That you think it was a lesson to be learnt is pretty telling.
Lol at the ban hammer hammering uk townspeople gaf in the traveller thread. Chinner add kentpaul12 on steam im downloading arma 2 n shit for the dayz mod at home right now. (I'm away from home making a living right now so I won't be able to play till tonight)
Accept me back into the thread guys I have Learned my lesson.
Wait, what did Kent say about the Germans? Why do I always miss the juicy stuff that happens in this thread.
The fuck? Tenacious D are playing in June. Go see them ya loon.
Cindres said:Any other weekend plans, GAF?
CHEEZMO;37779430 said:Speaking of Germans, I think I might be looking into working there.
I wanna get it so bad but i don' have £25 to spare and it sounds like the mod's having some server issues with all its recently popularity. Would've loved to play that this weekend.
Well this guy seems to be the extreme so your furry shit should go down a storm - GO PONIES.
I didn't want to spend 25 so i just bought the AO expansion.. i hear you can run it on top of the free version. Dodgy textures and more bugs aside i just want to get in on the ground floor.
Also i may play AO one day too lol the hardass missions will give the challenge i crave.
about to have one of the Chicago town take away pizza's while watching banged up abroad so good.
Fuck, I thought I needed CO. Gonna try this.
Fuck, I thought I needed CO. Gonna try this.
Sounds like I'll never be forgiven if I don't go to see Jack Black 'n' co.
CHEEZMO™;37783764 said:I'd ask about it in the thread before you go and do anything.
Went to an antiques store with the parents today. Expected it to be lame but was surprised at how much fascinating stuff was there and ended up leaving with this lovely chess set.
Seems like a very confusing ordeal.
Probably wait till either:
A: Steam sale.
B: BIG Bug Fixes
C: Exams are finished.
took me an need to copy arma free common files into the OA common folder
The sun is bright, too. Looking outside my window, I almost thought I was in Florida due to the white houses. Almost.Fuck me, there's blue sky outside. I'm still in the UK right?
I was going to go to a tattoo convention, but my partner in crime flaked.
Wow, looks very nice. Any more pics? I'd love something like that but it would be wasted on me since i'm so bad at chess.
Really clear, can see the entirety of the campsies. Nice.
Couldn't resist, bought Arma II:CO.
Fucking yeah.
Me, you & Kent meet up and kill some bandits?
Me, you & Kent meet up and kill some bandits?
Incoming opinion: YouTube comments are fucking nothing compared to the tedious fucks that populate the Guardian's comments section.
God damn there's some scumbags in there.
I dunno, I mean comments for Lady Gaga turn into some big argument amount the government and illuminati and Obama and shit, it doesn't get more obscure.
Abbie Abbie Abbie, just bring your own calculator. No one falls for the "I need to use my phone for maths" trick anymore.Abbie said:I don't think they should be banned because when teachers don't have calculators you can use them then!
Ben, I suggest you talk to your local student union. Hometime should be at around 15:30. If you're still in school at dinner time there are some serious issues afoot.Ben said:They shouldn't be banned because at dinner time you wouldn't be able to call people like friends and family if you hurt yourself.
Jon, don't be an antisocial git. Talk to people and learn to read a book for research.Jon said:Well I think that they should be allowed to be used at break times. I also think that kids should be allowed to use them for research and listening to music in class.
SJ Form (wat?). I think you're confused. The school itself will still be contactable. If your parents need to get in touch they can phone the reception and pass on a message. It's a system that has worked for decades.SJ Form said:And if there are problems at home and your parents need to contact you, then having your phone enables them to phone you and let you know.
Because we're ageist like that.Ellie said:but why do secondary school pupils get to take them in and not primary?
I think when I'm completely financially secure in life at age 30-something, I'm just going to work part time.
Alternatively, marry someone!I've had this dream before.
Seriously though, the only way this happens is if you start/help to start a business and it becomes successful enough for you to hire people to do your shit for you. I was planning on making a start to that this year before I got sidetracked with this pulmonary embolism.
Jon said:Well I think that they should be allowed to be used at break times. I also think that kids should be allowed to use them for research and listening to music in class.
Jon, don't be an antisocial git. Talk to people and learn to read a book for research.
Earphones, dude. So long as we were essay writing and not needed interaction, we were allowed music in our grammar school, but only once you reached sixth form.What the hell is this? Listening to music in class? The teacher would have slapped me if I ever tried to pull that, and I don't even come from the age where teachers smacking kids around was allowed.
I miss my 'working' day ending at 3:30. There's not a lot I miss about being in school, but having the day end during the afternoon and having all that time after is one of them.