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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Maturity, bitches.
I'm leaving for the airport so I'll miss the joke that is the MS conference. Will be home in time for the Sony. Will sleep on the plane as best I can (it's Ryanair so it will be a struggle) so I should be able to stay awake for the two hours of stretched out talking. That always seems to make interesting news boring.


Maturity, bitches.
Halo gave me a really bad first impression when I played it during a XBox preview session. Then again I went in thinking it played like Goldeneye ha ha ha.


Halo gave me a really bad first impression when I played it during a XBox preview session. Then again I went in thinking it played like Goldeneye ha ha ha.
Oh jeez, that would blow.

But really, I genuinely think Halo was the first console-targeted FPS that got it right. I never liked Goldeneye or Perfect Dark because I had a bunch of PC games making them look terrible. But Halo... man, the PC gamers wanted Halo back in the day. It was something different and new and good.


Maturity, bitches.
I think it was the first duel analogue game I played and I ended up walking into a corner. Didn't help I was young so the DUKE controller was an awkward mess to hold.

But on the other hand at least I remember playing it which I can't say for any of the other XBox games during the launch period.


shame call of halo is pretty much another fps. do find it funny how the graphics/art seem to be pretty rocking, kinda just proves that bungie are just b-tier developers.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Halo is the FPS king. Anyone who has been gaming for more than a decade knows this.

I wish gears of war 3 and HALO 3, were on PC. It really would make me a very happy chappy. (Got a 360 in my closet but LOL, the thing is like half a decade old. I ain't having that displayed in my bedroom.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
That's a funny way to spell Time Splitters 2.

Fun for splitscreen, but not chilling on all night with a bunch of bro's trash talking silly americans!

I was lucky to be about 16,17 when halo 3 dropped. I was one of the little shits trash talking in every game FTW.

you had to be there at my age to truly get the best out of the halo experience.


anyone who thinks halo is the fps king has probably been obviously been gaming for less than a decade, or like 5 years max. halo 1 and 2 both have their place in fps history, but halo 3 onwards? nah.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
anyone who thinks halo is the fps king has probably been obviously been gaming for less than a decade, or like 5 years max. halo 1 and 2 both have their place in fps history, but halo 3 onwards? nah.

I was one of the awesome kids who was around 10 or so when GOLDENEYE dropped, Lost many a summer to playing that with the bro's!

Pausing goldeneye for a circle jerk then right back onto it.

edit i was about 7 when it dropped but still played it when i was 10. (Course i had a ps1,ps2 ect) But goldeneye was always king. (Until halo of course)


yeh i remember goldeneye dropping. and half life. and quake. i remember playing doom on my snes.

man thats depressing. the flow of good fps has really slowed down.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
yeh i remember goldeneye dropping. and half life. and quake. i remember playing doom on my snes.

man thats depressing. the flow of good fps has really slowed down.

No. Hard reset proves good FPS's still exist.

Only FPS shooter my pc could run back then was UT99. Had some awesome lan partys on that game back in a local cyber cafe in my hometowns village, (Dude would lock the doors after shutting time and we would all lan( CNC GENERALS/UT99,BLACKHAWK DOWN)

Lanning RTS games were everyone is around the same skill level is one of the best gaming experiences known to man. I feel sorry for kids growing up on call of duty's


Chinner Halo 3 was amazing. The Forge, replay saving and party system was great. I thought the multiplayer gameplay was the most balanced and polished of the series, too.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Chinner Halo 3 was amazing. The Forge, replay saving and party system was great. I thought the multiplayer gameplay was the most balanced and polished of the series, too.


And if you got dat shotgun you won the match. So fucking good.


Looking at that awesome map gives me warm feelings inside.

FUCK YOU GUYS, i may need to drag my 360 out and play HALO3/GEARS1/REACH/COD4 for a few days.


To be frank I don't really play FPSs. Probably less than ten in total.
I play them because they're like the mascot platformers or fighting games of yesterday: the sort of game that all gamers can pick up and play fairly competently without needing practice first. That and they can just feel so good and stuffs (I'm not going to say the v-word).

They can also be super immersive and hardcore with something like Arma.

Would like a new genre to take that position sometime soon though.


halo 3 was a definition of a overall good package. it had a lot of content to it and was mostly pretty good. but it never reached the highs of halo 1 and 2.

halo reach just plain sucked. you know its bad when even haloGAF dislike it.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
CHEEZMO™;38486546 said:
Guardian fucking sucked, Kent.

You are so wrong. WRONG

Assembly,Construct, Heretic, Isolation were the only maps in halo 3 that sucked.

Also who else loved getting a big group of players and playing infection in one of the big open maps.

Man i had a good few years playing halo 3.

halo 3 was a definition of a overall good package. it had a lot of content to it and was mostly pretty good. but it never reached the highs of halo 1 and 2.

halo reach just plain sucked. you know its bad when even haloGAF dislike it.

Wrong, Trolling people with the armor lock is one of the most satisfying things one can do in life.


halo 3 was a definition of a overall good package. it had a lot of content to it and was mostly pretty good. but it never reached the highs of halo 1 and 2.
Halo 2 didn't have any highs. That was the definition of a rushed and mis-managed product.

halo reach just plain sucked. you know its bad when even haloGAF dislike it.
I've still only played 2 hours of the campaign around a friend's. Need more.


halo 3 maps were alright. some of it spelt the beginning of the end though, because its when bungie start making things more 'accessible' by making the maps two to three times bigger than they should have been. all you have to do is look at the remakes of lockout and zanzibar and see how they're so stupidly huge. either make the maps smaller or increase the player count.

but bungie did none because they're b-tier developers.

Halo 2 didn't have any highs. That was the definition of a rushed and mis-managed product.
disagree. halo 2's multiplayer was pretty much genre defying, and incredibly fun. a lot of what that game set out established the ground-work for how most console online gaming work today.

i actually like the sp as well. i mean it's not great, but it definitely has a mood and a feel to it which is unique.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I'm going to get stoned and play halo 3. I just found a xbox live 48 trial in my splinter cell double agent case lol.


not disagreeing that halo 2 wasn't a rushed and mis-managed product btw. that's totally true and the same applies for halo 1. but thats why i think bungie can't recapture it anymore - they were flukes.


I'm willing to not out-right disagree with you until we see their new Activision game. We'll decide about Bungie then, a'ight?

disagree. halo 2's multiplayer was pretty much genre defying, and incredibly fun. a lot of what that game set out established the ground-work for how most console online gaming work today.
It genre defining because it was popular, not because it was good.

Unbalanced, exploitable, visually muddy and lacking a good feel.

There was definitely the kernel of good ideas there, but I could say the same about a lot of shoddy NES games that went on to inspire classics on the SNES.

Halo 3 took the ideas and made them into something great.


Obsidian fan
Fuck carrying on with Alpha Protocol.

Might get back into Skyrim soon. Watching ROTK the other day gave me a craving.



putting aside the gameplay elements, i think it's a wrong to say that halo 2 doesn't define how online gaming works in consoles nowadays. just cause its popular? thats just plain wrong bro.

matchmaking, custom lobbies, join-in progress, send invites etc. these were all executed so well in halo 2, and have laid the foundation for the original x360 dashboard features as well as most console fps nowadays.

disagree on gaming as well but i'm going food shopping and can't be bothered typing a huge nerd post at this exact moment, esp with the conference in less than 2 hours!


matchmaking, custom lobbies, join-in progress, send invites etc. these were all executed so well in halo 2, and have laid the foundation for the original x360 dashboard features as well as most console fps nowadays.
I didn't disagree with you here.

That doesn't make Halo 2 a good game though.


well its what i said in my original post innit. anyway, halo 2 is an awesome mp experience. halo 3 is more 'balanced' in some ways, but also in other ways its not with its deployable just making everything lamer. shamefully where it comes to what counts, the maps, halo 3 is just pretty average. but i think thats beacuse from halo 3 onwards bungie started to take focus testing to the extremes, and you can pretty much tell with how linear the single player is and how much wasted space there is in the mp maps, which is just an utter crime and ruins the flow of the maps.

so yeha, halo 3 pretty good package, but lacks any strong identity its predecessors' had.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Halo = launch a grenade into a bunch of people, spray bullets at them and finish the group of with 3 brief melee's, just before heading in launch another grenade to finish em off if the melee's don't work.

my advice ftw i came top of the scoreboard after not playing for a year..


Obsidian fan
This MS thing is the worst thing ever ever ever ever ever. Fuck it.

I'm now watching the Jubilee concert and eating half a tub of chocolate ice cream.


I have tickets to see it on Saturday. IMAX screen in Cardiff.


Oh well, I knew what a facehugger was before seeing Alien and that film was still brilliant. We'll see.
Is Reach a bad entry to the series then? Its the only one I've ever played (local multiplayer and online) and I didn't think much of it.

Empty clip into opponent. They don't die.
But run over and bash them in their mechanical suit and that finishes them off nicely? Wut?
I'd like to do the campaigns though some day.

In other news I'm ready for econometrics on Wednesday. I know more than enough to cherry pick the best questions from the 'choose two questions' part, and the compulsory section is easy. Kyock transformations? Adaptive expectations? Dummy models? Partial adjustment? Bring it.
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