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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Mega Blocks?!

Oh, Smokey...

You disappoint me, man.
When LEGO drop a 600+ piece car model that looks anywhere near that good, I'll buy it. Until then, MegaBloks do what LEGOn't.

Alright, that didn't really work. You get my meaning though. That 911 was a sick build and it looks great on my shelf.


Happy birthday Cheezmo!



Prodigal Son
So I'm sitting in Beckett's Bank with a cold drink after my interview. I have until 4:30pm to spend in Leeds so are there any attractions or hard to find shops I should spend some time in? Passed by Forbidden Planet on the bus, might go there.

Just throwing the question out there in case anyone's online!


So I'm sitting in Beckett's Bank with a cold drink after my interview. I have until 4:30pm to spend in Leeds so are there any attractions or hard to find shops I should spend some time in? Passed by Forbidden Planet on the bus, might go there.

Just throwing the question out there in case anyone's online!

royal armouries?


Prodigal Son
still havent been yet. i'm gonna go once everything has calmed down.
If they ever bring back the Weta exhibition try to go down. Arms, armour and costumes from Rings, Narnia, District 9 etc. At least I think I remember D9 being there, might be mistaken.
Great day at work today. I think I've finally broken the twat who I was close to knocking the fuck out before Christmas. He caught me unawares before Christmas and my head wasn't really in the game, hence the anger. Since then I've let him overstretch himself, get involved in stuff that should've been my responsibility (yet he'd never involve me) and take decisions with other departments that he shouldn't have.

He finally came to me with a big list of request for database changes etc yesterday for all the work he's been planning. Luckily I was able to deny everyone as they compromised data integrity or had a knock on effect on the database transfer that's already over budget and overdue. He went bitching to our mutual manager and got short shift so all day today he's been walking around with a sad face and barely talking to anyone. He also lets out the occasional sigh.

The icing on the cake was him trying to pep talk my friend that he manages, saying 'You have to keep going, even if your ideas get shot down without people listening to you or seeing your side. I've had many ideas shot down recently and as frustrating as it is you have to move on'.

I'm enjoying it.
How to maintain a friendly and professional working environment, with J Tourettes.

They never should've hired the twat and plus my manager should've managed the situation between us better. The fact that my manager thinks we get on well now shows how little he actually knows as the fella has barely spoken to me since our Christmas run in, hence why this is the first blow up since then. Plus all my disagreements are made with the utmost professionalism as that's what makes the game fun.

I'm not the only person that's fucked off with him, he can't help himself.
YARR, day ticket booked for Saturday at Download.
Sadly could not afford the entire weekend but FINALLY getting to see and hear Metallica live, playing "the black album" from start to finish will be a moment not easily forgotten!!

I'm so stoked and nobody at work understands exactly why. Thanks for giving me some form of outlet here... and breathe...

Nice one, I can't go this year, not too bothered about the headliners anyway (already seen Metallica) but if I was gonna go any day it would have been the Sunday. Still each to their own, enjoy and I'm sure the Black Album will be awesome :)


I'm actually in London this Saturday for the Anime All Nighter at London Sci Fi. Went to one years ago where they showed the debuts of FFVII: Advent Children and Ghost in the Shell 2. Was a ton of fun and got loads of free DVDs and swag.


They never should've hired the twat and plus my manager should've managed the situation between us better.

Sounds exactly like my workplace. They hired a guy that is SO incompetent and stupid that almost everyone in the office are convinced that he forged his credentials. It also doesn't help that our - now retired - manager had no clue what to do with him when we approached him about how he doesn't even know the basic computing/IT terminology. They now pay him a typical graduate salary to do basic office/admin/secretary tasks like "maintaining" the stationery cupboard. oh, and to receive the brunt of all the office jokes/pranks.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
I'm actually in London this Saturday for the Anime All Nighter at London Sci Fi. Went to one years ago where they showed the debuts of FFVII: Advent Children and Ghost in the Shell 2. Was a ton of fun and got loads of free DVDs and swag.

Woo, spooky. I'm in the Apollo Piccadilly the night before!


Prodigal Son
Just spent some time at the art gallery, now I'm in the City Museum area. I'm a lot more impressed, this is my part of town!


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Sounds exactly like my workplace. They hired a guy that is SO incompetent and stupid that almost everyone in the office are convinced that he forged his credentials. It also doesn't help that our - now retired - manager had no clue what to do with him when we approached him about how he doesn't even know the basic computing/IT terminology. They now pay him a typical graduate salary to do basic office/admin/secretary tasks like "maintaining" the stationery cupboard. oh, and to receive the brunt of all the office jokes/pranks.

A quick story regarding my previous job. I've been looking to rant about it for a while but never had the opportunity. This is just the tip of the iceberg btw.

I had a good manager. She had a titanium backbone and went above and beyond the call of duty for our team. She was friendly most of the time but wasn't above giving you a bollocking but only if you both knew that you deserved it.

When she manager resigned last August it exposed the complete lack of managerial-level people in the department of our company (large international multimedia software company). Basically you cannot hire someone for this job. It exists in a massive bubble that makes it impossible for someone to just come in and take over. It would take them months to adapt to the pace of the department as well as gain the respect of people who work there. It's a job that you have to build someone up into, and considering the insular nature of Taiwanese office politics combined with the fact that everyone in the team was from Europe it basically meant that no-one was in the position to step up into the role.

So they reached out for anyone with managerial skills in the company to see if they could transition over into our department. They found this dude who worked in the CEO Office and started training him. Seemed like a nice guy, with my frustrations at his pace of learning and questioning being tempered by the knowledge of the aforementioned massive bubble.

But then some cracks appeared and before I knew it he was fired/left the company. As it turned out he couldn't even use Excel properly and some other basic shit. He was completely unqualified for the job with the cherry on top being that a day before he left he asked me to email him the full details of our 8-million-member English-language user database to his Gmail account. Yeah...

But then they made it all better and just lumped the role on another overworked Manager who basically had no spine and had the extremely Taiwanese/Asian knack of treating my colleagues and I like primary school students who have to constantly have their hand held. So I soldiered on until I got my Chinese New Year bonus and handed in my notice (which went from 1 month to almost 3 months due to their inability to find a replacement.)

I still like the company, and still talk to my coworkers, but the organisational structure is completely fucked. It's completely top-down and it shows in the last 5 years financials. I think it's making only 1/3 of what it did in 2007.


Maturity, bitches.
I'm actually in London this Saturday for the Anime All Nighter at London Sci Fi. Went to one years ago where they showed the debuts of FFVII: Advent Children and Ghost in the Shell 2. Was a ton of fun and got loads of free DVDs and swag.

You don't need to go to a con for an anime all nighter.


You don't need to go to a con for an anime all nighter.
This is the only one I know about, and it's run by Manga Entertainment so you get the latest films in 35mm prints and also get a ton of free swag. If there are any others worthwhile, please fill me in!


Prodigal Son
This is the only one I know about, and it's run by Manga Entertainment so you get the latest films in 35mm prints and also get a ton of free swag. If there are any others worthwhile, please fill me in!
Sounds like fun. I'm wanting to move to a city that has that kind of crazy stuff happening. Actual events and comventions that aren't sea shanty weekends.


Maturity, bitches.
This is the only one I know about, and it's run by Manga Entertainment so you get the latest films in 35mm prints and also get a ton of free swag. If there are any others worthwhile, please fill me in!
Well I was just saying you can just have an anime all nighter at home. I'm assuming you're talking about this. 10:30pm start? I need my beauty sleep.

The only incentive I have for going to a con would be to see the Niconcio stand to say hello to all the people watching the live stream. But they only do Hyper Japan. Also I'd have to make a costume to hide my face in order to protect my identity. Can't risk having a photo of myself at a con appear online.


Prodigal Son
The museums quarter is a nice area to spend an afternoon. Is there an exhibition on at Ferens?
I'm out of Hull right now for an interview (sorry for the confusion) but the museums quarter on a sunny day does indeed give me the warm fuzzies.

The Ferens had the open gallery the last time I went, which is a month ago? I'm not sure if it's still going.


Just picked up an iPod Shuffle from Argos. Neat little thing for only £40. Should be good for coach trips and going for runs.

Well I was just saying you can just have an anime all nighter at home.
Well, of course.

But this way I don't have to buy a load of films and there's a really nice vibe and I can meet lots of people. It's just a really nice night.

And the swag! I got the original Appleseed on DVD last time (among other films), some 2000AD comics, some energy drinks and snacks for the night and posters and Tshirts and shit. Was well good.


Maturity, bitches.
Well my only two problems with it are the 22:30 start and the showing of a film that requires you to be interested in the show before hand (Bleach). Oh and that £30 could go toward some Lego.

There is also the small risk of sitting next to someone who natters of about anime for ages. Yes, I realise that may sound odd from a guy sporting this avatar, but quite frankly I've had some bad experiences of listening to someone chatter on about subjects I really have no interest in. I don't give two cahoots about the Zebedee arc from Naruto but all I can do is be polite and nod throughout.

EDIT: And now I burnt my pizza.


Fucking hell I've missed iTunes. I've missed the Apple 'experience' in general. Regret switching to Android, to be honest. Making my own games is cool and all but the experience of using the phone is clunky and playing music is like gambling with your battery.

I mean, Spotify is great for my general music needs, but as a library to sync to devices it sucks.

Well my only two problems with it are the 22:30 start and the showing of a film that requires you to be interested in the show before hand (Bleach). Oh and that £30 could go toward some Lego.
Bleach is only the first film. It'll be an alright high-octane start the the night, I reckon. I'll switch my brain off.

My main interest is the last film, the 2000 version of Vampire Hunter D. Gonna drink up dat Yoshitaka Amano artwork.

The FHM list this year is ridiculous. The sex tape wasn't even good!
Stop expecting good things out of FHM.

Mr. Sam

CHEEZMO, happy birthday. Sairyu, enjoy your anime. Industrian, that sounds like a problematic workplace. Chinner, solid advice.

Can plimsolls ever be comfortable? Are these shoes nice?

For some reason, at ASDA a slab of Dairy Milk costs £3.something, yet the one with the fancy Olympic packaging- which, may I stress, is the exact same slab of Dairy Milk- costs £1.97.

That's pretty neat... I think? :lol


For some reason, at ASDA a slab of Dairy Milk costs £3.something, yet the one with the fancy Olympic packaging- which, may I stress, is the exact same slab of Dairy Milk- costs £1.97.

That's pretty neat... I think? :lol

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