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UK Parliament Vote to trigger Article 50 (498 - 144)

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"hello?" "this is vagina"
Is there a way to see how individual MPs voted?

Edit: Fuck yeah my MP voted against it. She'll continue to get my vote.
My fucking MP decided he "had to respect the will of the people" by voting against his constituents. Fuckwit.

Problem is isn't labor constituency basically liberal from the cities and rural/industrial working class? Both factions don't seem to be seeing eye to eye at the moment and I would bet Corbyn is basically gambling that the liberal in the cities don't have another alternative while the rural/working industrial class have several parties to vote for in the future.
I fucking hate this country, bunch of idiotic, knuckle dragging wankers.

And to the rest of the EU I say good luck. Maybe now you can actually move things forward without us obstructionist bastards throwing our toys out of the pram and blocking everything.


Shameful? You voted to leave, this is your problem now. I'm not helping you clean up the big shit you've just done on my carpet.

You want the country to suffer? You want inflation and unemployment to rise so people can't feed their families. If so then you're an embarrassment and I feel sorry for you.
Do you know what's worse than people who voted leave? Remainers who hope the UK burns and people suffer. That attitude is fucking shameful and I read it way too often on GAF. It makes my blood boil.

No, fuck it and fuck people who voted leave the EU under one misguided hate of people from anywhere else. It's their bed, and I'll be happy to bugger off to Europe if I ever get the chance. I want them to get exactly what they voted for.


You want the country to suffer? You want inflation and unemployment to rise so people can't feed their families. If so then you're an embarrassment and I feel sorry for you.

I doubt he wants that, hence the remain vote

It's not so much that people here want the country to fail, it's that they've seen no meaningful evidence that things will do anything other than get worse, so that's what they expect

Personally if Brexit is a big success and we're better off, I'll be the first to say I was wrong, just as I am now fairly glad we didn't join the Euro. But there's not much proof that will happen beyond buzzwords yet


Personally if Brexit is a big success and we're better off, I'll be the first to say I was wrong, just as I am now fairly glad we didn't join the Euro. But there's not much proof that will happen beyond buzzwords yet

Plenty of evidence to the contrary.


You want the country to suffer? You want inflation and unemployment to rise so people can't feed their families. If so then you're an embarrassment and I feel sorry for you.

You and your's voted to leave just to stick it to the "elites". When people can't feed their families the blood will be on your hands as much as his.


You want the country to suffer? You want inflation and unemployment to rise so people can't feed their families. If so then you're an embarrassment and I feel sorry for you.

I'm sorry, the government said we need to give the people what the want. The will of the people.

These people voted to make themselves poorer. This is all on them.


This is the right outcome. The people have spoken and any block by the government would have been wrong.

Time to get busy and make this work!


No, fuck it and fuck people who voted leave the EU under one misguided hate of people from anywhere else. It's their bed, and I'll be happy to bugger off to Europe if I ever get the chance. I want them to get exactly what they voted for.

I've already said what I think of your attitude so I don't need to repeat it. I voted remain but I still want people to prosper rather than suffer.

If you voted for Brexit, you made the choice most likely to cause this though.

Maybe, only time will tell.

I doubt he wants that, hence the remain vote

It's not so much that people here want the country to fail, it's that they've seen no meaningful evidence that things will do anything other than get worse, so that's what they expect

Personally if Brexit is a big success and we're better off, I'll be the first to say I was wrong, just as I am now fairly glad we didn't join the Euro. But there's not much proof that will happen beyond buzzwords yet

I think he does, just read his posts.


Do you know what's worse than people who voted leave? Remainers who hope the UK burns and people suffer. That attitude is fucking shameful and I read it way too often on GAF. It makes my blood boil.

That's not what remain voters are hoping for, it's just that we're realistic and intelligent enough to realise that's 99.99% likely to be what happens in the event of a totally hard brexit and have been saying that since before the referendum.
Struggleone is official.

While I wanted to remain we have to make the best of a bad lot and not talk ourselves into a recession. If it's going to happen (leaving) just get fucking on with it please.


The next Labour leader needs to be a Unicorn in that case.

Not necessarily. If it wasn't for Ed's weird wishy-washy immigration lunge at the 11th hour, Labour might not have done so bad at the 2015 election. Don't forget they got more votes overall in 2015 than in 2010. His sudden support for immigration controls alienated many on the left and was wholly unconvincing to those on the right.
What Labour needed was a proper immigration policy but instead they dilly-dallied to their demise.


I've already said what I think of your attitude so I don't need to repeat it. I voted remain but I still want people to prosper rather than suffer.

Maybe, only time will tell.

I think he does, just read his posts.

I just feel bitter right now, but these people voted to actively hurt themselves. They're the ones who need to take responsibility for their own actions when it comes down to it. When things are at their worst, I'm not going to be in a position to help them, because I'll be poor too. At least I know that I voted to stop this.
Do you know what's worse than people who voted leave? Remainers who hope the UK burns and people suffer. That attitude is fucking shameful and I read it way too often on GAF. It makes my blood boil.
How the fuck is that worse?. How is that worse than the actual people who who fucked us all all over, and still believe they've done the right thing, chanting, raving and celebrating in every comment section of every Brexit related story on every website like their 'team' won the 'league'. Like it's all a fucking game to them. Never mind shameful, it's fucking grotesque.


we have to make the best of a bad lot and not talk ourselves into a recession. If it's going to happen (leaving) just get fucking on with it please.

Respectfully, I haven't got to do a damn thing. It's as much my democratic right to vehemently oppose and disagree this madness as it is the lunatics prerogative to drive themselves of a cliff. The Brexiteers are the ones who owe the public a plan of action. Hard Brexit may be a concrete action, but it gives no indication as to HOW exactly we're going to prosper as a nation in the brave new world.

Also, this 'talk ourselves into a recession' narrative is ridiculously unhelpful, and plays right into the ongoing 'anyone's fault but ours' line that the government has been spinning for years. Lack of public spending? The EU is shackling us. No affordable housing? It's the immigrants. Etc etc. Brexit will most likely be a disaster, but it damn sure won't be because a bunch of people didn't have a delusional plucky 'can do' attitude about it.

Tell you what, I'll roll my sleeves up and get on board with Brexit as soon as there's a cast iron guarantee from the government that the NHS will receive an extra £350m every week.


I have. Someone being angry and upset because they see a poor future does not mean they are actively wishing for it

It's a very common theme, hoping that leavers suffer. Sure people are angry, but I say it as I see it and it pisses me off. There is enough suffering in this world without wishing it on people with a different political view to yours.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Fucking morons.

I simply don't understand how these people happily squandered their chance to end this whole Brexit nonsense and do the sensible thing.

Imagine people with dual UK/US citizenship right now. They must be losing their minds.


Nothing wrong with being positive and hopeful; far better than negative and angry.

It is what it is and we'll have to make it work, leavers and remainers alike.

There are large areas of the country that never recovered from the Tories last grand adventure in the 80s. I'm old enough to remember it and how destructive it was.

If the Tories fuck this up then it doesn't matter how positive you are.


I have. Someone being angry and upset because they see a poor future does not mean they are actively wishing for it

As angry as I am, this isn't helping anyone. You can't blame someone for believing the mounds of BS they see every day in the papers, on Facebook and so on. I do blame the MPs who can foresee the looming disaster and vote to leave anyway because they value their careers above the doing what's right for the country.


It's a very common theme, hoping that leavers suffer. Sure people are angry, but I say it as I see it and it pisses me off. There is enough suffering in this world without wishing it on people with a different political view to yours.

You don't seem to understand.

They voted for this. They voted to make themselves suffer. The government accepted that and promised to make it happen today. It is the will of the people. They wanted this. You can't say now that we can't give the people what they want.
It's kinda impressive just how useless Labour as an opposition party have become. We are seemingly stuck with conservative ruling for the next decade.
Time to start a suit for misrepresentation of Article 50.

365 million a week would be reasonable.

EDIT: Nothing left to lose now, The People's Republic of Brighton and Hove, ARISE!!


I'm sorry, the government said we need to give the people what the want. The will of the people.

These people voted to make themselves poorer. This is all on them.
That's great but I voted remain and those my age (29) and under will suffer the most.
It's a very common theme, hoping that leavers suffer. Sure people are angry, but I say it as I see it and it pisses me off. There is enough suffering in this world without wishing it on people with a different political view to yours.

When they vote to unequivocally make everyones lives in the country worse on a platform of "had enough of experts", believe lies despite everyone with enough brain cells to rub together desperately trying to talk some sense in to them, all for some misplaced nationalism and hatred of anyone who happened to born elsewhere, yes, I have no time for those people at all. Fuck every last one of them. They voted to leave the EU, to make themselves poorer, to have our NHS destroyed from underneath us with the leave vote going ot be the excuse because of a slogan on a bus that they were told was entirely untrue almost immediately. I can't wait for the collapse of the NHS to mean my father can't afford the medicines he needs to live, and I'm then the oldest living person in my family when he kicks it shortly after.

Yes, I do hope they get all of exactly what they voted for. If by some miracle, the country actually comes out of this better than it was, I'll be happy to admit I was wrong, but I can't imagine any multiverse where that happens, and I spent enough time and effort before the referendum that I don't care for people who frankly are so easily misleads opinions, no.


Respectfully, I haven't got to do a damn thing. It's as much my democratic right to vehemently oppose and disagree this madness as it is the lunatics prerogative to drive themselves of a cliff. The Brexiteers are the ones who owe the public a plan of action. Hard Brexit may be a concrete action, but it gives no indication as to HOW exactly we're going to prosper as a nation in the brave new world.

Also, this 'talk ourselves into a recession' narrative is ridiculously unhelpful, and plays right into the ongoing 'anyone's fault but ours' line that the government has been spinning for years. Lack of public spending? The EU is shackling us. No affordable housing? It's the immigrants. Etc etc. Brexit will most likely be a disaster, but it damn sure won't be because a bunch of people didn't have a delusional plucky 'can do' attitude about it.

Tell you what, I'll roll my sleeves up and get on board with Brexit as soon as there's a cast iron guarantee from the government that the NHS will receive an extra £350m every week.

Well said. The Brexiteer crowd won; fine, they own it. I hope I am wrong about the consequences of this frankly idiotic decision, but it is not my responsibility to put a solution in place to a decision I opposed.


Best of luck, Britain!

and thanks for making Dublin the English speaking capital of Europe



You don't seem to understand.

They voted for this. They voted to make themselves suffer. The government accepted that and promised to make it happen today. It is the will of the people. They wanted this. You can't say now that we can't give the people what they want.

That's a very warped, cynical and backwards way of looking good at it. Of course people didn't vote to make themselves suffer. You know this. No amount of wordsmithing is going to justify wishing ill on people.


Do you know what's worse than people who voted leave? Remainers who hope the UK burns and people suffer. That attitude is fucking shameful and I read it way too often on GAF. It makes my blood boil.

As an outsider I hope UK crash and burn. This is self inflicted


You don't seem to understand.

They voted for this. They voted to make themselves suffer. The government accepted that and promised to make it happen today. It is the will of the people. They wanted this. You can't say now that we can't give the people what they want.

No, I understand your position quite clearly from your posts and it's not very pleasant.

As an outsider I hope UK crash and burn. This is self inflicted



As angry as I am, this isn't helping anyone. You can't blame someone for believing the mounds of BS they see every day in the papers, on Facebook and so on. I do blame the MPs who can foresee the looming disaster and vote to leave anyway because they value their careers above the doing what's right for the country.

Not sure where I ever blamed anyone in this thread, but if I'm going to point the finger at anyone, I'll point it at Boris Johnson for throwing his weight behind the leave vote in a catastrophically misplaced attempt to gain brownie points for a 2020 leadership bid
Respectfully, I haven't got to do a damn thing. It's as much my democratic right to vehemently oppose and disagree this madness as it is the lunatics prerogative to drive themselves of a cliff. The Brexiteers are the ones who owe the public a plan of action. Hard Brexit may be a concrete action, but it gives no indication as to HOW exactly we're going to prosper as a nation in the brave new world.

Also, this 'talk ourselves into a recession' narrative is ridiculously unhelpful, and plays right into the ongoing 'anyone's fault but ours' line that the government has been spinning for years. Lack of public spending? The EU is shackling us. No affordable housing? It's the immigrants. Etc etc. Brexit will most likely be a disaster, but it damn sure won't be because a bunch of people didn't have a delusional plucky 'can do' attitude about it.

Tell you what, I'll roll my sleeves up and get on board with Brexit as soon as there's a cast iron guarantee from the government that the NHS will receive an extra £350m every week.

I'm not proposing talking ourselves into a recession.

That NHS stuff was a load of tosh. It's just a silly demand from you that's a complete dead end argument. As daft as the bus with it on the side. shrug.

Help yourself in not doing a damn thing. Get a where's my £350m NHS tshirt and go sit in the corner.
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