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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Nah, not really. Post took a few minutes on my phone to write. So no need for the snark.

And generally, discussions/proposed legislation like this revolve around high profile events. Not the gun violence that occurs everyday in individual crimes. So its not really much of a stretch.

The US has had terrorist events happen before, especially in the 1990s. High profile and high loss of life. Foreign and domestic. WTC was even attacked before. Although loss of life wasn't nearly as high or anything. But the motivations leading up to 9/11 were similar. And the legislation was done under the guise of protecting the people. And continues to be a massive miskate nearly 15 years later. I guess at least with the TSA I get to pay $50 for the privilege of not being acosted.

Reactionary legislation = bad.

Yes, really. And I don't know what snark you are referring to. The reference to the talking points is about how often these debates take place, not about you personally. Not sure how you could interpret it any other way.

9/11 was unprecedented in substantial ways. Are you really going to debate this? The fact that terrorists had committed attacks before doesn't change that. The shooting we saw today is extremely common by comparison. Any legislation that is discussed in light of this will just be a continuation of discussions that have already taken place for decades.
I can tell you right know a complete banning of guns will lead to disaster here in America. The land of the free will always find a way to feel free. So expect the black market to implode and possibly more deaths in result.

America is fucked on this topic.

When gun prices inflate to 30k on the black market, I don't think we'll have too much to worry about. Less to worry about than we do now, at least.

RIP to the victims. Senseless and avoidable incidents like these are truly heartbreaking.
I think it's way too early to blame "Mental Health" on what this guy did and no amount of gun legislation would've stopped him. He wanted to kill people during a live broadcast and he succeeded. If not a gun, it would've been a knife. If not a legal gun, it would've been a black market gun.

He knew where the reporters were filming live. He was capable of being smart enough to make the decision to kill those people, the people who had little to no relation to his termination.

If he makes it out of this situation alive, I'd love nothing more than life without parole.


I have to say that is one of the most horrific videos I have seen online for quite sometime, as it really illustrates how easily one human being can take another human being's life if they choose to do so.
Hearing the anchor's screams, and her statement of "Oh My God" knowing she was just shot and was about to die is almost too intense.
I obviously watched the video but now I am not sure if I should have, and I am also not sure if news outlets should be posting it like they are.
I know it will end up online regardless, but I almost feel as if let people really have to search for it if they want to watch it. With the main news outlets posting like they are, I really hate to say it but I just believe that will encourage other people to possibly do the same thing.

We are way past the Roman Coliseum with Social Media. Way past it.


Not to pile on with the whole gun control thing but it's depressing seeing this knowing... nothing at all is going to change. Stuff like this will happen in the future. We won't be taking the necessary steps to at least try and put an end to it. Like another poster said earlier, if little kids being massacred in school doesn't change anything, nothing will.

RIP to the two people who were just doing their jobs. Hopefully the other lady pulls through.


Limbaugh Parrot
Virginia news stations reporting the gunman is Lester Lee Flanagan, he may be in a 2009, gray Ford Mustang with Virginia license plate WZE-8846

EDIT: Vehicle at the airport
Reacting to tragedies caused by flaws in society by taking rational measures makes too much sense, you're right. It's not like Australia banned guns after one massacre and they have yet to see another occur in over a decade. Oh wait...
Australia also censors art.

People like to bring up other areas as if prevailing thoughts in the US are remotely comparable.

A ban isn't going to happen. Period. Your best bet is to target background checks and other items like that. Proposing a ban is untenable and unrealistic. A non-starter if you will. The US isn't Australia.
I have to say that is one of the most horrific videos I have seen online for quite sometime, as it really illustrates how easily one human being can take another human being's life if they choose to do so.
Hearing the anchor's screams, and her statement of "Oh My God" knowing she was just shot and was about to die is almost too intense.
I obviously watched the video but now I am not sure if I should have, and I am also not sure if news outlets should be posting it like they are.
I know it will end up online regardless, but I almost feel as if let people really have to search for it if they want to watch it. With the main news outlets posting like they are, I really hate to say it but I just believe that will encourage other people to possibly do the same thing.

We are way past the Roman Coliseum with Social Media. Way past it.

Imagine if it was your sister or daughter and the entire internet saw her die on video. Terrible 😖 Ban guns and ban releasing videos like this.
The majority support gun control though.


I support gun control, but to be honest I doubt if it will make that big of a dent into this issue.

That said the only way to make it worse, is people having more guns.


Limbaugh Parrot
From WUSA9 in Virginia:

"Augusta County Sheriff's Office reports that police are looking for Lester Lee Flanagan. He may be in a 2009, gray Ford Mustang with Virginia tags WZE-8846. He was described as a light skinned black male, with brown eyes and black hair, 6 foot 3 inches tall and approximately 250 pounds. They believe he is armed with a handgun."


Suspect's name is VESTER and NOT Lester as previously reported


I think it's way too early to blame "Mental Health" on what this guy did and no amount of gun legislation would've stopped him. He wanted to kill people during a live broadcast and he succeeded. If not a gun, it would've been a knife. If not a legal gun, it would've been a black market gun.

He knew where the reporters were filming live. He was capable of being smart enough to make the decision to kill those people, the people who had little to no relation to his termination.

If he makes it out of this situation alive, I'd love nothing more than life without parole.
It's not about stopping him, it's about stopping people like him in the future.


The majority support gun control though.


Yeah... Gun reform doesn't mean take everyone's guns away, it just means that when people do buy guns, they are mentally healthy and have a clean background. It definitely won't stop all gun violence, but it is still something that is much needed.


I have to say that is one of the most horrific videos I have seen online for quite sometime, as it really illustrates how easily one human being can take another human being's life if they choose to do so.
Hearing the anchor's screams, and her statement of "Oh My God" knowing she was just shot and was about to die is almost too intense.
I obviously watched the video but now I am not sure if I should have, and I am also not sure if news outlets should be posting it like they are.
I know it will end up online regardless, but I almost feel as if let people really have to search for it if they want to watch it. With the main news outlets posting like they are, I really hate to say it but I just believe that will encourage other people to possibly do the same thing.

We are way past the Roman Coliseum with Social Media. Way past it.

Yeah, we're effectively seeing the last moments of two lives. I think it really highlights how fragile and unpredictable life is. The reporter and cameraman woke up and started the day thinking it would just be another regular day at work. I'd expect to see this sort of thing in a warzone.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
God, that was awful. That video got me all shook up. I can't begin to imagine how those close to the victims feel.


I have to say that is one of the most horrific videos I have seen online for quite sometime, as it really illustrates how easily one human being can take another human being's life if they choose to do so.
Hearing the anchor's screams, and her statement of "Oh My God" knowing she was just shot and was about to die is almost too intense.
I obviously watched the video but now I am not sure if I should have, and I am also not sure if news outlets should be posting it like they are.
I know it will end up online regardless, but I almost feel as if let people really have to search for it if they want to watch it. With the main news outlets posting like they are, I really hate to say it but I just believe that will encourage other people to possibly do the same thing.

We are way past the Roman Coliseum with Social Media. Way past it.

It's hard to watch.. and heart wrenching. It's real as hell though and I feel like it's a reality check in what real gun violence is and the horror it is, versus the romanticized version of it we constantly see on television shows and movies. It sucks, it just plain sucks.
So glad all this rapid fire information is accurate and useful....

It's not as if this is reddit and we're propagating this info to people all over the world. At least from my perspective I just want to see the guy caught and following this thread will help me to get some sleep this morning knowing if they do catch him
I think it's way too early to blame "Mental Health" on what this guy did and no amount of gun legislation would've stopped him. He wanted to kill people during a live broadcast and he succeeded. If not a gun, it would've been a knife. If not a legal gun, it would've been a black market gun.

He knew where the reporters were filming live. He was capable of being smart enough to make the decision to kill those people, the people who had little to no relation to his termination.

If he makes it out of this situation alive, I'd love nothing more than life without parole.

The gun argument stems from being easily equipped with a weapon that can murder multiple persons in a matter of seconds. Sure, someone could go on a knifing rampage but what's the likelihood they would kill two, three, or four people so quickly? Or are you one of those people who thinks Sandy Hook could've been as awful if the murderer had a knife instead of a gun?

and the whole black market thing is stupid. With tighter regulation, you make it more difficult to acquire guns in any market. Prices rise in the black market, they become harder to get at, and the likelihood of a mentally disturbed person going through the hoops of getting guns in the black market is a lot less likely than what's in place now.

in short, yes there will always be a madman who is capable of gaining access to guns. But why are we sitting here making it so easy for them?


It's probably going to come out that this dude was a seemingly sane and rational person with no prior convictions (parking tickets maybe) that was pushed over the edge by some emotional event such as getting fired.

He would have never been flagged as dangerous when he bought the gun.

Perfectly 'normal' humans can be driven to crazy shit like this when something effects their mental state, the only way to stop them from shooting people is to not let them get guns period, and that is an untenable position as it's in the US Constitution.

If you're literally living in fear of guns to the point it's affecting your life, it might be time to consider emigrating to a gun-free country.

This is coming from someone living in the UK.
CBS News ‏@CBSNews 1m1 minute ago
JUST IN: #WDBJ shooting suspect identified as Vester Flanagan, sources confirm to CBS News http://cbsn.ws/1JjdXNK

So the name has been released , crazy stuff . Cnn just showed a photo of the suspect


CNN: Here's the shooter!

CNN: We were given incorrect information. Please remember these situations go in many different directions, we just report what we are told.

CNN: Here's the shooter!
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