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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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The point is it's like maximally non-libertarian.

Like I said in my first post I'm fine with the government just providing the taxis, but I tend to favor the utility model because you know how people are about full state control of the economy, they get all butt hurt.

I don;t know a better word for people like Peter Theil than technolibertarian. The wan't the government to completely lay off regulating the corporate rich (like when Carmack whines about how hard it is for him to get rocket fuel) but they simultaneously want complete control over their users. They want to take user freedoms and privacy away and then sell it back to them.

The privacy implications of a Google driving car is not something I am comfortable with.

Elon Musk is an Alt-Right hero because of this. The Neo-X endgame is to create a bifurcated system where a small ruling class is free to exert total control over the underclass. They are also into creating immortality for the ruling class so they don't need to worry about interclass mobility or succession.
The point is it's like maximally non-libertarian.

Like I said in my first post I'm fine with the government just providing the taxis, but I tend to favor the utility model because you know how people are about full state control of the economy, they get all butt hurt.

But like I said, pay for those taxis. Off the top of my head, you need to buyback every car in America, and then also basically replace them all with self-driving variants (I'll grant you can probably get away with less than replacement in urban areas with a stronger push for public transport).


Welp, tomorrow morning is the SC District 5 special election. I'm gonna go vote first thing after dropping my daughter off at school. I don't have any confidence that the candidate I'm voting for will make any sizable dent; I imagine Connelly will take over 50% and get the seat without needing to run against anyone else next month. It would be nice though...
Since posting my questions last week or so, I've seen a lot more commercials from candidates. It seems like most of the Republicans are all campaigning on building the wall, repealing Obamacare, and sucking off Trump, so that's awesome. I'm seen a couple ads for one of the dems now too though; I guess I haven't been watching much basic television recently.


Shit's going down in New Orleans. Confederate's are camping the Jefferson Davis Memorial to keep it from being removed.

A truck with dozens of anti-monument protesters reading FUCK OFF NAZI SCUM just arrived at Jeff Davis. Pro-monument folks sorta stunned

Anti-monument protesters now doing Nine Inch Nails karaoke to the Confederate protesters

Monument getting shovey as people chant FUCK OFF NAZI SCUM.

And someone just threw bottle at my head BRAWL

Bring them all down.
Here in MS, we also have way too many apologist statues everywhere. I get that they're history, but museums are proper places for Nazi shit, not town squares.


But like I said, pay for those taxis. Off the top of my head, you need to buyback every car in America, and then also basically replace them all with self-driving variants (I'll grant you can probably get away with less than replacement in urban areas with a stronger push for public transport).

Your posts are too obnoxious for me to bother responding to, sorry.

I got bored around the time you started indulging in weird personal speculations about the motivations behind my arguments rather that just responding to me.
Your posts are too obnoxious for me to bother responding to, sorry.

I got bored around the time you started indulging in weird personal speculations about the motivations behind my arguments rather that just responding to me.


I really don't get this. Paying for things isn't really an obnoxious request and it's something you're hand-waving away pretty strongly!

You mean my phobia comments? I don't actually think you have a phobia of gas lol. I just think it comes off that way since it's pretty irrational.
She kept fucking up,and then this:

If there is one thing Trump hates, it's people taking his spotlight

SNL really got her number on her not caring if the world was burning as long as people were paying attention to her. That creepy photo of herself she kept in her house also reinforced that shit.


You mean my phobia comments? I don't actually think you have a phobia of gas lol. I just think it comes off that way since it's pretty irrational.

You and I would have better interactions if you confined yourself to discussing the topic rather than amusing yourself with personal theories about why I might be arguing the thing I'm arguing.
You and I would have better interactions if you confined yourself to discussing the topic rather than amusing yourself with personal theories about why I might be arguing the thing I'm arguing.

I didn't intend it literally, but fair point, I definitely didn't make that clear.

But you're not really responding to anyone's points, certainly not mine. I especially don't see how your main thesis is any different than proposing a ban on all food that isn't nutrient paste and vitamin pills, since regular food likely shaves year off of our lives. BlastProcessing even brought up sugar in place of cars and you just walked past that one.

Y'all watching The Handmaid's Tale on Hulu?

No but it's on my list to watch. Never had any exposure to the book (I think it's originally a book?).


No but it's on my list to watch. Never had any exposure to the book (I think it's originally a book?).
Yes, it is a book. Also there was a major film a long while back.

The show modernizes the premise and setting by imagining republican and religious right stances in a near future where America let travel ban supporters and religious freedom lawmakers get too much rope over time. It's very well produced, and seems adamant about showing self-awareness of today's politics in America (from a perspective the American right would most certainly loathe).
Yes, it is a book. Also there was a major film a long while back.

The show modernizes the premise and setting by imagining republican and religious right stances in a near future where America let travel ban supporters and religious freedom lawmakers get too much rope over time. It's very well produced, and seems adamant about showing self-awareness of today's politics in America (from a perspective the American right would most certainly loathe).

Are there still
chronic fertility problems
or did they change that from the book?
Yes, it is a book. Also there was a major film a long while back.

The show modernizes the premise and setting by imagining republican and religious right stances in a near future where America let travel ban supporters and religious freedom lawmakers get too much rope over time. It's very well produced, and seems adamant about showing self-awareness of today's politics in America (from a perspective the American right would most certainly loathe).

I'll have to make sure I check it out soon then. My wife and I are currently going through The Path and liking it.
And eats them in one sitting?

I guess so? I was off the first two times but the third time she ordered 2 salads and was by herself at the bar. Front of house manager said she'd ordered two tuna apps by herself the time before that.

Her secret service guy was sitting by himself at a table, I made his burger lol.


Didn't see this posted, but I'm still rather bleary-eyed from lack of sleep.

Democrats confident they can block Trump's agenda after spending-bill win

Closing paragraph

But the president put a spotlight on the issue just as public polls were starting to show overwhelming support for the subsidies and the ACA in general. Democrats were thrilled to add the attack on the health-care law to the mix in the spending fight because they thought the public would blame Republicans if a deal couldn't be reached to fund the government, according to several Democratic aides familiar with the strategy.

Dems acting like the majority, and saying screw you to the GOP.


I didn't intend it literally, but fair point, I definitely didn't make that clear.

But you're not really responding to anyone's points, certainly not mine. I especially don't see how your main thesis is any different than proposing a ban on all food that isn't nutrient paste and vitamin pills, since regular food likely shaves year off of our lives. BlastProcessing even brought up sugar in place of cars and you just walked past that one.


No but it's on my list to watch. Never had any exposure to the book (I think it's originally a book?).

I mean, I think I'm responding to a whole lot of points. Most of my posts today are responding to people on this topic. It just happens that nobody agrees with me so I have to do it all myself, and some stuff gets missed.

I didn't respond to the thing about sugar because it's not an argument, it's a fallacy. The fact that I think cars are dangerous and we should try to make them safer does not obligate me to want to ban everything in the world that's dangerous. Things are different from other things! For example I'm happy to advocate for self-driving sugar as soon as it's introduced.
You have to hand it to the auto industry's marketing efforts. It is ingrained in our culture that a lifestyle in which one is forced to own an expensive and dangerous machine just to complete daily tasks is associated with freedom.
I mean, I think I'm responding to a whole lot of points. Most of my posts today are responding to people on this topic. It just happens that nobody agrees with me so I have to do it all myself, and some stuff gets missed.

I didn't respond to the thing about sugar because it's not an argument, it's a fallacy. The fact that I think cars are dangerous and we should try to make them safer does not obligate me to want to ban everything in the world that's dangerous. Things are different from other things! For example I'm happy to advocate for self-driving sugar as soon as it's introduced.

Appeals to hypocrisy are only fallacies if I'm trying to shut you down, but I was legitimately asking you questions about funding and feasibility and you're mostly arguing from the point about preventing casualties. If I were to find this convincing, then I'd have to be in favor of a ban on a lot of foods for basically the same reason. The only reason I wouldn't is if somehow people liking pizza and beer means they keep their pizza and beer but them liking (assuming they have no feasibility problems, i.e. the only reason they're not on board with the plan is that they're car junkies) cars doesn't mean they get to keep them. I don't really see a qualitative difference between the two.

You don't have to ban everything that's dangerous (obviously you could cut yourself on a pencil or something, which we can't reasonably ban) but people talk a lot about banning certain foods (or at least taxing them a shit ton, which I'd argue is more up my alley in the way that I argued above (to someone else maybe) that insurance companies are going to push for self-driving as a way to increase profit margins, and that economically incentivizes those cars). I legitimately don't see much daylight between a sugar ban (for example) and a car ban. In fact, I'd think a lot more people need the cars than they do the sweets.

You have to hand it to the auto industry's marketing efforts. It is ingrained in our culture that a lifestyle in which one is forced to own an expensive and dangerous machine just to complete daily tasks is associated with freedom.

This is true but not really my point or even a part of my argument. I acknowledge that car junkies are probably an extreme minority and people just want to get from point A to point B. I just don't see how you pull that off in places like my hometown with manually driven cars. There are quite a few small towns like that across the country. I mean, I'm not even arguing against better public transport (as I've agreed with that suggestion every time it's posted since I think reduction in traffic is good for the environment and that's super doable in cities). But a complete ban on cars (which after this long seems like a real argument, other people seemed to think Pigeon was joking) is unnecessary and (as far as I can tell) not possible.
Didn't see this posted, but I'm still rather bleary-eyed from lack of sleep.

Democrats confident they can block Trump’s agenda after spending-bill win

Closing paragraph

Dems acting like the majority, and saying screw you to the GOP.
Well of course. Democrats are the only ones who care about actually legislating - if the rank and file GOP had its way, all they would do is pass tax cuts and ban gay abortions and yoga pants every once in a while. Trump doesn't care what gets done as long as he (in his mind) gets all the credit, and Democrats are the ones willing to put in the work.

Probably the worst outcome for wonky right-wingers like Ryan. If Clinton were pres with a GOP Congress their playbook would be much, much simpler.


Probably the worst outcome for wonky right-wingers like Ryan. If Clinton were pres with a GOP Congress their playbook would be much, much simpler.

Yeah. Republicans were gearing up for a pretty easy term of obstructing everything and blaming the opposite party for everything. They didn't think they'd have to actually worry about making actually important decisions.


Today's Pod Save America was hilarious and Lovett had some really good jokes, but it took them 6 minutes of ads and cross-promotions to get to the actual discussion. Maybe this is the norm for a lot of podcasts but nothing else I listen to has this much advertising for a one hour podcast.
Yeah. Republicans were gearing up for a pretty easy term of obstructing everything and blaming the opposite party for everything. They didn't think they'd have to actually worry about making actually important decisions.
I think the big difference is that at least with a Rubio or Kasich, they would come into office with ideas for the party to rally around. Maybe it still wouldn't be successful, maybe there'd have to be some compromises, but at least there would be a vision and leadership.

What does Trump give them? Nothing. He has no interest in policy. "Replace Obamacare with something terrific." Gee, thanks. Past presidents all had a strong guiding hand in their key legislation. The speaker can do that in theory, except it's probably the least respected job in politics, and the guy doing it right now has no interest in it. Plus his star as a media darling and GOP whiz kid isn't just fading, it's imploding.

That's not to say members of Congress can't be effective - I'm sure the next Democratic presidential nominee will include a number of proposals based on stuff that's been pushed by Bernie or John Conyers or whoever. But those policies are generally popular, and even the fantasy football legislation is pretty thorough. If Pelosi gained the Speakership tomorrow she could put one of those bills out for a floor vote immediately. The GOP can't count on Ryan to do that because they stand for nothing other than tax cuts, repealing Obama laws, and a few social issues.


I guess today was such a fuck up, this quote ran under the radar:

Trump on Gorsuch: 'Every 5-4 decision is because of me'

He does realize that he swung a Republican vote to another Republican right? And that it's really more because of the Republican Congress over the last year. I guess he REALLY wants to leave some kind of legacy though.

"My fellow Americans, I truly believe that the first 100 days of my administration has been just about the most successful in our country's history," Trump said during his weekly address. "Our country is going up, and it's going up fast."
For the love of.....stop saying how everything has to be the best or greatest ever. Just say you think good progress is being made.


I really hope the 18 year term limit for Supreme Court Justice judges makes some traction. It's not even about Dem v. Rep., to me it's only fair that a President should appoint 2 judges per presidential term. Thus, no president can cause long lasting influence within the court system and it also assists the presidents current agenda, for better or worst.
I really hope the 18 year term limit for Supreme Court Justice judges makes some traction. It's not even about Dem v. Rep., to me it's only fair that a President should appoint 2 judges per presidential term. Thus, no president can cause long lasting influence within the court system and it also assists the presidents current agenda, for better or worst.

I would say more than anything it also prevents older people with degraded mental health who refuse to step down from influencing policy. Theoretically someone like Gorsuch could end up being a bumbling mess for years on end (this happened in The West Wing too) and nobody could stop them.
I'm disappointed to see Warren criticize Obama for doing that speech and saying he does not understand 'the lived experience of most Americans'

He was a middle-class kid who worked his way into Harvard Law and decided to spend his time being a community organizer in Harlem and the South Side of Chicago, but he knows nothing about "the lived experiences of Americans."

This pandering to the WHITE working class while disparaging a well loved black president is going to alienate quite a few voters from the most reliable voting bloc in this country.

Either Hannity has a tiny head or Gorka has a huge one


What an ugly bunch
tbh, surprised he knew a majority for SCOTUS votes was 5-4

Still need to find every liberal who threw away their vote on Stein or Johnson and punch them in the dick or vagina (depending). Twice if they live in a swing state
We live in a red state, so my mom didn't see the harm in voting for Jill Stein. However, she's also a Bernie Bro, and that gets annoying.
I'm disappointed to see Warren criticize Obama for doing that speech and saying he does not understand 'the lived experience of most Americans'

He was a middle-class kid who worked his way into Harvard Law and decided to spend his time being a community organizer in Harlem and the South Side of Chicago, but he knows nothing about "the lived experiences of Americans."

This pandering to the WHITE working class while disparaging a well loved black president is going to alienate quite a few voters from the most reliable voting bloc in this country.

What an ugly bunch
Uh if you're referring to this I think you're misunderstanding her? She's saying that touting the economic indicators of his presidency as he leaves office don't accurately reflect how well most people are doing. She's not saying Obama is some elitist who has never experienced America from outside of comfort.

She is against him doing the speech though, but that seems pretty on-brand with someone who was attacking money in politics before Obama took the speech.
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