I admit it. I'm intolerant towards
- racists
- homophobes
- sexists
- xenophobes
- Bigots
- islamophobes
So am I, but that's not what the picture is saying and you know it.
I admit it. I'm intolerant towards
- racists
- homophobes
- sexists
- xenophobes
- Bigots
- islamophobes
And another one with a bit note detail:
Anyone see the abuse Carswell got yesterday from the idiots at that anti Tory demo? No place for that in a democratic society. Shouting Nazi and racist at him as well, how much of a fucking idiot do you have to be.
Is this just going to be a place for the left wing to gather and shout down anyone that dares to disagree with them?
..because I got enough of that at RllMuk forums where the intolerant, fascist hatred of such people with differing views is quickly pounced upon with snotty, condescending replies.
Is this just going to be a place for the left wing to gather and shout down anyone that dares to disagree with them?
..because I got enough of that at RllMuk forums where the intolerant, fascist hatred of such people with differing views is quickly pounced upon with snotty, condescending replies.
Is this just going to be a place for the left wing to gather and shout down anyone that dares to disagree with them?
Anyone see the abuse Carswell got yesterday from the idiots at that anti Tory demo? No place for that in a democratic society. Shouting Nazi and racist at him as well, how much of a fucking idiot do you have to be.
If its anything like the old politics thread, exactly the opposite. Our right leaning posters are much more active in posting than the left wingers for the normal thread.
Because finding the subscribe button is more effort than I'm willing to go to: posting to subscribe.
I have genuinely never used the Subscribe button in my life. I don't even know where it is.
If you don't actually want your views to be challenged and debated then I'm sure there are plenty of right wing echo-chambers out there where you can post instead.
I never bother with subs, I just rely on the firefox awesome bar and post history
yeah. carswell is too good for UKIP and quite honestly a big fish in a small pond. would not be surprised if he goes independent eventually.While I don't agree with their chanting. And I am sure Carswell is on the libertarian and not racist spectrum of UKIP.
He is nevertheless the MP of a party with lots of questionable policies and more than a handful of literal racists amongst their ranks. He can hardly be surprised by the reaction he should have known what he was getting into when he jumped ship.
Is this just going to be a place for the left wing to gather and shout down anyone that dares to disagree with them?
The government will go on pouring subsidies into the middle-class interests. There is always money for pensions tax relief, first-time buyers and inherited property. There is no mention of new property taxes. As for Cameron’s pledge to free businesses from red tape, this was surreal. Has he not been briefed on the deluge of new pensions and building regulations that he has just imposed on small businesses the length of the land? There has been no such deregulation.
The left can dismiss any Tory leader as bound by tribal instinct to oppress the poor and line the pockets of the top 1%. That is not Cameron. He may be victim of an incorrigible cronyism, and his overdue attempt to reform Britain’s welfare state has left many rough edges, some of them inexcusable. But he is a politician sincere in wanting to avoid the disciplines of a growing economy falling too heavily on those in genuine need. He is just not good at saying so.
Perhaps the PM should take lessons on Edmund Burke from his backbench colleague, Jesse Norman. Cameron is a traditional Tory. He is no radical. He does not believe in a smaller state or in radical redistribution of wealth. He is a city-dweller, a Whitehall centralist, a natural meddler, an interventionist at home and abroad. The countryside, natural beauty or the arts do not feature in his make-up – or in the Queen’s speech. Such localism as he professes has been forced on him by Europe’s new wave of centrifugal politics. Cameron is no Thatcher, indeed the worrying thing is his professed admiration for Blair.
I don't understand this bit at all. Not only is he not good at saying so, he's seemingly been ineffective at acting on it also.But he is a politician sincere in wanting to avoid the disciplines of a growing economy falling too heavily on those in genuine need. He is just not good at saying so.
You can't redraw the boundaries to create a level playing field, really. It's just not possible given how FPTP works. If you want to have equal sized constituencies that are in the realm of +/-10% of 67,000 constituents and don't break across county council or borough lines, then there's only so many ways you can draw them. The Conservatives aren't getting an advantage because they personally draw up the borders - they don't, it's done by an independent body. They get an advantage because their vote is more geographically concentrated than Labour's. This means they do poorly in seats they lose, and just well enough in seats they win; so not many votes are wasted. Labour's big problem is that they're doing quite well in places they're losing (Scotland) and too well in seats they win meaning wasted votes piling up (the North).
The only way to change this is to get rid of FPTP.
This is genuinely my no.1 political desire.
Oh, I agree. That's my point, really - if the Tories wanted equal votes, they would want to ditch FPTP, not be eager to mess with boundary lines. Is the reducing the number of MPs also an independent thing?
These days you will find just as many 'privileged' MP's on the Labour benches as you will on the Conservatives.
Is there a breakdown of this anywhere?
Not being snide, just curious.
Works both ways, though. The 12 nutters are just as likely to rock the boat as the 12 moderates; if not more so.
Is this just going to be a place for the left wing to gather and shout down anyone that dares to disagree with them?
..because I got enough of that at RllMuk forums where the intolerant, fascist hatred of such people with differing views is quickly pounced upon with snotty, condescending replies.
But it only takes 6 Tory MPS to vote against the government for its policies to be blocked, David Davies is waiting with his bloc of MP's to put the boot in.
12 really isn't enough to be a radical administration.
I don't know about 2015, but in 2010, there were 25 MPs who had a background in manual labour before joining politics; 22 were Labour, 2 Conservative, and 1 Liberal Democrat. Just over 9% of the Labour Party had a background in manual labour, less than 1% of the Conservative Party, and just over 2% of the Liberal Democrats.
I don't know about 2015, but in 2010, there were 25 MPs who had a background in manual labour before joining politics; 22 were Labour, 2 Conservative, and 1 Liberal Democrat. Just over 9% of the Labour Party had a background in manual labour, less than 1% of the Conservative Party, and just over 2% of the Liberal Democrats.
As a rather depressing piece of context, in Oct 1974, just over 40% of Labour's MPs came from manual labour backgrounds. The party got taken over by solictors, barristers, and professional politicians. Still more working class than the others, but by a barely appreciable margin.
While this is obviously a tiny number, surely the percentage of the population actually involved in some sort of manual labour is at an all-time low, especially when you consider the presence of non-UK citizens in areas such as agriculture, transporting goods etc.
Unsurprisingly, the SNP have instantly attacked it as not going far enough.
Guess they should call a referendum then....they really are a bunch of grievance seeking piss & wind merchants.
Guess they should call a referendum then....they really are a bunch of grievance seeking piss & wind merchants.
Guess they should call a referendum then....they really are a bunch of grievance seeking piss & wind merchants.
I think comments like this are probably the reason people make condescending remarks, rather than your political beliefs.
Guess they should call a referendum then....they really are a bunch of grievance seeking piss & wind merchants.
Well they were elected on a manifesto of getting what they believe to be the best deal for Scotland.
Which they believe the best way of achieving is by leaving the UK, so what are they waiting for?