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Two Minutes Hate, redux

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I would like to say that sports fans from Chicago and Houston are really fucking annoying.

And I still hate demi.


Simply put I hate all of you. Well maybe hate is too strong of a word but seriously all the "major" posters here suck now. Maybe my standards are too high because I remember how GAF used to be around 98-00. Back then the forum had a much more fun vibe and I felt like I *had* to post in some topics because they were so interesting or the debate were so intriguing that I had to put my 2 cents in. Then the switch to to the ezboard and the forum spilt into Gaming and off-topic (and other sub-forums) and IMO a lot of the topics and discussion lost their flair. Soon a lot of idiots from other ezboards and other forums round the net joined and some never left. It seems like the idiocy spread to even the more prominent members of the board. But really its all of you who take the blame:
The forum members who make it their buisness to do nothing but make the same kind of threads that do nothing but prompt the same tedious debates, do nothing but troll, say the same damn stupid ass phrases, don't add anything to threads, and just don't contribute
The mods who do their job hypocritcally, ban members for petty reasons, act like asshole when someone questions them, don't contribute to the forum themselves, strickly enforce minor offenses while being lenient to their poster(s) of choice, and take their job too seriously while not doing the basic job of a moderator which is moderating the discussion. You see a poster who does nothing but troll? Ban him! You see a poster who adds nothing to the forum and does nothing but annoy and belittle others? Ban him! Someone who is a repeat violator of the TOS? Ban his ass! That's all there is to it. You don't ban someone because you dissagree with what he said or gets a tad carried away in an arguement. You don't ban someone for posting at another board or because of what they said at another board. You don't ban someone because of a stupid catchphrase that you indirectly allowed to become annoying.

Seriously this board has turned from an oasis in the world of online gaming forums to a place full of elitist, self-righteous bastards.don't get me wrong I still enjoy some topics but really this place has gone downhill. That is why I mostly lurk. There's no heart to this place no more. The allure is gone...


I hate anime fans who like to use Japanese name for the hell of it even though there are perfectly fine English alternatives that they very much know about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate Link316. He's a two-faced Nintendo hater who makes good use twisting facts and details to derail Nintendo. Things like REOutbreak File 2 being more detailed than RE4 (before the PS2 port mind you), Viewtiful Joe bombing being Capcom's fault after the PS2 version bombed, Killer7 selling 5K on the Japanese GC even if the PS2 one never existed, when PSP outsells DS for one week after a winning streak he considers it "back to normal", trolling Nintendo about the Wario Ware Touched recall by claiming he owned the game when he clearly didn't. He's smart for not doing stuff like that here in an obvious way; thank the lord for that because it shows he's scared of getting banned. Maybe he's just sarcastic, I dunno.

I hate Galian Beast aka Hello GAF! I am an idiot! for obvious reasons. He IS an idiot, he's also a real asshole whose got his facts wrong.

Amir0x for hating Pokemon so much. =( (I still like you :D)\

You know, that's pretty much it. GAF's alright when it comes to tolerable people...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
duderon said:
Fuck Halo haters. Fuck people that think Halo 2 > 1

and fuck you for continually removing me from your friendslist! :)


Ok off that point... the one thing I _really_ hate is where everyone has to be labeled... "You're an xbot! Psyborg! Ndrone! republican! liberal!" etc etc. It's rather annoying.



and people who think 2nd party is a widely used term! :D


the_geche said:
Seriously this board has turned from an oasis in the world of online gaming forums to a place full of elitist, self-righteous bastards.don't get me wrong I still enjoy some topics but really this place has gone downhill. That is why I mostly lurk. There's no heart to this place no more. The allure is gone...

Yup, something has changed in the past 6 months, it might just be the natural ebb and flow of forums, or a permanent jump the shark type of thing. Looking at the topics on the front page we're starting to see more of a trend of discussions focusing on the players themselves instead of the games. I mean there are like 5 topics right now that are like "What's your favourite X?" which focus on how people react to the games instead of the games themselves. I'd love to see more discussion about the GAMES, about the mechanics that go into the games, about how the presentation affects the game and just get into the nitty gritty of things. But it seems that people here don't really play games that much anymore, and thus have to talk about what they think of the games they've played instead of talking about what they're playing.


I wonder what the fact that this topic is still going strong says about us or this board. Maybe some kind of change is in order (and no, going Nazi-age/Something Awful II/banning everyone who looks at someone crosseyed isn't the answer)


Mistaken iRobbery!
I have a list of ignore posters that seems to be because of petty posts, but there is one poster I feel I have to vent my two minute hate:

trippingmartin - Your little "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is not a real gangster game" fiasco last year made me upset and I was glad you got banned but disappointed when you came back. No sort of backpeddeling could have saved you from being unbanned after that kind of racial hate you displayed.


Queen of Denmark
I'd like to add that I really don't appreciate people who can't resist throwing in little condescending digs in to what would otherwise be a civilized debate. Stuff like "...and you should really read this beforehand before posting and sounding like an idiot" or "Uh...you never heard of that? LOL" is worthless and only serves to foster ill-will and escalations of nastiness. Are these people so insecure that they feel the need to belittle someone who was nothing but civil to them?

That really does make me want to punch someone in the throat.


I hate:
Mike Works
Lately they havent seemed so bad... but Im pretty sure its because there hasnt been a real NHL thread in a long while.

Demi - Goes without saying.
Sporks - What happened? You used to be cool, man. =| Tom Green act is getting old.
Jinx - was a total fucking party pooper. Zero sense of humour.
Goodcow - Jesus fuck.. we get it. You like amazon. You order things all the fucking time. STOP MAKING THREADS ABOUT AMAZON. Also stop with threads on ups/fedex/whatever shipping company. And stop being such a prick over shit like saving 75cents. Also.. why the fuck are you so obsessed with cows? Its fucking disturbing and not cool at all.
Enjoy Bell Woods - Shut the fuck up. Nothing but an annoying thread derailing prick. Get a new hobby. Music really isnt that important.
Diablos (and anyone who participates in the lyrics threads) - Who the hell is reading these stupid threads? Are you jerkoffs seriously reading through these mind numbing lyrics? Last time I thought music was this important was when I was 14. Get a life.

Shinobi - Ok you dont belong in the hate list. I love you... but come on with the racing shit. You know its not a real sport :lol Also you dont even have your license. My grandmother is more qualified to talk about racing than you. (I expect to be thoroughly owned :D ) That and you dont hang with the awesome P-CREW anymore.

Any of you anime collecting fruities - Just stop. It doesnt make you cool. Talk all you want about it being mature.. but its not. Its stupid. Its meant for children. Get a life.

Oh yeah.. and whoever said "nice try, retard" to me in that sports thread yesterday. Calm down you tard. OH NOES I MADE FUN OF TENNIS.
dem said:
I hate:
Shinobi - Ok you dont belong in the hate list. I love you... but come on with the racing shit. You know its not a real sport :lol Also you dont even have your license. My grandmother is more qualified to talk about racing than you. (I expect to be thoroughly owned :D ) That and you dont hang with the awesome P-CREW anymore.

OH your gonna be fucking dead.


force push the doodoo rock
Musashi Wins! said:

And I thought I was the only one who thought Sp0rsk was doing a tom greene impression.

does it really seem like im doing a tom green impression?

i didnt even know i was!

Musashi Wins!

sp0rsk said:
does it really seem like im doing a tom green impression?

i didnt even know i was!

you have a very tom green sort of feel. i hope you have the sp0rsk version of drew barrymore for a brief interlude.

are you canadian? that's probably the problem.


MrAngryFace said:
Really what this forum needs is some fear. None of you guys fear the mods. You all think there's some kind of system based on 'rights' here because a few mods dont have the balls to enforce this like a private forum.

blah blah blah

One of the major reasons for the downturn in quality of GAF moderation, like it or not, was the seperation from the main site--when the moderation went from a guard to a owner position, a lot changed. :p
I dont think some of you understand my stance on moderation. I dont care about trolls. There are good trolls and bad trolls. Good fans and bad fans. It takes a ruthless mind to sort it out using a certain kind of fear-based moderation, and in the past DaveT and I kept this place in shape. Now its just a dumping grounds for people who can only make up an argument by saying I care a lot or some shit like that.

Oh poor maf thanks for caring, oh poor maf blah blah. Avoiding my point entirely by attempting to make me go all JINX on everyone.

Also, I think geche has been around to see my point.

Simply put I hate all of you. Well maybe hate is too strong of a word but seriously all the "major" posters here suck now. Maybe my standards are too high because I remember how GAF used to be around 98-00. Back then the forum had a much more fun vibe and I felt like I *had* to post in some topics because they were so interesting or the debate were so intriguing that I had to put my 2 cents in.

Most of you are too new to remember the forum being a good place for discussion. Of course instead of discussing this you can reply with snide remarks and catch phrases and pics maybe of me being "owned". I mean honestly, the personality of the GA Forums has become that of a 30 second TV commercial on FOX TV.

Simply put, the moderation 'team' aka 'random collection of people that rub elbows together and play stupid word games in #GA' has done a horrible job actually moderating the forum. They spend too much time worrying about appearing 'fair' on a PRIVATE FORUM instead of actually moderating the forum with any consistancy.

AM I FAIR?! HOW DO I APPEAR?! DO THEY LIKE ME AS A MOD?! DO THE PEOPLE IN #GA AGREE WITH ME? The mods with actually confidence in how they MODERATE have all been banned by this bizzare syndicate *#GA*.


border said:
Can you make fun of someone's physical disability, mental/physical illness, physique/looks, gender, or if they gave a blowjob in a public restroom?

border is my new favourite person for bringing that up


I won't name names, and it's already been stated, but I hate people who habitually post one-sentence, worthless replies to any and every thread like it's an IRC chat. I don't mind the occasional petty reply or injection of humor, and I realize the ignore button is an option, but at the same time I don't think I should have to use it. To me, the forum should be used for some actual discussion, and not as a medium for people to rack up a massive post count and see their avatar plastered all over every last fucking thread.

Musashi Wins!

Limedust said:
I won't name names, and it's already been stated, but I hate people who habitually post one-sentence, worthless replies to any and every thread like it's an IRC chat. I don't mind the occasional petty reply or injection of humor, and I realize the ignore button is an option, but at the same time I don't think I should have to use it. To me, the forum should be used for some actual discussion, and not as a medium for people to rack up a massive post count and see their avatar plastered all over every last fucking thread.

what is your awesome avatar from?


I hate people that think PBF is the funniest fucking thing ever and then can't understand why you don't see teh funny. The only one I've ever laughed at was the unicorn one... =/ I've tried to enjoy them...
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