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Two prisoners have escaped from HMP Pentonville prison (UK)

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Two prisoners have escaped from HMP Pentonville (UK), the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has said.

The escape was discovered when officers carrying out checks found two pillows made to look like bodies in the prisoners' beds on Monday.

It is understood the inmates, aged 28 and 31, used diamond-tipped cutting equipment to break through cell bars before they scaled the perimeter wall.

Both were on remand, one for attempted murder and the other for burglary.
Inmates removed after HMP Bedford riot.

The men were not required for prison work, which is why they were not reported missing until 12:00 GMT, the BBC's home affairs correspondent Danny Shaw said.

He added staff were expected to conduct a visual check on prisoners at about 07:00 GMT.

It is understood pillows in their cells were made to look like bodies, but it's not clear if they had other objects or coverings on them.

Initial reports suggested mannequins had been left in the beds.

A prison spokesperson said: "Public protection is our top priority and we take escapes from custody extremely seriously.

"We are working closely with the police and are urgently investigating the matter."
The escaped prisoners were on G wing, the same wing where 21-year-old prisoner Jamal Mahmoud was fatally stabbed last month.

Basana Kimbembi, 34, has been charged with his murder.

Following the attack, about half of the 200 prison officers passed a vote of no confidence in Pentonville governor Kevin Reilly.



I remember when my town's prison had a prisoner convicted of murder escape. We got days off school and everything. It was great except we weren't allowed to go outside. :(
Where do you get mannequins and diamond-tipped cutting equipment in prison?

There's a topic for this already, but to answer this question anyway:
Pentonville has a ludicrous problem of things being smuggled into the prison, due to the condition of the building and the lack of staff.


When I was 19 or 20 I was driving with my friends at about 1 AM. We got stopped at a DUI checkpoint. It had the big checkpoint sign the area police used in those situations. It all seemed normal as I waited behind a couple of other cars, until it was my turn. I'd been stopped at DUI checkpoints late at night before. We lived in an out of the way area and unfortunately there wasn't really a way to get to and from bars that didn't involve driving.

This one was different. It was 4 obviously underage people very late at night. We were in my mom's station wagon with a big cooler clearly visible in the back. They didn't ask for IDs, what was in the cooler, if we'd been drinking, or where we were coming from. They asked if anyone had attempted to enter our vehicle on the road, if we'd seen anyone suspicious, and then told us to head straight home and not to stop for anyone.

When we got back to my friend's apartment we turned on the news and found out a couple of convicted murderers had escaped from the prison that was about a mile from the spot we were stopped.

How do people escape from prison in this day and age?

In the most fictitious of ways too

In my story they'd tied bed sheets together and gone out the window. Seriously.
Where do you get mannequins and diamond-tipped cutting equipment in prison?



How do people escape from prison in this day and age?
There's a prison near me where a transgender woman managed to escape, albeit briefly, by dressing up in casual clothes and simply walked out the door. In an all-male prison, you wouldn't suspect a woman walking out the entrance door.


Fuck me! thats pretty close to where i live! Is violent crime a thing in the UK ?

I'm gonna sleep with a pillow under all the knifes tonight.
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