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UFOs Discussion |UFOT| Deep down, you knew it was all true.

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I always like reading about this stuff and the science behind it (or lack thereof).

Here's my UFO story, although there's not much to tell.

It was about 15 years ago, a cold January morning, and I was waiting outside to catch the school bus. The other kids who waited at that stop with me lived much closer to it than me, and I turned to wave as they were walking up. I started looking up at the sky and saw a shooting star. I was like "oh! how cool".

Then, instead of continuing to fall and/or disappear/burn out, it started going back up! It made a quick outline that was similar to a "checkmark" or a slanted V. It was only for a few seconds so by the time I had pointed it was gone. Not exactly a life changing moment, or even one I think about very often, but I would still like to know sometime what the heck caused it.

That's pretty neat. About 5 years ago i saw something similar, I think. It wasn't daytime though. I was driving home around 1 am. The last turn before i enter my neighborhood, I see something light up really quickly and take off, not unlike a shooting star. It was moving diagonally downward, but it changed direction quickly to move parallel with the ground before going out.

I am sure there is a some statistic about meteors changing direction and everything, but where it changes direction to such a degree that it looks like a check mark? It just doesn't seem possible.

Anyone familiar with the 'Friendship' case from Italy?

You care to tell us?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?


That's pretty neat. About 5 years ago i saw something similar, I think. It wasn't daytime though. I was driving home around 1 am. The last turn before i enter my neighborhood, I see something light up really quickly and take off, not unlike a shooting star. It was moving diagonally downward, but it changed direction quickly to move parallel with the ground before going out.

I am sure there is a some statistic about meteors changing direction and everything, but where it changes direction to such a degree that it looks like a check mark? It just doesn't seem possible.

I know what you mean, it just looked so unnatural I couldn't believe what I saw, even if I thought it was really cool. It was still dark though, like 6:15-30 am in winter in Indy, maybe 30-45 min before dawn (yes my middle school bus route was godawful). Your experience does sound very similar. I was annoyed no one else say it since those kids I mentioned were walking toward me and their backs were turned to it. It was also quite high up in the sky so there was nothing to bounce off of.

There's a lot of weird crap that I have seen or experienced that has been explained since (sleep paralysis-induced hallucinations for example), but I have yet to see any description about this particular thing, and I always poke around threads like this hoping to find out someday. I've never assumed anything like "ermahgerd aliens!" but I am quite curious about stuff like that.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'd like to read about them if possible
I don't have sources off the bat but I've been following the whole UFO thing for at least 20 years now and I've heard all sorts of imaginative (but possible and reasonable) reasons ranging from the idea that they're not fully in this dimension, can manipulate gravity, space-time bubbles, being organic instead inorganic constructs or lifeforms, can reduce their mass somehow (something like how Mass Relays work in ME), etc.

If you want to do any research, be careful. Avoid the New Age nutter butter types and look more for people like Stanton Friedman, George Knapp, Budd Hopkins and others. Avoid channelers and crystal wavers.

What will be your reaction if UFOs pop up and make public contact with the human race?
Would any of you consider gloating a tiny bit here on GAF? :p



What will be your reaction if UFOs pop up and make public contact with the human race?
Would any of you consider gloating a tiny bit here on GAF? :p

I have thought about this scenario, but well, it would be like discovering miracle cures and then using that info to laugh at others because they lacked blind faith that it will be found eventually :D

So yeah, a lot of people will be totally doing that :(
UFOs / Aliens probably are real and there probably is a coverup.

There are lots of interesting videos and pictures.

Then all that nasa stuff with editing pictures and clips.


Saw a huge UFO with my family many years back. At least one other person saw it that night as my father later found out.



I have this poster hanging up in both my home and work office. I love any talk about aliens, UFOs, and the unexplained.

What will be your reaction if UFOs pop up and make public contact with the human race?
Would any of you consider gloating a tiny bit here on GAF? :p

When it comes to UFOs, at the back of their minds, I think everyone knows they are real. My thoughts would be with those who have been ridiculed and have their lives ruined by the taboo of acknowledging a sighting or incident they witnessed. I would be angry for them. That's really as far as my reaction towards sceptics would go.


I've seen something strange when I bought my first home about 3.5 years ago. It was a HUD home so I was working on something. Anyway, I had to take a piss but there's no bathroom downstairs so I walked out into the back yard to do it there. It was about 9 or 10pm on an October night. I looked up as I was peeing and noticed, what looked like, a star moving back and forth. It continued to do this for a good 10 minutes. Pretty bizarre and I still have no idea what it could have been.


Black Canada Mafia
What I wanted to bring up amongst UFO enthusiasts was some of the more questionable elements of sightings.

Throughout the 50s and 60s, descriptions of aliens tended to be similar to Scandinavian humanoids. There were even books written about them, and individuals like Billy Meier increased their popularity. Since then, descriptions of small figures with large heads, often grey, have become the most common identified extraterrestrial but over the last decade, I've come to read more about reptilians. In the large scheme of reports, they are in the minority, but still they do show up consistently. I find that interesting because modern portrayals of aliens as reptilian is almost unheard of to me and yet people still claim to have experiences with them via abductions. It's kind of odd. Reminds me of Hollywood's attempts of creatures from Mars in the 50s.

What are your thoughts on the differing reports on the type of purported extraterrestrials they see? Does the variety add more credence to the topic or undermine it?

I'm certainly not an enthusiast, but my (still very limited) understanding of evolution makes any humanoid alien sighting immediately seem less likely to me than a non-humanoid alien sighting.

Our bipedal and ape characteristics are based on a huge number of factors that have stretched over literally billions of years - from far back as the first common ancestor of all living creatures. For example, the two arms and two legs thing of many creatures is likely because of one species of fish.

It would honestly seem MORE likely to me if an alien sighting was of some weird... asymmetrical mass of indescribable flesh with appendages that look/work confusing.

I have a lot of other issues with UFOs/Alien claims that seem absolutely illogical, but this is one of the more annoying ones.


Kinitari: Except that if you go a bit deeper into the UFO stories, you will find that there is a recurring element where humans as a species are the offspring of some of these extreterrestrial races, which means that it would only make sense for them to be interested in us since our "relationship".

But even if we blindly discard that without even considering it as a hypothesis, there are many other possibilities as well. One being that they are not limited to forms (much like we will not be limited to forms in a hundred year's time, and that is an ant's afternoon in space terms), other is that if WE would set out with warp devices and wormhole generators to find and explore the eart in search of stuff similar to us, obviously that would also get our attention.

Thirdly, no one knows whether the aliens hypothetically visiting us do not visit at least a hundred other species paralell to this expedition, so that point becomes kinda moot, imho.


Black Canada Mafia
Kinitari: Except that if you go a bit deeper into the UFO stories, you will find that there is a recurring element where humans as a species are the offspring of some of these extreterrestrial races, which means that it would only make sense for them to be interested in us since our "relationship".

Which also doesn't make sense, because we can very clearly trace back our ancestry to pre-human ape-like creatures, at the very least - or to a fish crawling out of the ocean at best.

At what point did these aliens 'seed' us on earth? Did they seed vertebrates in general? Or life in general? More importantly, that wouldn't even make sense - why would you go to another planet and seed life that is supposed to, after around 400million years evolve into something like you (not even a guarantee, considering how evolution works).

But even if we blindly discard that without even considering it as a hypothesis, there are many other possibilities as well. One being that they are not limited to forms (much like we will not be limited to forms in a hundred year's time, and that is an ant's afternoon in space terms), other is that if WE would set out with warp devices and wormhole generators to find and explore the eart in search of stuff similar to us, obviously that would also get our attention.

If they wanted to look like humans, why not just look exactly like humans? What is infinitely more likely is that because they are a product of human imagination, they are made 'in our own image'. As most mythical monsters are, or at the very least made in the image of creatures we already know to exist.

Thirdly, no one knows whether the aliens hypothetically visiting us do not visit at least a hundred other species paralell to this expedition, so that point becomes kinda moot, imho.

What does that have to do with anything?
Anyone familiar with the 'Friendship' case from Italy?
It caused a great media sensation. Mass UFO sightings. People wanted to know what was happening but no one could penetrate the mystery. Now after 50 years of silence, insider witnesses have decided to speak. A UFO contact case that has been kept secret for decades is now revealed. Humans working together with extraterrestrials in secret. Hundreds of people were involved. Countless pieces of evidence remain. Only now can the truth be known. This is the unbelievable true story about The Friendship Case.

For those who want to know about it.



I wanted to talk about it. Let me know what are some of the things that stand out and remain on your mind. I'm sure there will be plenty.

So i watched the video, but i feel like i missed something. There really is a lot that stuck in my mind, but I feel like there were a lot of things that were just too vague. I'm still going to talk about what i saw and what I think.

I don't think the video was clear whether the extraterrestrials are humanoid or just different size humans. I know they say humanoid, but all depictions just look like small and large humans, not just human-like. Even the first encounter at the mansion the et's were described as people.

I thought it was a little funny that a recurring theme was love and good feelings, but it is the W56 that refer to the CTR as weirdos. Name calling isn't a very loving thing to do, but I am sure the name was intended to convey that they believe the CTR are perverse.

I would actually like to hear more about the CTR as well, because they made it seem like that the CTR were doing similar things to the W56. What things are the CTR doing? How similar are their technologies to the W56? Did they arrive on earth at the same time or who was here first?

Parts that lost me.
Injecting love and friendship into their technology?
The CTR succeeded in the 70s?
W56 will return? To the original "friendship" group or to others?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

What will be your reaction if UFOs pop up and make public contact with the human race?
Would any of you consider gloating a tiny bit here on GAF? :p
I don't think I will so much gloat as I will be excited and nobody here or anywhere else is going to feel offended or ashamed as the naysayers will either be in shock, in a state of awe, frightened and/or all of the above to worry too much about what another human being is going to think.

I don't think extraterrestrials will make themselves known any time soon. It would rattle society to its very knees. They'll be world wide fear and riots and xenophobia. The major world religions alone couldn't handle it let alone any agnostic or atheists. It will change the world on a social and economic level. At this stage of human development, it would be near devastating. In the long run though, it could prove to unite humanity in a way never before soon.

I wouldn't hold my breath for a starship to land and aliens to walk right out anytime soon.



I know about all this but again, means nothing. There are various reasons why these craft may be "breaking" the laws of physics.

The laws of physics are never broken and are the same everywhere scientists have looked in the visible universe. Ever since the big bang up to now.. 14 billion years long no law of physics are broken in any direction you look.
You obviously don't know what you're talking about and are all up in the "" i want to believe" section.

Seriously though... don't take my word for it. In the link I gave you Neil degrasse Tyson says that if aliens visited our planet, they most probably would have considered the human species and un-intelligent and would have classified our planet as useless.

They would have just passed us by and flown to other galaxies/solar systems.
If they had inter-sellar capabilities, they would not even "hide" themselves amongst humans or whatever.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
The laws of physics are never broken and are the same everywhere scientists have looked in the visible universe. Ever since the big bang up to now.. 14 billion years long no law of physics are broken in any direction you look.
You obviously don't know what you're talking about and are all up in the "" i want to believe" section.
Um.... Okay. Whatever you say.


Unconfirmed Member
OT: I freakIng hate Coast to Coast with George Norrie. It's become utter crap. C2C with Art Bell rules. There's a guy in Las Vegas the sometimes does the sunday show. He's actually a really good host. Wish he doing the show full time.


The laws of physics are never broken and are the same everywhere scientists have looked in the visible universe. Ever since the big bang up to now.. 14 billion years long no law of physics are broken in any direction you look.
You obviously don't know what you're talking about and are all up in the "" i want to believe" section.


I clicked this thread to laugh at UFO nutters. Expectations subverted.


Seriously though... don't take my word for it. In the link I gave you Neil degrasse Tyson says that if aliens visited our planet, they most probably would have considered the human species and un-intelligent and would have classified our planet as useless.

They would have just passed us by and flown to other galaxies/solar systems.
If they had inter-sellar capabilities, they would not even "hide" themselves amongst humans or whatever.
I watched the video in the link you provided. What NDT is suggesting is that maybe extraterrestrials would not find us very interesting and would just go about their existence like we don't matter. It's a valid point, but in no way is it that fact.


Planet quantity and diversity.

It's a rather bold statement given that we know (well barely know) probably about 0.00000000001% of the solar systems in our galaxy. Despite this we already have observed "earth-like" planets. Plus if there are space faring civilizations visiting us, they'd probably go like "oh, another one of these. Meh".


It's a rather bold statement given that we know (well barely know) probably about 0.00000000001% of the solar systems in our galaxy. Despite this we already have observed "earth-like" planets. Plus if there are space faring civilizations visiting us, they'd probably go like "oh, another one of these. Meh".

It's presumptuous to think you know what extraterrestrials are thinking.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
OT: I freakIng hate Coast to Coast with George Norrie. It's become utter crap. C2C with Art Bell rules. There's a guy in Las Vegas the sometimes does the sunday show. He's actually a really good host. Wish he doing the show full time.
That's George Knapp who I mentioned in a post yesterday. He's awesome and has been researching this stuff for maybe three or four decades. I met him in person once. He's actually probably my favorite when it comes to this area and he's also my favorite C2C host.
OT: I freakIng hate Coast to Coast with George Norrie. It's become utter crap. C2C with Art Bell rules. There's a guy in Las Vegas the sometimes does the sunday show. He's actually a really good host. Wish he doing the show full time.

Thank fucking garsh there's another. My 600+ mp3 archive and the Fine Art Stream keeps me sane for good radio. Coast to coast is an utter joke and shell of its former self. Knapp is the only host with credibility and some good topics. But he isn't as charismatic as Art.

Jorch Snorrie ruined this show. He's a new ager.


I watched the video in the link you provided. What NDT is suggesting is that maybe extraterrestrials would not find us very interesting and would just go about their existence like we don't matter. It's a valid point, but in no way is it that fact.

Im not claiming it as fact, noone is really.
Im just stating that if there is an alien civilisation with inter-stellar capabilities, that it would be very likely they would us as a human race very un-intelligent and would probably fly by this planet.

sorry to disappoint you there bro :)


give me a physical artifact from an alien spacecraft, and I will pay attention.

the conundrum with this scenario, is that even if someone brought an object to you claiming it was alien, in the end it's up to you to believe its origin.

how much proof is necessary for you; and if that proof IS provided, will you just latch onto some other reason not to believe its authenticity?

i visited a museum one time with a friend. we came to a section where the glass display was showing an actual rock recovered from the moon.
believing that the human race has touched down on the moon in the past, it wasn't hard for me to believe this rock was recovered from one of those trips.

my friend, being a conspiracy nut, did not.
in the end, all we had in front of us was a boring rock. whether it was lunar or not, was just our own individual biases' taking shape.
I actually saw something strange in the sky one night this past summer.
Not a typical UFO type thing.
It was lower than commercial flights, no sound, one bright light and seemed like it was going faster than a jet.
seemed too consistent to be a meteor.

Me, my brother and his friend all saw it. We joked and said it was Aurora.


Im not claiming it as fact, noone is really.
Im just stating that if there is an alien civilisation with inter-stellar capabilities, that it would be very likely they would us as a human race very un-intelligent and would probably fly by this planet.

I am stating that there is no probability that extraterrestrial life would just fly by.

Neil Degrasse Tyson raises an interesting question, but he is just babbling. He says maybe a lot when trying to make his point, which should tip you off a little bit that it is not definitive at all. Maybe NDT has no idea why extraterrestrials would be interested in us because we are that stupid. Or maybe it is not unlike Humans studying worms, chimps, SPACE!!! See? Those are all maybes, because we have no idea what they are thinking. To assume they are not interested in humans is no more reasonable than thinking they could be interested in finding other life in the universe, because we have no idea.

Lack of evidence that extraterrestrials have visited Earth is not evidence that they have not. That line of thinking does not work for any other scientific study, it cannot be applied to the extraterrestrials argument.


That's George Knapp who I mentioned in a post yesterday. He's awesome and has been researching this stuff for maybe three or four decades. I met him in person once. He's actually probably my favorite when it comes to this area and he's also my favorite C2C host.

Knapp is, iirc, the guy who broke the Bob Lazar Area 51 story back in the day. He has also won a bunch of Emmys. I wish he would host the show permanently.

Also, I just bought Secret Journey To Planet Serpo. Haven't had the chance to read it , but the full color picture section in the middle of the book is hilarious.



I wanted to talk about it. Let me know what are some of the things that stand out and remain on your mind. I'm sure there will be plenty.

Wellll, that's pretty wild. Have to say I've never heard anything about this. Sounds extremely far fetched, with the teleportation and communication going on with the group, and the 'friendship and love' based technology that would self destruct before harming a living thing. I would like to see more from the other friendship members in Germany, Australia, France, etc. If all of them come forward and start showing off their evidence and evidence of the meetings as well, then I could be leaned into thinking some crazy awesome stuff is going down with this group (and how do I join so I can teleport some shit! lol)

What is the consensus here on the information portrayed in the Fourth Kind movie? The one that starred Mila Jovavich. I'd have to say that's the first alien encounter movie that's freaked me out since I watched Communion when iwas younger.


Neil Degrasse Tyson raises an interesting question, but he is just babbling. He says maybe a lot when trying to make his point, which should tip you off a little bit that it is not definitive at all. Maybe NDT has no idea why extraterrestrials would be interested in us because we are that stupid. Or maybe it is not unlike Humans studying worms, chimps, SPACE!!! See? Those are all maybes, because we have no idea what they are thinking. To assume they are not interested in humans is no more reasonable than thinking they could be interested in finding other life in the universe, because we have no idea.

Lack of evidence that extraterrestrials have visited Earth is not evidence that they have not. That line of thinking does not work for any other scientific study, it cannot be applied to the extraterrestrials argument.

This is a very well worded post, I have to say. As much as it might frustrate those that think that extraterrestrial life visiting earth is bullshit, they will not be able to stomp on those who believe or conclude otherwise (not like it is not already a frowned upon point of view, thanks to mainstream media ridiculing and other bandwagons).


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I am stating that there is no probability that extraterrestrial life would just fly by.

Neil Degrasse Tyson raises an interesting question, but he is just babbling. He says maybe a lot when trying to make his point, which should tip you off a little bit that it is not definitive at all. Maybe NDT has no idea why extraterrestrials would be interested in us because we are that stupid. Or maybe it is not unlike Humans studying worms, chimps, SPACE!!! See? Those are all maybes, because we have no idea what they are thinking. To assume they are not interested in humans is no more reasonable than thinking they could be interested in finding other life in the universe, because we have no idea.

Lack of evidence that extraterrestrials have visited Earth is not evidence that they have not. That line of thinking does not work for any other scientific study, it cannot be applied to the extraterrestrials argument.
Agreed with V_Arnold on this post of your's. Well said.

Knapp is, iirc, the guy who broke the Bob Lazar Area 51 story back in the day. He has also won a bunch of Emmys. I wish he would host the show permanently.

Also, I just bought Secret Journey To Planet Serpo. Haven't had the chance to read it , but the full color picture section in the middle of the book is hilarious.
This too. Really smart guy, to the point, takes it seriously and well respected. He's no nutter butter and we need more people like him researching this stuff.


Black Canada Mafia
the conundrum with this scenario, is that even if someone brought an object to you claiming it was alien, in the end it's up to you to believe its origin.

how much proof is necessary for you; and if that proof IS provided, will you just latch onto some other reason not to believe its authenticity?

i visited a museum one time with a friend. we came to a section where the glass display was showing an actual rock recovered from the moon.
believing that the human race has touched down on the moon in the past, it wasn't hard for me to believe this rock was recovered from one of those trips.

my friend, being a conspiracy nut, did not.
in the end, all we had in front of us was a boring rock. whether it was lunar or not, was just our own individual biases' taking shape.

That is looking at it too generally.

Sure, it's entirely possible for there to be an 'alien artifact' that is just a bit of rock from their homeworld, made up entirely of carbon or the like. If it matched the molecular structure of rocks we have here - it wouldn't mean that this rock definitely was NOT from an Alien home world, just that this was not sufficient proof of a rock from an Alien home world.

However, if you for example provided an alien artifact that had traces of entirely alien biology, technology and/or molecular composition - then this would now be a viable piece of proof.

The claim would still be extremely extra-ordinary, and thus this may not be enough to sway a lot of people (rightfully, I might add) but it would be a significant amount of evidence, enough to at least merit serious consideration by even the most ardent 'deniers'.

This is a very well worded post, I have to say. As much as it might frustrate those that think that extraterrestrial life visiting earth is bullshit, they will not be able to stomp on those who believe or conclude otherwise (not like it is not already a frowned upon point of view, thanks to mainstream media ridiculing and other bandwagons).

Well, I know this isn't really a criticism to you - but you're essentially making the religious argument here - that lack of evidence of God does not mean that God does NOT exist. And that is true - but what that fails to also mention is that a lack of evidence for a claim makes that claim have next to no value. The claim very well might be true, but regular intelligent/logical people will dismiss it all the same - we don't have room in our heads to give every evidenceless claim merit.


Well, I know this isn't really a criticism to you - but you're essentially making the religious argument here - that lack of evidence of God does not mean that God does NOT exist. And that is true - but what that fails to also mention is that a lack of evidence for a claim makes that claim have next to no value. The claim very well might be true, but regular intelligent/logical people will dismiss it all the same - we don't have room in our heads to give every evidenceless claim merit.

Here is the thing though: even if you DO dismiss 99,9% of all the UFO sightings (which has been in the hundreds of thousand in the past century and sometimes date back way behind that), there is that pesky little 0,01 percent that is so solid, that it is absolutely NOT outrageous to build a model in which we ARE being visited by extraterrestrial beings.

Now, lucky for us -and for you, I guess-, you do not actually need to devote even a second of your life contemplaining any of this. Because there have been serious resarchers, using "the scientific method" (aka the Holy Grail of the realm of our verifiable existence) who keep going on and going for decades in order to fully understand what is happening. Lack of evidence or evidence on shaky grounds certainly do not stop them, and it really should not.

Why? Because there are working models of the universe that does not clash with our current understanding of it, yet do not outright dismiss everything that happens in the fringes of our cognitive abilities just because we have no way to understand, observe and verify them with our current equipment and/or capabilities. Things popping out of thin air, working wormholes, crafts with their own gravity fields, interacting with our species solely without physically being there, such things.

We can get Occam's loved razor again and slice everything that is not currently verified, but that would be foolish, boring and against our advancement as well, for quite obvious reasons. The facts of the future start out as the ideas of the now, not as the scientifically verified facts of now.


Why would extraterrestrials need to be in awe to take an interest in us?

You do realize that this started with someone making the claim that "it would make sense for aliens to visit us because our solar system is unique" right?

Lack of evidence that extraterrestrials have visited Earth is not evidence that they have not. That line of thinking does not work for any other scientific study, it cannot be applied to the extraterrestrials argument.

Well no, of course not, but the burden of proof lies on the one making the claim. So unless the're a presence of evidence, it will get dismissed as random unsubstanciated claim without any value. As it should.
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