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Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot |OT| of Windows + OSX best features in free flavour

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When I was upgrading after it finished downloading some of the packages didn't install right and the installer crashed at like 97%. I restarted and noticed a few glitches, is there a way to see what files I'm missing or is a reinstall the only way to go about this?


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FreezeSSC said:
When I was upgrading after it finished downloading some of the packages didn't install right and the installer crashed at like 97%. I restarted and noticed a few glitches, is there a way to see what files I'm missing or is a reinstall the only way to go about this?

I'd personally reinstall as bad as that proposition may seem. :/


Any decent way to get gadgets, like rainmeter?

Edit: Also, I have an Ati 4890, should I install the official drivers? If so, should I choose the option with "post-release updates"?


I hated Unity in 11.04. It made me try going back to Fedora which I had flirted with in the past. But my home partition is secured so it was something I didn't have time to fix.

I've been using 11.10 for since the first alpha. Unity has improved a lot, but damnit now that gnome3 is all there it is pointless. Use gnome-shell. It's a thing of beauty and is a fuckton slicker than Unity.

If I had the time I would go back to Arch. That was always my favourite distro. So elegant.


Sebulon3k said:
Installed it fine, was running a bit slow while it imported things, but didn't run into many problems otherwise.

Trying to figure out how to mount my windows partition so that I can listen to music on Banshee.

If you want your windows partitions to be already mounted you would need to edit /etc/fstab

If you just want to mount them temporarily, they should appear in places and a double click will mount them automatically until the next restart.

To list the partitions just do a

sudo fdisk -l

then edit fstab as root

gksudo gedit /etc/fstab

and add one line per partition to the file

<your partition> /media/<mount point> ntfs-3g defaults,user,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0

where your partition is /dev/sdXX (sda1,sda2,sdb1,etc...) and mount point is a directory where you want it to be mounted (/media/windows, /media/storage, etc...). Remember that you have to create the folder where it's gonna be mounted.

Then a reboot will make them be mounted automatically, or you can directly mount them with

mount <mount point>


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I always just do the double click thing and my windows stuff mounts for the session. Considering it takes like 2 seconds it's no big deal for me.
I wanted to update then I noticed I was using 10.04


EDIT : Oh, and is it only me or the download speed is really low ?


Well, finally got the balls to install it, removing my awesome 11.04 install.

wow, unity still sucks.

Let's get it from the start.

1) Installer is kind of cool, detected my webcam and asked to take a pic for the login screen. Was much faster than 11.04. Still, if you don't have an internet connection the first screen is a blank page of nothingness. It's quite confusing if you don't know what should be there when you have a connection.
2) There is still a "SKIP" button in the installer. I still don't know what the fuck its supposed to do, very confusing. Does it skips the installation? Does it skips the current task? They should fix it asap if they expect someone to install ubuntu without worrying.
3)Unity 3d sucks, way hard. It's worst than it was on 11.04. First boot, it dies in 3 minutes. Second boot, Xorg taking 100% of my quadcore. Shit is crazy, do they expect people to really use it?
4) Login screen is freaking beautiful. Good one canonical. And we finally have controls for sound in it! Now, where is the network controls? They should be there as well.
5) Settings menu. Why isn't resolution and wallpaper together? Why is there a resolution number in the wallpaper screen? Is that my resolution or the wallpaper size? Confusing for beginners.
6) Holy blurry fonts batman. They need to start including nvidia/ati drivers already installed from the start. It's painful to watch the fonts being so bad. If you expect ubuntu to be used by casual users, give them reasons to do so. An offline install of ubuntu should never look this shitty out of the box ever.
7) Sound it's not detected, where it was before. Kernel regression? Fedora 16 detects it and it has a 3.x kernel as well.
8) Unity 2D without propietary drivers is still slow as hell. And the stupid sidebar takes a while to pop out and sometimes it nevers do. Needs more work.
9) Nautilus. Clean and simple. I like it. Still, the control buttons on the far rigth makes no sense. I guess the next step is to remove them and just use the navigation bar.
10) Unity 2D still has the sidebar issue of not being able to pin new apps where you want to, and instead puts them at the bottom. I filed a bug report in 11.04 about it and it was closed with no answer. I guess its a tech issue and can't be done.
11) Firefox sucks balls. I can't believe its still that slow.

P.D.: Having only a phone connection as internet gateway sucks. Downloading things at 10kbps is painful.

Will try to update and add more as soon as my sources gets updated and I can install nvidia drivers. Im not even able to proof-read what wrote due to the blurriness of the fonts. Ugh.

Edit: Couple of things I forgot.

12) Jockey still sucks. Hangs up so easily it's incredible it sometimes work.
13) The installer screen "WHO ARE YOU?" should be changed to "create an account" or something like that. Maybe it's a translation issue?


The Amiga Brotherhood
I couldn't wait any longer so I bought a new ssd and installed it on my main computer today. I have been running gnome-shell/11.10alpha-beta on my laptop for months so it was time to take the step.


Only complaints so far:
-The settings menu makes less and less sense and seems to have less and less things with each release. Why do I have to go into five different settings, as itxaka notes, to change things that seem like they should all be under one. Screen dimming has been in power forever, now it's in screen, why not put a link or note or something? I mean it makes sense now, it is SCREEN, but that used to be like resolutions and stuff.
-Took like four hours to install for some reason, not download, just install, don't remember an upgrade ever taking that long.
-I think I prefer the icon in the upper left for the Unity bar, I had it set to only trigger up there, but that's probably just me.
-The power bug that's still around, though "pcie_aspm=force" seems to alleviate that.
-There's two distribution updates for Evolution (which I don't have installed) that I can't only not check to install but won't go away from update manager.
-Related, every time I restart this one PPA keeps reappearing despite me removing it.
-Start-up time. :(


upgraded from 11.04 and god damn i'm getting a lot of bugs, especially with my wireless dongle connecting and disconnecting. I wish they had a driver for linux :(


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
i know this is probably very basic, but in order to install ubuntu on my xp laptop, i need to make another partition. how do i go about doing this? can i do it from the ubuntu side?


Ubuntu problems I need perma fixing for goodage of Ubuntu vis a vis my laptop.

1. Power usage, it uses more than Win 7
2. Freezes when I 'sleep' or close the laptop lid
3. Middle click doesnt work with 2 finger tap.


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Parallax said:
i know this is probably very basic, but in order to install ubuntu on my xp laptop, i need to make another partition. how do i go about doing this? can i do it from the ubuntu side?

Actually if you want to install it through Windows you can use Wubi and it'll do all of that shit for you.

Read Up On Wubi Installer!

Then if you ever want to get rid of Ubuntu you just uninstall it in add/remove programs.
Fuck it, I'm upgrading from 11.04 on my netbook, upgrading has always been a problem in the past but I'm feeling risky tonite. Let's see how it goes.


Parallax said:
i know this is probably very basic, but in order to install ubuntu on my xp laptop, i need to make another partition. how do i go about doing this? can i do it from the ubuntu side?
While installing Ubuntu select "install alongside current OS" or something like that, and it gives you a cool little slider. Just select how much space you want to dedicate from there =)


Ugh okay so i reinstalled and now i cant install any software. When trying to install flash i get "requires installation of untrusted packages" any ideas for a Linux noob?


Wow, so strange - I unexpectedly installed 11.10 on a netbook today and I didn't realize it was a major release, only 2 days old!

I am super impressed by the ease of installing and configuration. Blows my mind that the whose package is totally free. An all-around lovely experience for heavy web users.

Question - How do I bypass the login screen, and auto login basically.

Also, how do I get the 2D interface to stay the default?
Upgrade went ok, dropbox and flash were killed in the process but for an ubuntu upgrade it's minimal harm, I'm actually very glad I have a fully functional OS heh. Fresh wallpapers! I did notice the appearance options are inferior unless I'm missing something (want to make the system fonts smaller). Feels like a solid release.
I think I may have bumped an old topic so I'll repost here.

I've been using Ubuntu for about a month now and love it but I sometimes get this weird text problem. I tolerate it as it doesn't bother me but I've recently put Ubuntu on my girlfriend's mom's laptop as she didn't want to pay for Windows. She likes it but this text problem is really bothering her. I'm on her laptop right now and below is some screenshots to show what I mean.

http://i52.tinypic.com/2v36fb5.png (the g's in this pic)

http://i54.tinypic.com/2dqueth.png (the u's in this one)

What can I do to get rid of it?


LastWindow said:
I think I may have bumped an old topic so I'll repost here.

I've been using Ubuntu for about a month now and love it but I sometimes get this weird text problem. I tolerate it as it doesn't bother me but I've recently put Ubuntu on my girlfriend's mom's laptop as she didn't want to pay for Windows. She likes it but this text problem is really bothering her. I'm on her laptop right now and below is some screenshots to show what I mean.

http://i52.tinypic.com/2v36fb5.png (the g's in this pic)

http://i54.tinypic.com/2dqueth.png (the u's in this one)

What can I do to get rid of it?

Try installing the Microsoft True Type fonts with 'apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer'.


guys, how the fuck do i install things? i'm trying to install the linux driver for my wireless dongle and the Java Development Kit but i don't know how ;_;


Fatalah said:
Question - How do I bypass the login screen, and auto login basically.

Also, how do I get the 2D interface to stay the default?


2. Did you change it from the login screen? When I do that it stays 2D for me. Even after restart


Trip Warhawkins said:
I did notice the appearance options are inferior unless I'm missing something (want to make the system fonts smaller). Feels like a solid release.

You are going to have to install something to mess with font-sizes

sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool


Can anyone help me? i'm trying to install an rpm file.

Edit: got it, not i'm trying to install tar.gz files ;_;


Jzero15 said:
Can anyone help me? i'm trying to install an rpm file.
In short, Ubuntu's package manager doesn't use RPM files, see if the program you want has a .deb file available for download instead - if you can't find it in the Software Center.

A bit longer story is that I think you can convert RPM files to .deb, but I have no experience at all with that.

When installing drivers the best tip is to read the README or some other text file with installation instructions.


Do you guys know if they made the boot loader less of a pain in the ass for dual booting with this version?

I installed Ubuntu alongside Win7 x64, on a separate partition on the same drive. Long story short, it thought it configured itself to be able to load Windows, but it didn't, and would not load (black screen, then back to OS choice menu).

I don't know if it's because of the SATA controller on my mobo (Intel ICH9 iirc), but I'm not even using RAID, so it's all quite fursturating... I really want to use Ubuntu but it pisses me off that the so-called easy to use installer can't even see my Windows partition!


Diablos said:
Do you guys know if they made the boot loader less of a pain in the ass for dual booting with this version?

I installed Ubuntu alongside Win7 x64, on a separate partition on the same drive. Long story short, it thought it configured itself to be able to load Windows, but it didn't, and would not load (black screen, then back to OS choice menu).

I don't know if it's because of the SATA controller on my mobo (Intel ICH9 iirc), but I'm not even using RAID, so it's all quite fursturating... I really want to use Ubuntu but it pisses me off that the so-called easy to use installer can't even see my Windows partition!
Use Wubi?

Otherwise I really don't know what you are saying. It might have just been you had a bad iso or you messed up somewhere along the installation(first time I installed Ubuntu I ended up killing Windows and Ubuntu ;_;)
just wasted 3 hours of my life trying to get this to work. :-|

long story short, ubuntu doesn't like my multiple partitions on seperate drives and really hates my monitor.

I try to install ubuntu every few years and its always too problematic to bother with. forget it.


Jzero15 said:
I was actually going to make Ubuntu my main Os but the wifi problem is too annoying.
What USB dongle do you have and where did you get the driver? Honestly Ubuntu is good but I don't ever see it being a replacement for Windows


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Jzero15 said:
I was actually going to make Ubuntu my main Os but the wifi problem is too annoying.

If they have the source just make your own install and boom done. That or go to the software center and install synaptic and find your drivers in synaptic.


I booted 11.10 from a USB flash drive and it seems really crashy. Nautilus crashed, for instance. And sometimes the GUI shell doesn't feel like shutting down or rebooting (I have to run reboot from a terminal window). This is on a notebook which runs 10.04 perfectly.

The proprietary driver utility no longer offers an NVIDIA driver for my GPU (8600M) so I'm using the generic driver which comes built in. Maybe that's the reason for the instability. On 10.04 I'm using the proprietary driver. Why was support for the 8600M withdrawn in 11.10? Yeah, this notebook is a few years old but it's hardly obsolete junk. Works fine running Windows and Ubuntu 10.04.

Sorry to moan here. I should be posting on the Ubuntu forum.



Just wanted to pop by and say that I am now on 11.10 and unity is an utter piece of shit. Disgusting. And now, I can't even switch back to gnome. That is all.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
adroit said:
I booted 11.10 from a USB flash drive and it seems really crashy. Nautilus crashed, for instance. And sometimes the GUI shell doesn't feel like shutting down or rebooting (I have to run reboot from a terminal window). This is on a notebook which runs 10.04 perfectly.

The proprietary driver utility no longer offers an NVIDIA driver for my GPU (8600M) so I'm using the generic driver which comes built in. Maybe that's the reason for the instability. On 10.04 I'm using the proprietary driver. Why was support for the 8600M withdrawn in 11.10? Yeah, this notebook is a few years old but it's hardly obsolete junk. Works fine running Windows and Ubuntu 10.04.

Sorry to moan here. I should be posting on the Ubuntu forum.

Actually you should still be good to go. IDK why you can't install it. I'll admit though other than installs I hate running Ubuntu or Linux in general from thumb drives. Unless it's like Puppy or Damn Small everything just seems to be slow or there seems to be more issues. Plus for I need a live boot to fix things purposes for some reason Puppy always runs way better burned for me.

Anyways as far as I know you still should be perfectly fine in terms of drivers. Hell 11.10 has the option to select two different set of drivers ie the proprietary version at launch as well as a new proprietary + update version which will update your driver if a new release comes out without having to wait for the next release of Ubuntu.


dsister44 said:

2. Did you change it from the login screen? When I do that it stays 2D for me. Even after restart
Thanks for the help. Auto-login works, but 2D Unity isn't sticking. What gives!

Another issue - I added Chromium to my startup list, but Ubuntu's left nav bar can't be accessed with the browser window maximized. This only happens on initial startup.
Okay, GNOME3 is a bit weird...it's like they want to adapt all their software for the touchscreens.

Well at least it's really smooth and I can change back to classic GNOME anytime I want...
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