Hey, look who's back!free meadows
8000 words?
mickey mouse course
kentpaul, stop fucking up the thread with BF videos. You should post the ones of you rapping to Eminem. They're way better
Dude battlefield 3 is the best game ever made AND the best game that WILL ever be made.
Gaming was invented just for battlefield 3.
That's an odd way to spell Llamatron.
kentpaul in a years time: battlefield 4 is the best game ever made.
kentpaul in 2015: battlefield 5 is the best game ever.
Wow. That's a bit strong. Guess you're not a fan of flashing colours and crazy sounds. And here I thought you were a fan of clubbing.You ruined your childhood.
Lets focus on the DLC packs coming out soon first.
Do you have battlelog?
nah. don't want to use origin out of principles bro. also im really bored of military shooters.
EA gaming.
They should focus on other wars. Expansion of the British Empire, growing moustaches and talking to the natives.
(hope everyone loses there jobs who work there lol fucking excuse of a shop)
Why use an L86, when you can use the L85?
i don't know whats happening to this thread .
I only had to do 1500 essays mostly for the business side of my course. The comp sci was mostly exercises and coding. Of course my dissertation was pretty long, but that had no limit so I never bothered counting the words.
Nice day for rain today chaps.
Assuming you're not joking (although I suspect you are!), and you're talking about regular essays, that's far too long! Anyway, good to have you back from the wilderness![]()
Surely that's more a dissertation than an essay? My 'normal' essays are ~2500 in length.
My daddy's bigger than your daddy!
In defence of the Kentmeister, BF3 is a really good game. For those who have grown out of Nintendo![]()
1500 words?
I do 500 word intros and 500 word conclusions.
Uh oh. I wouldn't recommend Reed to anyone. I've hired a few agency staff from there and no-one was happy with them or how they treated their workers. Good for foot-in-the-door so long as your temp company is capable of hiring internally, but as an external agency they're pretty bad.
kentpaul stuck in the 90s
What ? My currant favourite album is Kid cudi's WZRD. (2012 album)
And the Wizard was released in the 80s so if we average out the years you're stuck in the 90s.