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UK PoliGAF |OT2| - We Blue Ourselves

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The canary? Christ. No idea how they are not a band site.

Presumably people just haven't caught on to its existence. Load of fucking bollocks, though. I'm all for more left-wing media but drop the persecution complex, have proper editors, pay people not based on clicks, oh and don't brag when you're called out for going against Samaritans reporting guidelines.

Like, you may want to question if dropping the petition was right, but they "made up sexism"? And from the URL you can clearly see they had "lied" in the title before a lawyer rightly told them not to say that. What a load of shit.

I'm not hugely fond of Laura K, mainly didn't think she was great on Newsnight and more just struck me as a bit annoying and wrapped up in the political storylines rather than any actual policies, but don't think she's biased in a way work complaining about.
The media is the same as it's always been. Predominantly privileged and privately educated by means of family wealth, and they've always hated politicians who publicly talked about it. That's why New Labour was a god send for them. Tony Blair tried to push the agenda away from hereditary wealth being the largest contributor to success, a huge relief to the wealthy and privileged who had to previously pretend they gave a shit about social mobility without conceding their privilege. Unfortunately Blair did this by pushing poor people into further debt so they could feel the "privilege" of a house/education. 20 years later and who your parents are is still the the main factor in your success, and we're back to the press pretending they give a shit about social mobility but actually being worried of a politician who would do something about it.
I don't know if I'm allowed to link the the Express (or anything after the last one haha) but this also happened recently

Did David Cameron make NAZI joke to German chancellor Angela Merkel on his country estate?

DAVID Cameron reportedly made a World War II jibe at Angela Merkel when she visited his stately home last year.

The British Prime Minister is alleged to have made a remark about his country residence Chequers when the German chancellor visited the UK in October last year.

As he showed Ms Merkel around the 1,000 acre Buckinghamshire estate, he is said to have remarked: “Just think, all this could have been yours.”

Was also in Financial Times but that's behind a paywall.

The fuck is it with former Mayors of London and bringing up Hitler?

Like I said about Ken Livingstone this is just the way politicians speak, or people who studied Classics at Oxford. Use extreme historical political incidents to rationalise/criticise the politics of today. I know because a friend of the family who is a local politician studied Classics at Oxford, and I've been stuck with him at family gatherings.


I don't know if I'm allowed to link the the Express (or anything after the last one haha) but this also happened recently

Was also in Financial Times but that's behind a paywall.

the 'fantastically corrupt" line was appalling banter but that's great hahahaha

anyway feels like the constant in modern politics is to endlessly moan about how all politicians are mindless robots from an oxbridge ppe machine that are programmed solely regurgitate talking points then absolutely slaughter them for showing any personality or unique position by declaring it as a HUGE GAFFE or a 'disgusting offensive remark, plz apologize'


Like I said about Ken Livingstone this is just the way politicians speak, or people who studied Classics at Oxford. Use extreme historical political incidents to rationalise/criticise the politics of today. I know because a friend of the family who is a local politician studied Classics at Oxford, and I've been stuck with him at family gatherings.

As person who is currently studying Classics at Oxford... can confirm?

Mr. Sam

I do wonder how much better the Greens would be doing if they had Farage's weekly interview slot on BBC Breakfast, or his regular seat on Question Time.


I don't understand why they need to take it down, just stop updating it, the server costs to maintain it as is can't be *that* high.
I think they've said the pages will all still exist, they just won't be linked to from anywhere (i.e. the search/portal will be retired)


I think they've said the pages will all still exist, they just won't be linked to from anywhere (i.e. the search/portal will be retired)

What? That's even more stupid, so to save money were' going to stop people using a site, but we're still going to pay for it to be maintained whilst noone uses it. This f***ing country I don't know.



Gove said: “Prisons must do more to rehabilitate offenders. We will put governors in charge, giving them the autonomy they need to run prisons in the way they think best.

“By trusting governors to get on with the job, we can make sure prisons are places of education, work and purposeful activity. These reforms will reduce reoffending, cut crime and improve public safety.”

The prison reforms seem to be completely well intentioned. Need to look into it more but on a first glance, good news!


"By trusting [someone else] to get on with the job, we can make sure [good things happen]"

Err... that sounds like the opposite of making sure. Unless he means "we can make sure we aren't blamed if something goes wrong"

(I haven't read the article yet, thats just a reaction to the bit of PR you quoted)

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
There's definitely a lot of promise in the ideas proposed, so long as the governors who are delegated more authority and autonomy are suitably qualified.

However it needs to come along with significant reductions in the amount of people being imprisoned. In combination significant improvements to the wellbeing of inmates and their prospects upon the end of their sentence could be made.
I have to say I was very impressed with the Queens speech today. Personally speaking for a long time I have started to think that this government is completely out of touch with the problems the ordinary plebs in this country face.

Yup I have lost count of the times I have woken up in the middle of the night a film of cold sweat on my forehead due to all the stress and worry of what the Government is going to do about space planes, driverless cars and little Johnny seeing naughty adult things.

I am greatly relieved that this government is not getting distracted by the unimportant things like the housing crisis, and the massive levels of poverty and inequality that is rife in the UK. Nope they really are tackling the important issues like pissing about with a space port that for all intents and purposes would be better at the fucking equator anyway.

As for the lil scrap between the Doctors and Jeremy Cunt, I wonder which one backed down.


We need that picture of the old guy pretending to be a teenager at this stage. Who on earth is doing their social media that thought this was a good message to run with?

Plus everyone knows Uncharted is the big game for this week not Doom!


We need that picture of the old guy pretending to be a teenager at this stage. Who on earth is doing their social media that thought this was a good message to run with?

Plus everyone knows Uncharted is the big game for this week not Doom!

They should just go all out and make a Stellaris reference.

'STUDENTS: Try going alone in Stellaris without partners, you'll get boned in no time! #InForBritain'


They should just go all out and make a Stellaris reference.

'STUDENTS: Try going alone in Stellaris without partners, you'll get boned in no time! #InForBritain'
I left an Alliance in my current game and now it's a big federation and I'm boned. Definitely voting to stay in the EU.
They should just go all out and make a Stellaris reference.

'STUDENTS: Try going alone in Stellaris without partners, you'll get boned in no time! #InForBritain'

Out should do a Civ V reference.

'Are you sure we can trust our allies in Europe not to stab us in the front? #VoteLeave for greater autonomy'

*Screenshot of Bismarck denouncing*


It's the hope that kills you.


Jeremy Corbyn is backing a plan to protect the NHS from the controversial TTIP trade deal with the US, the Independent understands.

The Labour leader is to support an amendment to the Queen's Speech, which will be voted on next week, in which Labour MPs will state they “regret” the Government has not included a bill that would “protect the National Health Service from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership”.

Surprisingly canny.

Conservatives have to either support it, tacitly admitting that they've not done enough themselves to protect the NHS - or deny it and face accusations that they're purposefully and knowingly undermining the NHS.

I mean, we all know it to be true regardless, but it's something Labour can use to hit them with come election time. From what I've read, Corbyn has surrounded himself with plenty of experience, and that'll definitely be of significant help going forward.


They should just go all out and make a Stellaris reference.

'STUDENTS: Try going alone in Stellaris without partners, you'll get boned in no time! #InForBritain'

But my xenophobic, militaristic, Human empire is crushing everyone while standing alone. I even kicked out those terrible immigrants from another dimension.
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