damn waste of space and time, but I'd feel like a hypocrite going further off the thread's topic to say so at any given instance.

Olimario isn't so bad. But damn, he just continues to walk into self-placed bear traps with the pictures of neighbors and manhood and all. And the cousin thing. And... well, I guess he's a pretty good example of why I'm mostly a private guy.

Unlike some people, I rarely have any issue with the moderation around here. Use common sense, don't get involved in any silly drama, and it's pretty safe.


rollin' in the gutter
Ignatz Mouse said:
The two-minutes' love thread is stalled at 15 replies... this one keeps on going!

Oh, and not on the same scale, but all you fuckers who talk about how many pages a thread is, or whihc page of thread something is on... some of us have changed the default, assholes!

Oh yeah, fuck everyone that hasn't changed the default to 100 posts per page :p
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