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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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My hand has been forced.

Just had to create a Facebook account so I can start networking something proper.


How have you lasted so long?! I'd be lost without it, because everyone I know uses it to some extent so any events, nights out etc are organised on there, great for a quick catch up with friends far away, or sending links etc, and every company/organisation I can think of shares announcements over it! Plus it's good for communicating to people you don't know massively like some on my university course. Though I don't understand those who add every single person they ever meet. You don't have 2000 friends, piss off.

Heh, I remember using Myspace when I was 15-17. Everyone used that. Then over the space of a month, everyone opened Facebook accounts, and gave up on Myspace.

Welcome to the addiction.


How have you lasted so long?! I'd be lost without it, because everyone I know uses it to some extent so any events, nights out etc are organised on there, great for a quick catch up with friends far away, or sending links etc, and every company/organisation I can think of shares announcements over it! Plus it's good for communicating to people you don't know massively like some on my university course. Though I don't understand those who add every single person they ever meet. You don't have 2000 friends, piss off.

Heh, I remember using Myspace when I was 15-17. Everyone used that. Then over the space of a month, everyone opened Facebook accounts, and gave up on Myspace.

Welcome to the addiction.
I used to have one.

Then I deleted it.

Then not two months later I got work experience with the company I am now employed by.

It was a super-huge distraction in my life and deleting it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Fuck 'the real world' for now existing on Facebook :(
I genuinely don't understand how anyone between the age of 16 and 25 can have a social life without it. If everyone else is using the Events feature to organise stuff, you're missing out on valuable info. Photos, Chat, birthday reminders, people's Walls. I'm utterly dependent on it.
I used to have one.

Then I deleted it.

Then not two months later I got work experience with the company I am now employed by.

It was a super-huge distraction in my life and deleting it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Fuck 'the real world' for now existing on Facebook :(

Makes more sense, I'd be shocked to meet anyone 16-25 who've never had one!

Kudos for being able to delete it for a while, like I said I'd be screwed without it, as people seemingly can't organise anything bigger than a pub trip or cinema without it!

Even today I got two free PSN games for liking the Playstation Acess page!


I used to have one.

Then I deleted it.

Then not two months later I got work experience with the company I am now employed by.

It was a super-huge distraction in my life and deleting it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Fuck 'the real world' for now existing on Facebook :(

You should add us! Then I can post a funny picture on your wall for your birthday!
CHEEZMO™;37509018 said:
What's this Knightmare shit I'm seeing on BBC News?



You should add us! Then I can post a funny picture on your wall for your birthday!
1 - I don't have my birthday on show on Facebook. Or even tell people. I hate celebrating my birthday or people even knowing about it.
2 - I made this for professional networking. I'm sure GAF would find a way to embarrass me somehow.
3 - It'd break the illusion of me being a duck.


But then some cracks appeared and before I knew it he was fired/left the company. As it turned out he couldn't even use Excel properly and some other basic shit. He was completely unqualified for the job with the cherry on top being that a day before he left he asked me to email him the full details of our 8-million-member English-language user database to his Gmail account. Yeah...

Holy crap! How is it possible for companies to let stuff like this happen?! mind blowing.


1 - I don't have my birthday on show on Facebook. Or even tell people. I hate celebrating my birthday or people even knowing about it.
2 - I made this for professional networking. I'm sure GAF would find a way to embarrass me somehow.
3 - It'd break the illusion of me being a duck.

(won't be around again today, I've got two days off work so I'm drinking heavily and playing video games in my pants. It's awesome. Forza 4 & Trials Evo yesterday, Fez and possibly L.A. Noire today!).


Prodigal Son
I have a Facebook account but barely use it, in the last few months it's existed for accepting my dad's friend invite, liking the Dark Souls wall and an online musician.

I wonder why I still have it really. The only things public are my name and my face - Don't want people I've never met seeing how I look, my profile pic is bad enough.


Maturity, bitches.
Get on linkedin if you're looking for professional networking.

I have one of those and all I've done with it is accept old Uni friends. I still have the "if I don't know you I'm not adding you" policy, but I guess that's the wrong approach for this kind of site. Honestly have no idea what I'm using it for.


In London from 1pm tomorrow. Need some places for me and the girl to saunter around before the allnighter at 11pm. A trip to Namco museum is definitely in order and probably a gallery, but dunno what else to do after that. We're in London so often that all the big "must visit" galleries and museums that we're aware of have been done already.

Get on linkedin if you're looking for professional networking.
I am yet to meet anyone who uses it. The moment I do, I'll join. Facebook without the bullshit sounds great.
In London from 1pm tomorrow. Need some places for me and the girl to saunter around before the allnighter at 11pm. A trip to Namco museum is definitely in order and probably a gallery, but dunno what else to do after that. We're in London so often that all the big "must visit" galleries and museums that we're aware of have been done already.

I am yet to meet anyone who uses it. The moment I do, I'll join. Facebook without the bullshit sounds great.

You could give the Geffrye museum a go if you've not been before and get some cheap and delicious Vietnamese food from Mien Tay after.
Good luck Snoop... After things slowly going downhill at my current job I put in an application for a position with an architecture/design practice yesterday (closing date is today).

Shame really, as I love the people I currently work with, the work is pretty interesting and I've been here so long I'm just 'comfortable' with it. Still, management has opted to review all structures and my job is looking a bit unsteady.
Good luck Snoop... After things slowly going downhill at my current job I put in an application for a position with an architecture/design practice yesterday (closing date is today).

Shame really, as I love the people I currently work with, the work is pretty interesting and I've been here so long I'm just 'comfortable' with it. Still, management has opted to review all structures and my job is looking a bit unsteady.

Thanks. Yeah, the job I'm in at the moment is grand but I'm finding it harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning to go to it. I just need a change.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Holy crap! How is it possible for companies to let stuff like this happen?! mind blowing.

You can bullshit your way into anything. That and if you're friends with the right people your inadequacies will go unnoticed until you're actually challenged.

(won't be around again today, I've got two days off work so I'm drinking heavily and playing video games in my pants. It's awesome. Forza 4 & Trials Evo yesterday, Fez and possibly L.A. Noire today!).

Jealous. Wish I was at home drinking and playing games in my pants.

Happy birthday Cheezmo, sorry it's late, hope it was a good one.

As for all the facebook chat, there are so many times I'm tempted to get off it, it's such a school playground sometimes. But I know I'd miss out on stuff, plus it's useful for band stuff. So I'm pretty much stuck on there.

So, I got offered another job. And I'm going to take it. It's doing the same thing I'm doing now, but the company and the people just seem a whole lot nicer, and the main point is I'll be escaping from my c**t of a boss. Cannot wait to see the look on her face when I hand my notice in next week!

Unfortunately for some reason this good news has not lifted the depressing mood I've been in lately. Which is also partly to do with the fact I've recently found out that people I thought were friends are actually manipulative, childish, pathetic spineless assholes who are all to quick to slag people off one day then be best friends with them the next, and a lot of shit has gone on behind my back which no one has had the balls to tell me to my face. The thing is, I know an awful lot of secrets, these people have told me a lot of things that, if I revealed, could ruin peoples lives. But I'm not going to say anything, because frankly I'm better than that, and they're not worth my time.

So even though I know I'm better off without them, it still sucks that people can treat you badly when you've done nothing wrong.

I need a good dose of happy shot into my veins.


Unfortunately for some reason this good news has not lifted the depressing mood I've been in lately. Which is also partly to do with the fact I've recently found out that people I thought were friends are actually manipulative, childish, pathetic spineless assholes who are all to quick to slag people off one day then be best friends with them the next, and a lot of shit has gone on behind my back which no one has had the balls to tell me to my face. The thing is, I know an awful lot of secrets, these people have told me a lot of things that, if I revealed, could ruin peoples lives. But I'm not going to say anything, because frankly I'm better than that, and they're not worth my time.
Adult life in a nutshell. And endless search to wittle down the masses until you've found three or four really genuine people.


You can bullshit your way into anything. That and if you're friends with the right people your inadequacies will go unnoticed until you're actually challenged.

So when my old boss drunkenly said at the xmas nigh-out "It's not about what you know but who you know" she wasn't kidding after all. Really really sad that hard-working people who know their stuff will get shafted in this world.

Happy belated birthday Cheezmo. Not sure why you get hate on other threads but ever since I came across your Syrian Uprising OT I realised that there's more to you then just "that furry guy". Hope you had a fantastic day.

Musha_Soturi said:
Unfortunately for some reason this good news has not lifted the depressing mood I've been in lately. Which is also partly to do with the fact I've recently found out that people I thought were friends are actually manipulative, childish, pathetic spineless assholes who are all to quick to slag people off one day then be best friends with them the next, and a lot of shit has gone on behind my back which no one has had the balls to tell me to my face. The thing is, I know an awful lot of secrets, these people have told me a lot of things that, if I revealed, could ruin peoples lives. But I'm not going to say anything, because frankly I'm better than that, and they're not worth my time.Unfortunately for some reason this good news has not lifted the depressing mood I've been in lately. Which is also partly to do with the fact I've recently found out that people I thought were friends are actually manipulative, childish, pathetic spineless assholes who are all to quick to slag people off one day then be best friends with them the next, and a lot of shit has gone on behind my back which no one has had the balls to tell me to my face. The thing is, I know an awful lot of secrets, these people have told me a lot of things that, if I revealed, could ruin peoples lives. But I'm not going to say anything, because frankly I'm better than that, and they're not worth my time.

First of all, Congrats on the new job Musha. Since you'll be doing the same thing then I'm sure you'll be able to impress the folk at your new place with what you already know. and yeah, I too find it distressing how supposed "friends" would act in the same behaviour as you described. I hanged out with people who I assumed were great people (and a couple of them still are. I keep in touch from time to time) but they had this disgusting attitude of talking shit behind someone's back when they aren't there and act all friendly when they are there. Not only did that make me feel unwelcome in the group but also just disgusted at the fact that the victim friend had no idea that this is happening. Just..pathetic. I mean, if you want to comment on Friend A for having a bad hairstyle or Friend B for not wearing decent clothes then be a decent person and - jokely - say it to their face and offer advice instead of being a manipulative dick. They may get hurt at first but they'll eventually know you're looking out for them.

But let's be honest here, no point in giving time and attention to people like that.


Happy belated birthday Cheezmo. Not sure why you get hate on other threads but ever since I came across your Syrian Uprising OT I realised that there's more to you then just "that furry guy". Hope you had a fantastic day.
He is entirely "that furry guy", he just pulls it off really well!
Congrats on the job offer Mush, that sounds like a good move for you. If the people seem a whole lot nicer it'll go a long way to improving your general 'happiness'... I mean you spend most of your day with the people you work with. I can't imagine working for/with a bunch of assholes anymore.

Everybody has the ability to become an asshole, you are clearly reisting the urge to do so - which, yes, puts you WAY above those who used to be 'friends'. I'm almost too careful when letting people in to my life for that exact reason and while I may not have a LOT of friends, the few I do have are great and I know I can trust them. Chin up :)


Truth. I'm 33 now and have about 4 really close good friends.

Ditto, my friends I would lie in traffic for and vice versa. Makes me laugh when you see insecure guys in their 20's who need 25 people on their stag do to make them feel popular when half the mob probably couldn't give a shit about him.

Mr. Sam

I'm twenty and have four really close friends. Guys that I've known for years and can even go months without seeing and yet we can always just pick it back up whenever we want. Am I doing it wrong?


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
So, apart from SmokyDave having two days of video games and alcohol, what's everyone else's plans for the 3 day weekend?

Power through a load of coursework that has to be done for next week.

And watch a lot of football.

These 2 things may clash...


I'm twenty and have four really close friends. Guys that I've known for years and can even go months without seeing and yet we can always just pick it back up whenever we want. Am I doing it wrong?

Same as me. Still got my best mates from school, as I got older other friends came and went with experiences but I only keep in touch with a few. I think it's normal to have 2 - 6 close friends. Any more it gets messy.


Wouldn't you know it, I just met someone who is on Linkedin. Time to register I guess. They also told me to get on twitter. Not so sure about that one.

Also HR gave us free wine and beer tonight so we could mix and chat. I like my job.
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