This. A hundred times this.I fucking love mini milks.
Fuckers stopped putting jokes on the stick. Fuckers are dead to me.I fucking love mini milks.
Preparing for a hike folks! A epic morning strill with a joint. This is some lord of the rings shit right here.
Fuck yes. Give me a hug Suairyu and is dave banned lol i ain't seen him post in ages
Aww feel better Dave!
So it's been a beautiful weekend, it's gonna be a beautiful week, with a four day weekend, then my last day in this hell hole before 5 days in Fort Bill. Life is beautiful.
Also just found out the bloke's sister is having a little girl, he's going to be a (proper) uncle for the first time!
According to BBC and Yahoo it's gonna be pissing from Wednesday :|
According to BBC and Yahoo it's gonna be pissing from Wednesday :|
The UK is one of the most tolerant and accepting countries in the entire world. People are generally of good humour, nice to each other, sociable and willing to help those in need whether family, friends or strangers. The standard of education is high, we know history and geography pretty well. We understand politics to an acceptable level, we understand migration moves and wars. We don't have ethnic ghettos or shanties or favelas, we embrace diversity and yet we're still not happy with ourselves. British people are so self-critical and self-loathing it's unreal. Also, if it wasn't migrants the NHS would collapse.
I got back from seeing fam in Croatia and there is so little ethnic diversity (Albanian vs Serb is about as heated as it gets) it makes the UK look like some futurist utopia.
I've had the flu
Fuck being ill in summer![]()
Really?, I can barely walk down the street here not get called a nigger by some random person in their car.
I've never been called that in my entire life here. Where do you live?
The average person still says going to the Paki shop or getting a Chinky here like it's nothing.
Yeah I had the being the only black kid for quite awhile growing up. Not a pleasant experience. Even in the Infants I had teachers picking me up and throwing me around, twisting my arm behind my back and then kicking my legs. In primary getting called black this and black that in front of other students. Teachers openly lying to get me into trouble in secondary school. Things slightly improved growing up, but even in college I got some weird comments from lecturers.
The average person still says going to the Paki shop or getting a Chinky here like it's nothing.
Growing up in a small village in Wales with a handful of kids from ethnic minorities in a school of a few hundred, we had no racism at all. Anyone belonging to any ethnic minority was not even regarded as such, they weren't seen or treated as being any different.
Move to London where Multi-culturism is (apparently) encouraged and applauded, and I have seen far more racism here, not just from white people either. I have been subject to racism from a group of black people. It works both ways.
Growing up in a small village in Wales with a handful of kids from ethnic minorities in a school of a few hundred, we had no racism at all. Anyone belonging to any ethnic minority was not even regarded as such, they weren't seen or treated as being any different.
Move to London where Multi-culturism is (apparently) encouraged and applauded, and I have seen far more racism here, not just from white people either. I have been subject to racism from a group of black people. It works both ways.
Growing up in a small village in Wales with a handful of kids from ethnic minorities in a school of a few hundred, we had no racism at all. Anyone belonging to any ethnic minority was not even regarded as such, they weren't seen or treated as being any different.
Move to London where Multi-culturism is (apparently) encouraged and applauded, and I have seen far more racism here, not just from white people either. I have been subject to racism from a group of black people. It works both ways.
Yeah I had the being the only black kid for quite awhile growing up. Not a pleasant experience. Even in the Infants I had teachers picking me up and throwing me around, twisting my arm behind my back and then kicking my legs. In primary getting called black this and black that in front of other students. Teachers openly lying to get me into trouble in secondary school. Things slightly improved growing up, but even in college I got some weird comments from lecturers.
The average person still says going to the Paki shop or getting a Chinky here like it's nothing.
Holy fucking shit. That's unreal.
Thankfully, I've never heard either of these except on Peep Show. "Do you want to order something from the Chinky, Jeremy? Or perhaps something from the Paki shop?"
Hanging out in the yard drinking vodka slush puppies and cooking on the BBQ, sultans of swing is on the cd player (ain't got an iPod deck out today)
Sounds awesome. I hate you.I don't hate you. I'm just kidding and a bit jelly
Are you still unemployed? I hope I have the right poster in mind when I say that... I'm set to join you at the end of June, if I'm thinking of the right person.
Had my bike stolen today. Cleaned that bad boy up yesterday, put some nice new tyres on it this morning and someone nicked it at a CCTV heavy train station. Sadly, I don't have too much faith in our police to actually get it back. I was having such a nice day drinking beer with a mate I haven't seen in ages, too.
I am beginning to regret building a good reputation for getting work done in a timely fashion.
No. No chance for overtime this week because everyone has to leave by 6pm due to security something or other. That's part of the problem!Are you staying late again? In any reasonable workplace you should be able to talk to your line manager about doing time above and beyond what you are paid for.
Fuck yeah! Government are due to reverse the plans on the so called Pasty Tax!