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UFC Champion Jon Jones suspect in felony hit-and-run. Update: stripped of title

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Reading that Jones' attorney cited his impending title fight in court, and the judge did not impose travel restrictions.

It'll probably end up being a judgement call on the UFC as to whether the fight goes through, and I think we all know how that will go. We respect the court's decision, Jon Jones' due process, etc.


is Jesus the name of his PED dealer?
Hit and run is bad, but people are making too much out of this pregnant woman thing.

Put those pitchforks down!

Yes, it's horrible that he hit a pregnant woman, but it's horrible that he hit anyone. What if he hit a sex-offender instead? Would that have made the hit-and-run better?

*pitchfork stabbing sounds*

And keep in mind, Jones may have lost his chance to fight someone who plead no contest to domestic violence. That guy's not even the champ, and his career is doing great. So let's just keep it all in perspective. Jones' career is not over. Anyone who thinks it is hasn't been paying attention to pro sports in America over the last decades.

Hell, I'm about 50/50 on the fight still happening next month.

The fact that Rumble isn't the champ actually works in his favor. Nobody cared who he was back then outside of dedicated fans, so nobody really knows about his past. If Rumble had beaten his wife after winning the title, he would've caught a lot more shit over it, just like Jon Jones is getting it now. But I'm always a little confused about people hoping that athletes' careers end after they commit a crime. Being a professional athlete is a job, and getting arrested should not make you ineligible to work so long as you're not actually in lock up. And last I checked, professional sports were about who was the best at their sport, not who has the cleanest record. That being said, I doubt I will root for Jones after this, but I'm sure his fights will still be entertaining.
Reading that Jones' attorney cited his impending title fight in court, and the judge did not impose travel restrictions.

It'll probably end up being a judgement call on the UFC as to whether the fight goes through, and I think we all know how that will go. We respect the court's decision, Jon Jones' due process, etc.

Jones will get out of this with nothing more than community service probably. Hilarious.


Jones showed great fight IQ running from the scene. Quick thinking on his feet to adapt to the law's gameplan. He went the distance, and now its in the hands of the judges.
Jones showed great fight IQ running from the scene. Quick thinking on his feet to adapt to the law's gameplan. He went the distance, and now its in the hands of the judges.

If he had eyepoked the witness at the scene it would have been a masterful performance.
Jones showed great fight IQ running from the scene. Quick thinking on his feet to adapt to the law's gameplan. He went the distance, and now its in the hands of the judges.

You just can't beat APD's submission game. Especially coupled with their ground and pound. Jones would've also been unusually susceptible to their spray and pray.

nick nacc

This instance, also coupled with how shitty mayweather is. Has given me the realization that I am a selfish prick. I still want this fight to happen. (with the caveat of hoping rumble wins)

I haven't come up with a way of justifying this. Though I probably will, I always do. If it was my wife in that car I would be disgusted if they let him fight, get all that money and increased fame. I wouldn't want him to fight even if I knew somehow he would lose.


Why is he driving a rental car anyway? I thought he now lived in Albuquerque.
Most drug dealers, particularly those who move drugs by the kilo, lease their vehicles because they can't be seized if they're arrested. I suspect that Bones Jones, like most good drug dealers, owns very little property and has very few assets that are in his name.
Most drug dealers, particularly those who move drugs by the kilo, lease their vehicles because they can't be seized if they're arrested. I suspect that Bones Jones, like most good drug dealers, owns very little property and has very few assets that are in his name.

...Breaking Bad really dropped the ball on this, apparently.
Allowing him to fight really makes the UFC look like amateur hour.

The "fight of the century" this weekend involves a known woman beater with multiple battery charges, while the opponent Jones himself is scheduled to face is also an alleged domestic abuser. Most large sports organizations are carny amateur hour when it comes to their biggest, most lucrative stars.


Jones use to snitch on pot smokers in high school didn't he?
Snitching is inexcusable. How many fellow highschoolers careers did he derail? Meanwhile he's acting like GTA outside the ring. I want the fight to go on in hopes that Rumble owns him. Seeing him get ktfo at his prime would be more satisfying than him going to jail and his skills deteriorating.

He will fuck up again and go to prison eventually, I just want to see him lose the title first.


As much as I want to see him get his title stripped, if this fight go's on, it might be are best chance to see Bones get KTFO. This whole ordeal will be a huge distraction in perpetration for this fight.
Looks like Dana's washing his hands of this, at least for now.

Edit: Oh my god it means Cormier vs Johnson at 187, Cormier is going to die
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