More shocking is how incompetent she was at cutting the ring. It's understandable if she's not an elite boxer, but her whole striking game should be designed to get the clinch. The amount of energy she wasted chasing Holm is probably what cost her the fight.
There's a pretty good analysis here that I don't think has been posted. Pretty interesting stuff.
Heh, not gonna lie, but from that one knockout gif I've seen (and two gifs are all that I've seen from this whole match) it did look like Holly's last two punches after the KO kick were decidedly WWE-like, clearly missing Ronda's head. But I figured it was just a camera angle, or perhaps some kind of "ok, let's not mutilate her" approach, basically inviting the ref to stop the fight.
It was first posted dozens of pages ago.
F it, I don't care.
This thread went far beyond tasteless long ago.
Already looking forward to the next event.
wait..what?? people actually think this was a work?
You have to be the dumbest people ..EVER to think that.
If it was going to be a work, ronda wouldve been choked out, not beat down like she was.
Its easier to say it was a lucky move, rather than saying she was dominated the whole match.
This is the UFC, not WWE.
I've been to sherdog forums yesterday when someone here suggested things are going to get crazy there after this fight. The amount of 'jokes' like that was... surprising.
dumbasses gonna get this legendary thread locked.
That surely must be his most aweful episode. Not just the ronda stuff. Everything in that episode is so.. Off.LOL fucking joe rogan.
"Its fucking speed is retarded"
Edmond: "She wins the boxing world champion any given day."
Loool. And then Rogan goes praising Edmonds coaching style again.
God I wish he could see the shit he said.
He actually uses Jake Ellenberger to back up what he's saying.
When was the last time Ellenberger looked good in a fight?
I apologise for that image I got carried away after visiting Sherdog. I am surprised to hear that redpillers were on that forum. Are those from reddit?
So as someone who doesn't follow MMA outside of occasionally watching it while getting drunk at a friends house how obvious was the outcome of this fight?
Was Ronda getting called out for being sloppy before? What she being super protected by UFC and being fed jobbers or what this just a bad night for her?
Is Holly Holm a participially good fighter?
This is a bit OT but- Sherdog predates Reddit. So me calling posters there "redpillers" is retroactive but appropriate. I'm not sure where the term originated from, but "red pill" generally refers to the Reddit subreddit and similar groups. Sherdog forums have long been home to those attitudes, and racism, and antisemitism, and homophobia, and so on. I don't go there as much as I used to but a lot of the worst elements have been cleaned out. edit: still, their bar of "acceptable" is far different than NeoGAF's.
So as someone who doesn't follow MMA outside of occasionally watching it while getting drunk at a friends house how obvious was the outcome of this fight?
Was Ronda getting called out for being sloppy before? What she being super protected by UFC and being fed jobbers or what this just a bad night for her?
Is Holly Holm a participially good fighter?
I always thought "red pill" was a Matrix term. "You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
The outcome was not obvious, for a lot of different reasons. I mean, I picked Rousey to win quickly. See, you have to put Rousey in the proper context- women's MMA is still a budding sport. It's where men's MMA was 10 years ago. And in that environment, someone like Ronda Rousey who is 1) an amazing grappler and 2) the best athlete in her division can be dominant.
There was a fighter named Mark Kerr in the late 90's. He was a Div 1 wrestling champ in college and entered MMA with minimal striking or submission training. Despite this, he reeled off a string of dominant wins. Here's Kerr:
He was a monster athlete.
Rousey is a lot like Mark Kerr- a world-class grappler and an amazing athlete. MMA rules favor grapplers, especially wrestlers and also judoka like RR. The problem is, eventually every grappler run into a striker who they can't take down and are forced to fight standing. This is what happened over the weekend. Is Holly Holm a good fighter? Well, yes. She's one of the three most-decorated pro boxers to ever fight in MMA.
Brock is another example. His fundamentals especially in striking were pretty terrible. Relied on his strength and freak speed/athleticism to bull rush guys but much like Ronda once somebody punched him in the face it changes their whole game plan.
The outcome was not obvious, for a lot of different reasons. I mean, I picked Rousey to win quickly. See, you have to put Rousey in the proper context- women's MMA is still a budding sport. It's where men's MMA was 10 years ago. And in that environment, someone like Ronda Rousey who is 1) an amazing grappler and 2) the best athlete in her division can be dominant.
There was a fighter named Mark Kerr in the late 90's. He was a Div 1 wrestling champ in college and entered MMA with minimal striking or submission training. Despite this, he reeled off a string of dominant wins. Here's Kerr:
He was a monster athlete.
Rousey is a lot like Mark Kerr- a world-class grappler and an amazing athlete. MMA rules favor grapplers, especially wrestlers and also judoka like RR. The problem is, eventually every grappler run into a striker who they can't take down and are forced to fight standing. This is what happened over the weekend. Is Holly Holm a good fighter? Well, yes. She's one of the three most-decorated pro boxers to ever fight in MMA.
It looks like Rousey might be out for a while due to a medical suspension. Some opinion from cormier and aldo at the link too.
Brock is another example. His fundamentals especially in striking were pretty terrible. Relied on his strength and freak speed/athleticism to bull rush guys but much like Ronda once somebody punched him in the face it changes their whole game plan.
How do you figure that?
Well this is interesting. Betting lines are already open for Rousey vs Holm 2.
And Rousey is the betting favorite
Yeah that's a great example as well. Lesnar was an even better athlete than Kerr. He survived a war with Carwin (which I thought would be stopped in the first) but he couldn't do that against Cain or Overeem.
Because of the scoring. Takedowns are weighted heavily, along with being in top position. So fighters like wrestlers and judoka have the advantage if they can get the takedown and just ride out the round with minimal GnP or submission attempts from inside the guard.
Now for finishing fights, I agree with you, the rules don't really favor grapplers. And generally refs have gotten better about standing fighters up due to inactivity.