UK/EU Amiibo Thread | Compatible with the regular-sized New Nintendo 3DS

Here are the links to all the new Smash Amiibo on - in case anyone wants to bookmark them for quick access when they do go up :p

These are all easily accessible with a quick google search so I figured there was no reason to hide the URLs behind quotes... but if we think they should be then please say and I'll fix it!

WAVE 4B - 29th May:


WAVE 5 - June:




WAVE 6 - July:




Just fixed that for you. You have the American Wave allocations. European wave are sorted differently.


They'll charge £15 for the normal ones and £20 for the wooly Yoshi's I reckon.
1€ = 1£ is the new 1$ = 1€?

It's impressive to see ALL retailers having their prices up since Wave 1.

Out of curiosity, how is Game service for Amiibos? Canceled preorders sometimes? Crushed parcels?
1€ = 1£ is the new 1$ = 1€?

It's impressive to see ALL retailers having their prices up since Wave 1.

Out of curiosity, how is Game service for Amiibos? Canceled preorders sometimes? Crushed parcels?

None of my preorders were cancelled, and I got the £10.99 price, but I was in there on the first day.

Every single amiibo so far has shipped in an individual cardboard box, with loads of packing material. Very, very good in that regard.
1€ = 1£ is the new 1$ = 1€?

It's impressive to see ALL retailers having their prices up since Wave 1.

Out of curiosity, how is Game service for Amiibos? Canceled preorders sometimes? Crushed parcels?

for me, they send them out in big enough boxes (not too small but not too big)

Cancelling however is a big problem if you don't pre order early enough.
For instance, a lot of Shulk pre orders were cancelled only a week to launch. This was a problem every where though.
EDIT: i ordered in december, almost a month after he was put up for pre order. Everywhere took too many pre orders for wave 3.

Also GAME sell their amiibos for £15 but the nintend store uk still sell them for £11. I still have a robin and lucina pre order with game that is only £10.99 each for them.

honestly, if you get in early enough, your pre order is most likely secure and safe in my experience


Neo Member
Pre-ordered Ness, Robin, Lucina, Charizard, and Pac-Man from GAME UK way back when for £10.99 plus shipping (to Canada). No Wario was available at the time. What's the likelihood of haning GAME switch shipping details and payment to one of you in Europe instead of straight-up canceling? Would like to help out someone who doesn't have these locked up yet. Otherwise I imagine they'll just get allocated for the next free-for-all pre-order if I cancel.
Pre-ordered Ness, Robin, Lucina, Charizard, and Pac-Man from GAME UK way back when for £10.99 plus shipping (to Canada). No Wario was available at the time. What's the likelihood of haning GAME switch shipping details and payment to one of you in Europe instead of straight-up canceling? Would like to help out someone who doesn't have these locked up yet. Otherwise I imagine they'll just get allocated for the next free-for-all pre-order if I cancel.

You would have to cancel your order. It is unfortunate but they might be waiting for more allocation and open them up again.

Cancelling right now would proballly be the wrong move if you don't have them pre ordered with canadian store right now, so i suggest against it.


None of my preorders were cancelled, and I got the £10.99 price, but I was in there on the first day.
I would have thought that if you miss the first 20 minutes, you're out of luck, anyway :/

honestly, if you get in early enough, your pre order is most likely secure and safe in my experience
Early enough doesn't sound so safe... But still not too bad.

Too many of my preorders have been cancelled recently. T_T

Thanks for all the answers...


Game cancelled my Shulk and Amazon cancelled my Little Mac so its really a crap shoot if you get them or not. Still missing those 2


Can someone make a new thread when the next wave of Smash amiibo, Yarn Yoshi amiibo + special edition and Splatoon amiibo + special edition go up for preorder on Amazon UK/Nintendo UK Online Store/GAME?

It's getting really hard to keep track of all the threads looking for an update on when they all become available for preorder.


Just keep an eye on this thread. If you're from UK, it'll all be in here as soon as we know.

It's easier to go to the front page of GAF and look at the thread title than go into this thread and read through all the posts, but I do have a subscription to this thread.


It's getting really hard to keep track of all the threads looking for an update on when they all become available for preorder.
The region threads are probably the best way to keep track (this one for Europe, and especially UK).

If we split the Amiibos threads by region and by series, half of the front GAF page will be Amiibos threads ^_^


I could probably have bought a PS4 and a couple games ^_^

Yeah, I got 8 Amiibo's here and a ninth on pre-order. That's about 130 euros. But when you look at them you don't think about the price. It's just a nice collection to look at. They will look great in my new apartment.


Such a fucking pisstake that I couldn't pre-order Robin and Lucina the second they went up. I was able to snag Marth, Ike and other rare ones when those went up but now I can't for these 2.

Fucks sake. -_-
Not anymore. That was quick.

Yup, it wouldn't even let me add it to the cart. It must've been going in and out of stock.

I got lucky then. I checked on a tracking site, but there was no mention of it. I had a check anyway, and there it was. I only wanted that and wario, but I just missed him.

Nice :) I think Wario might be the new Luigi, and there'll be plenty at stores after launch.
I got lucky then. I checked on a tracking site, but there was no mention of it. I had a check anyway, and there it was. I only wanted that and wario, but I just missed him.


They've been going in and out of stock the last few days I've been checking, seems to be Wario and Charizard only though, been hoping Ness would show up again but looks like I'm out of luck with that one.
They've been going in and out of stock the last few days I've been checking, seems to be Wario and Charizard only though, been hoping Ness would show up again but looks like I'm out of luck with that one.
It was in stock one day I checked and I thought it was just a normal, non supply constrained one so I didn't bother. :-/

I don't want it, but for the super supply tight ones if I see one while I'm on it I want to pre-order one so I can give it at cost to someone who DOES want it so that scalpers don't get it.
They've been going in and out of stock the last few days I've been checking, seems to be Wario and Charizard only though, been hoping Ness would show up again but looks like I'm out of luck with that one.

I recently cancelled my Charizard preorder because he's not essential to me, but there might be some cute stuff they do with him in future. If a Pokémon set comes out I could see them releasing an alternate 'zard though. I like how he has that clear plastic fire on his tail though. Adds a little som'thin som'thin.

I have Wario on preorder but considering cancelling that too since there'll be an inevitable Classic Wario which I'd much prefer, and I already doubled up on the other Mario characters.
i will have finished the game twice by then ... :(

I recently acquired a Japanese Shulk amiibo off eBay, ~30€ shipping included, from a Japanese seller. The box was damaged though, but looking at the seller's history it seems like it was kind of hit or miss regarding the state of the box. I didn't mind because I was planning on opening it anyway.

Perhaps you'd like to take a look at that option? You'll be hard pressed to find a Shulk amiibo for less than 25€ - 30€ anyway.

No. Restock supposedly coming in June

Wasn't that supposed to be North America only though? I think I remember reading somewhere that there were no plans for restocking Shulk in Europe.
Lucina wasn't. :(

I checked as soon as it got tweeted that Pacman was up. Unless they only had like one, which wouldn't surprise me.

Huh, you sure? All of them have the preorder button clickable for me. I don't need them myself, so didn't try and buy them admittedly, but they look like they're available from my iphone at least?

Sorry if I'm wrong of course, but maybe check again?

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Huh, you sure? All of them have the preorder button clickable for me. I don't need them myself, so didn't try and buy them admittedly, but they look like they're available from my iphone at least?

Sorry if I'm wrong of course, but maybe check again?

When you preorder and click on shipping it tells you that preorders are now closed for all of the upcoming wave, tried each right now :(

Still I have 3 fuckin' full sets preordered, you'd think I'd be safe... just stop and think how fucked up the Amiibos situation is to even have to worry with 3 preorders under my belt
I recently acquired a Japanese Shulk amiibo off eBay, ~30€ shipping included, from a Japanese seller. The box was damaged though, but looking at the seller's history it seems like it was kind of hit or miss regarding the state of the box. I didn't mind because I was planning on opening it anyway.

Perhaps you'd like to take a look at that option? You'll be hard pressed to find a Shulk amiibo for less than 25€ - 30€ anyway.

Wasn't that supposed to be North America only though? I think I remember reading somewhere that there were no plans for restocking Shulk in Europe.

thanks, but i just found out that a local shop, near where my mother lives. does have shulk ones available. i reserved one online now, my mother has to collect it on Tuesday (hopefully) and i will collect it from my mother on Mother's Day

they also had marth, pit and little mac, so i took them as well. i will tell my mother tomorrow, upon collecting them, to take everything with her if there are more of them so i can offer some to you here. for anyone interested which shop it was: quote to reveal
thanks, but i just found out that a local shop, near where my mother lives. does have shulk ones available. i reserved one online now, my mother has to collect it on Tuesday (hopefully) and i will collect it from my mother on Mother's Day

they also had marth, pit and little mac, so i took them as well. i will tell my mother tomorrow, upon collecting them, to take everything with her if there are more of them so i can offer some to you here. for anyone interested which shop it was: quote to reveal

Wow, that's extremely lucky, I'm glad for you!

I have checked the site but alas, I don't understand German. It seems like they don't ship outside Germany, right? I'd have loved a Little Mac, I was dumb enough to not buy the only one I ever saw on a retail store.
Wow, that's extremely lucky, I'm glad for you!

I have checked the site but alas, I don't understand German. It seems like they don't ship outside Germany, right? I'd have loved a Little Mac, I was dumb enough to not buy the only one I ever saw on a retail store.

yeah, its Germany only, they also don't deliver, you have to actually go there and pick it up. you can also only reserve it, but cannot order it online.

as i said, ill try to get as many shulks and little macs as they have, and if i get one extra ill let you know!


yeah, its Germany only, they also don't deliver, you have to actually go there and get it. you can also only reserve it online, but cant order it online.

as i said, ill try to get as many shulks and little macs as they have, and if i get one extra ill let you know!

I'd be interested in a Shulk if you do get any extra's! Had 2 preorders cancelled for him and still haven't found an EU one at a reasonable price :(
I'd be interested in a Shulk if you do get any extra's! Had 2 preorders cancelled for him and still haven't found an EU one at a reasonable price :(

ok, ill come back to you on Wednesday but i dont think there will be more than 2 since the shop is very small so please dont get your hopes up to high ^^;;
I'd be interested in a Shulk if you do get any extra's! Had 2 preorders cancelled for him and still haven't found an EU one at a reasonable price :(

Same. Not one store in my area of Kent received the Shulks, Dedede or Meta Knights they were meant to. Was utter bollocks.
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