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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Maturity, bitches.
My working day still finishes at 15:30...

This is of course offset by the fact I don't get paid as much.


Earphones, dude. So long as we were essay writing and not needed interaction, we were allowed music in our grammar school, but only once you reached sixth form.

I'm quite jealous. I think the only time we were allowed to ever listen to music was during our breaks in sixth form. Personal CD players, radios, mp3 players were all confiscated if you were caught with them on/in during lesson.
Kids I have taught (Primary Age) are allowed their phones, but as soon as they come into school, they give their phones to the teacher to be locked away until the end of the day. They are given their phones back at the end of the day and told not to get them out on the way home unless it is an emergency.


uuuuh, this is kinda...awkward.



Guys I just read the thread about the incoming Greece/Eurozone crisis and suddenly I'm scared about my job. About everyone's job.



edit looks like me and the girl are taking a coach trip to Paris in august lol this day gets better as it goes on (200quid? fucking pennies for the great time)

Don't do it mate, Paris is a shithole. The people are rude, the city smells, there's fuck all to do, and every thing is super expensive. Go to the south of france instead. Much better.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Guys I just read the thread about the incoming Greece/Eurozone crisis and suddenly I'm scared about my job. About everyone's job.


Im not worried at all, there will always be the need for janitors in this warehouse. I'm on the nightshift fellas. Having a Good time sweeping all the floors, got the section of the warehouse were all the canned foods/sauces are kept. Next stop for me and my brush will be the alcohol section then off to the chocolate section and lastly the soda section. It gets a little boring though so il mop up random ass puddles caused by the leaky roof. I'm hoping one of the managers will ask me to floor was a section because I enjoy driving the tennent m30, the things like a huge go kart it's pretty awesome.

Il get some skiving done to later in the night, browse the good old neogaf forum. Really enjoying my job guys theres never a dull moment, also 8 quid an hour for nightshift pretty awesome. I'm a happy guy ATM and tomorrow im going to join a gym to improve my life vessel (body) as I just work my arms at home.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Don't do it mate, Paris is a shithole. The people are rude, the city smells, there's fuck all to do, and every thing is super expensive. Go to the south of france instead. Much better.

Bars and clubs man won't be to bad, I may decide to take over the country because the French will surrender to there new Scottish overlord. Also days on the coach will be boring as shit lol il just be glad Im not flying (on a plane I think I'm going to die every time turbulence hits) its not booked yet but in going to put 20 quid away each pay check and just book it once I reach 200 quid


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Guys I just read the thread about the incoming Greece/Eurozone crisis and suddenly I'm scared about my job. About everyone's job.


Europe's been facing 10-20 years in the wilderness since 2009. This upcoming episode will change very little of that outcome.


Bars and clubs man won't be to bad, I may decide to take over the country because the French will surrender to there new Scottish overlord. Also days on the coach will be boring as shit lol il just be glad Im not flying (on a plane I think I'm going to die every time turbulence hits) its not booked yet but in going to put 20 quid away each pay check and just book it once I reach 200 quid

Hey man, the French are actually bros. Auld Alliance.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Im not worried at all, there will always be the need for janitors in this warehouse. I'm on the nightshift fellas. Having a Good time sweeping all the floors, got the section of the warehouse were all the canned foods/sauces are kept. Next stop for me and my brush will be the alcohol section then off to the chocolate section and lastly the soda section. It gets a little boring though so il mop up random ass puddles caused by the leaky roof. I'm hoping one of the managers will ask me to floor was a section because I enjoy driving the tennent m30, the things like a huge go kart it's pretty awesome.

Il get some skiving done to later in the night, browse the good old neogaf forum. Really enjoying my job guys theres never a dull moment, also 8 quid an hour for nightshift pretty awesome. I'm a happy guy ATM and tomorrow im going to join a gym to improve my life vessel (body) as I just work my arms at home.

Fuck, wondered why you weren't on Steam. I wanna team up and stalk some zombies.


Europe's been facing 10-20 years in the wilderness since 2009. This upcoming episode will change very little of that outcome.
Collapse of the Euro would be pretty bad, guy. For the UK, at least.

And China.

And everyone else.

edit - fuckit im going to bed things will be better tomorrow it's not like i have enough money to care about financial crises


Maturity, bitches.
I suppose I should feel some comfort that my job is secure until September, but I was hoping to start job hunting again soonish.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Fuck, wondered why you weren't on Steam. I wanna team up and stalk some zombies.

Im Gutted mate, are you finding servers easy at this time? Going to try and find a game all day tomorrow and just play the shit out of it. It's got me thinking about a zombie uprising, after playing dayZ you release zombes taking over the world wouldn't he as fun as everyone thinks it would. Shit would be scary as shit. Also trying to get to sleep with the sound of zombies moaning as they wonder around outside would be creepy as shit. It would also be heart breaking to see a family member walking around as a zombie. I'd more than likly turn to benzo drugs to try and curb the day to day fear. Driving around high on mkat blastin techno music would be the highlight of any zombie rising.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Collapse of the Euro would be pretty bad, guy. For the UK, at least.

Considering there's nothing good going for the UK at all I fail to see how you could make a shit sandwich less delicious. Well... I guess you could add salad cream. *shudder*

And China.

Why do you think the next 5 Year Plan of China is all about improving the domestic economy and to balance out exports and internal demand. They've realised their sole weakness is that if America or the EU (the EU not so much) stops buying their shit due to another financial crisis then they'll take a hit.

And in the grand scheme of things, most European countries outside of Germany aren't major trading partners of countries like China, Japan, USA, India, Australia, Canada, etc. I'm not downplaying the potential ripple effect of a smaller EU country fucking shit up, but they're generally not important as long as the major players keep money moving.

edit - fuckit im going to bed things will be better tomorrow it's not like i have enough money to care about financial crises

I thought people would have learnt by now that money is fundamentally worthless. Or that the only thing that money is good for is spending. In that if the economy bottoms out then everyone is in the same boat as broke people like yourself. Especially in this pathetic austerity mindset that our government has that only helps in making our money worth less than the paper/metal it's on.

If I were a teenager right now in the UK I'd be learning a trade/engineering/useful skill set right now. Because at least then I would actually be of some use instead of all these office jockeys that are the first to hit the job centre when shit goes south. That and there would be a greater chance to jump over to places like Western Australia and Alberta to get high-paying work in the resource sector.

Escaping the UK should be the mindset of most young people right now.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
The uk contains the best group of county's on the planet, only a fool would leave this land of greatness. It's awesome knowing there's not jeeps driving around blasting Tupac while Slaughtering every village they come across. I can sleep soundly knowing that shit doesn't go on. Also I can live on the edge at times knowing we have great free healthcare to patch me up when shit goes wrong. I fucking love the uk.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
And young people would afford that...how?

By putting together a plan of action of what they wanted to do, how to accomplish it, and then executing said plan instead of doing the archetypical British thing of just wasting time asking stupid questions and expecting others/government to hold their hand through all the hard parts.


Prodigal Son
By putting together a plan of action of what they wanted to do, how to accomplish it, and then executing said plan instead of doing the archetypical British thing of just wasting time asking stupid questions and expecting others/government to hold their hand through all the hard parts.

It just strikes me as too much of a gamble. Flying and moving to that job, then the job is lost because every country in the world is in the same shitty situation. What happens then?

But don't mind me, I probably got annoyed because I'm up shit creek with no skills or training. I should have decided on a career when I was in secondary school and had a plan like you said. Seeing no way out of this at all.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Lol guys the fire alarm has went off and we have all been evacuated from the building. The fire brigade is has now showed up. This is pretty exciting shit. Never a dull moment at this place


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
At 3am before work on Monday? Sounds awesome.

I'm doing a Nightshift the now mate, it's pretty cold out hear and the novelty of the alarm has worse off. Freezing my balls of for 8 quid an hour fuck this shit. I want sleep

Edit were back in the building for the win. Lol it started raining as we were waking back in. Tonight's so bad it's good


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
It just strikes me as too much of a gamble.

Two things:

1) What exactly do you have to lose?
2) That's why planning is important.

I had nothing to lose whatsoever by moving to Korea (3 years ago on this very day) and I kept planning for every eventuality before and after I got there. Two years ago when I left Korea all that planning paid off when I ended up being unemployed for 4 months in Japan and Taiwan before finding new work.

Most of the "what if something bad happens?!" questions is standard human fear of the unknown. A fear that, in my opinion and from personal experience, acts as nothing more than a pre-emptive and already fulfilled self-fulfilling prophecy to prevent you from losing what very little you have at the moment. If I had succumbed to that kind of thinking, then all I would have to show for it would be a glittering 12-year-old McDonalds career.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Man you just love dissing people's jobs lol a few months back up you dissed some tesco workers also


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I'm afraid of the debt, I guess. I have no money or savings other than my fortnightly Jobseeker's.

If you want to do anything whatsoever on this world, whether adventuring abroad or staying in Blighty, all you need is a personal objective and a plan to accomplish that objective. Ask yourself what you want to do, research what you need to do in order to accomplish it, and plan accordingly. The dole money exists to help you do this.

If you're stuck with ideas of what to do, then look at what skills you have right now that you could use. Or identify what skills you will need to acquire and use your dole money (and other government funding if you're eligible) in order to train yourself.

Do not be trapped by fears of "what could happen", because if you plan enough you'll know how to cross that bridge if you get to it. And even then whatever problems you encounter will be a brilliant lesson for you, as humans rarely ever learn from when everything goes OK.

A rather topical example (again from personal experience) is that I type this message right now in a hospital bed in Taipei with a disease that normally has a 25-30% mortality rate. And if that doesn't get me then my lack of health insurance will. Am I worried? Of dying, yes. But within 10 mins of getting to A&E on Friday I put together a good couple of contingencies and other ideas about how I'll be able to address the situation when I get discharged. I've had too much shit happen to me in recent years to do anything to phase me or to scare me anymore. This isn't going to stop me from starting my own business this summer though.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Move out the country without paying your medical bills.

Well guys 30 minutes till I clock out this bitch, after tax iv made about 70 quid while the rest of the uk slept. Win/win. Succsess was the only way out of the rock bottom situation I was on a few years ago. The sky is the limit... You know what The fucking edge of the universe is the limit. Id love to smoke dmt and experience the edge of the universe. My girlfriend would never allow me to mess with that shit. She keeps me on a well needed Leash. I'd be a wild motherfudker if it wasn for her. She's awesome it's just a dam pitty she doesn't like the wire :( she digs breaking bad though so it evens out. We're watching black donnelys, the shield and weeds at the moment. I want sleep fuck lol why an I wasting my time writing this long ass pointless post about my life


Well shit, I just woke up expecting things to be better and instead I have industrian saying I'll be first to hit the jobcentre and that I should have put a plan together when I was a teenager to leave the UK.

I feel so much better now.


Well shit, I just woke up expecting things to be better and instead I have industrian saying I'll be first to hit the jobcentre and that I should have put a plan together when I was a teenager to leave the UK.

I feel so much better now.
Vodka & Orange. Your trusted friend.


Considering there's nothing good going for the UK at all I fail to see how you could make a shit sandwich less delicious. Well... I guess you could add salad cream. *shudder*

Why do you think the next 5 Year Plan of China is all about improving the domestic economy and to balance out exports and internal demand. They've realised their sole weakness is that if America or the EU (the EU not so much) stops buying their shit due to another financial crisis then they'll take a hit.

And in the grand scheme of things, most European countries outside of Germany aren't major trading partners of countries like China, Japan, USA, India, Australia, Canada, etc. I'm not downplaying the potential ripple effect of a smaller EU country fucking shit up, but they're generally not important as long as the major players keep money moving.

I thought people would have learnt by now that money is fundamentally worthless. Or that the only thing that money is good for is spending. In that if the economy bottoms out then everyone is in the same boat as broke people like yourself. Especially in this pathetic austerity mindset that our government has that only helps in making our money worth less than the paper/metal it's on.

If I were a teenager right now in the UK I'd be learning a trade/engineering/useful skill set right now. Because at least then I would actually be of some use instead of all these office jockeys that are the first to hit the job centre when shit goes south. That and there would be a greater chance to jump over to places like Western Australia and Alberta to get high-paying work in the resource sector.

Escaping the UK should be the mindset of most young people right now.

What a load of bollocks.



Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Im Gutted mate, are you finding servers easy at this time? Going to try and find a game all day tomorrow and just play the shit out of it. It's got me thinking about a zombie uprising, after playing dayZ you release zombes taking over the world wouldn't he as fun as everyone thinks it would. Shit would be scary as shit. Also trying to get to sleep with the sound of zombies moaning as they wonder around outside would be creepy as shit. It would also be heart breaking to see a family member walking around as a zombie. I'd more than likly turn to benzo drugs to try and curb the day to day fear. Driving around high on mkat blastin techno music would be the highlight of any zombie rising.

Came back on after Match Of The Day, got in a low ping server straight away. Only trouble was it's night time and good god night time's confusing, hoping during the day today will be quieter with it being a weekday and all.

As for jobs, I'ma keep on with my CS Degree because I love it, do games next year and cross my fingers and go wherever it takes me.
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