J Tourettes
OMG Aero said:I am amazed that on page 3 they use the term "hung parliament" and don't make a terrible joke about it.
News in briefs is serious business.
OMG Aero said:I am amazed that on page 3 they use the term "hung parliament" and don't make a terrible joke about it.
Enosh said:depends who you ask
...Nekofever said:And which particular point you're talking about.
Empty said:the implication is that the Lib Dems are the yellow branded "hung parliament party" because they support PR which will lead to hung parliaments and coalition governments going forwards, on top of them trying to scare people into voting for a majority tory government.
But in most democracies you need more than two parties to represent the range of popular opinions. Governments should be scared of public opinion; they should fear for their jobs on every vote, every law they pass. PR will do that.Linkified said:Well a majority government only works in FPTP if you ideally have 2 parties standing.
Again, because you didn't answer before.Linkified said:Well a majority government only works in FPTP if you ideally have 2 parties standing.
Sir Fragula said:But in most democracies you need more than two parties to represent the range of popular opinions. Governments should be scared of public opinion; they should fear for their jobs on every vote, every law they pass. PR will do that.
It's genuinely the most intelligently written bit of the entire paper.J Tourettes said:News in briefs is serious business.
DECK'ARD said:Nice positive stuff from Labour for their election broadcast tomorrow:
DECK'ARD said:Nice positive stuff from Labour for their election broadcast tomorrow:
What the hell.DECK'ARD said:Nice positive stuff from Labour for their election broadcast tomorrow:
ceramic said:I get the feeling that i'm getting too optimistic about electoral reform, should there be a hung parliament. I get the feeling that the best labour are going to offer us is the plain old AV system that they were proposing before the election anyway, and not for the right reasons, more that it would have put the conservatives at a disadvantage. I'm not interested in that kind of tribalistic bullshit. If AV+ is a baby step then AV is barely a shuffle. Even Alan Johnson coming out for AV+ doesn't have me convinced. Particularly when you get other Labour MPs saying shit like:
"The idea of proportional representation is simply not popular in our party, it's not popular in the Tory party, and even if there was a referendum held, it would not be binding," he said.
"It could only be consultative, and a sovereign Parliament, elected after the next election, would simply ignore it." - Stuart Bell
We all know what a bunch of lying cuntrags they are already, I would totally not be suprised if the above is what happens.
On top of that, any government with Gordon Brown at the helm is probably going to be deeply unpopular, and we all know the propensity of people to vote against referendums for reasons that have nothing to do with the topic being voted on eg. as some form of 'punishment'.
Plus, we also all know that AV+ is only a crippled pseudo-PR system (unlike the refered Lib Dem option of STV). The usual suspects will be campaining hard for a 'no' vote. They'll be able to make all of the arguments against PR but those in the pro camp won't be able to make ANY of the pro-PR arguments because the crippled nature of the AV+ system means it doesn't deliver the benefits that proper PR systems deliver.
And there's always the chance that Labour and the Tories hardball it and both rule it out. After all, no FPTP means no Labour monopolising the left-wing movement. And the Tories could not accept as it would probably spell the end of outright majorities for them forever.
Turkeys do not vote for dinner.
Politicians will continue to sink below even our lowest expectations of them.
There will be no electoral reform.
I'd love to be proven wrong. I'm documenting my thoughts here to see if I show to be right. If it turns out that I'm right I think i'm going to have a hard time bothering to vote at the next election as it would only be further confirmation that politicians are nothing more than a bunch of greasy, corrupt pigs in suits more interested in tribal politics and self-preservation than to actually give two shits about the people they are supposed to represent.
I know that there are other issues to contend with, it's just that electoral reform is a big thing for me. If it fails now it will be a very long time before we get the chance again. It will also show that a coalition government is not enough to secure reform, but an absolute majority is needed. And the chances of the Lib Dems securing that is very slim indeed.
Linkified said:And even if you changed the system if you got it that far, there are still problems in the way we vote - we need to remove the idea of a party, as in seperate PM job as another list of candidates to vote for. Removal of party whips and other such things like fixed terms. But hell would they agree to that.
Kowak said:parties have been evolving for the last 200 years and will never be removed.
:lolThe Guardian said:Who would Peppa Pig vote for? | Tim Dowling | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
It is the UK equivalent of those soul-searching American inquiries about what sort of car Jesus would drive: who would Peppa Pig vote for?
At least the weather looks better under the Tories.DECK'ARD said:Nice positive stuff from Labour for their election broadcast tomorrow:
DECK'ARD said:Nice positive stuff from Labour for their election broadcast tomorrow:
Prime Minister Gordon Brown was caught on microphone today describing a voter he had just spoken to in Rochdale as a "bigoted woman".
Kowak said:Oh Gordon.
is it really breaking news worthy?
J Tourettes said:Interesting article in The Grauniad, about the dude who predicted 49 out of 50 States correctly in the US election.
He's predicting bad things for Labour, it'll be interesting to see how close he gets with his predictions here.
The fella's site is here.
J Tourettes said:A PM badmouthing a voter and describing the encounter as a disaster? I'd have to say yes.
Kowak said:I would put it more in the "In other news" category. I am sure he wouldn't have called her a bigot unless she was one. I would hate to hear what DC says when he meets people.
Empty said:I'm surprised that blunder came from real politics first and not The Thick of It.
Kowak said:I would put it more in the "In other news" category. I am sure he wouldn't have called her a bigot unless she was one. I would hate to hear what DC says when he meets people.
I'm not so sure. Do we have a clip of whatever transpired prior?Kowak said:I would put it more in the "In other news" category. I am sure he wouldn't have called her a bigot unless she was one. I would hate to hear what DC says when he meets people.
SmokyDave said:I'm not so sure. Do we have a clip of whatever transpired prior?
SmokyDave said:I'm not so sure. Do we have a clip of whatever transpired prior?
Given the Labour approach to immigration I'm disinclined to believe they're in a position to decide between savoury and unsavoury.CruxisMana said:The news keeps meanting that she made a comment about immigration, which Brown found particularly unsavoury, but they've never actually shown it.
Of course they won't show it though, since he was most likely right...