Weren't me, mate. Only gaffers I have on FB are the London meetup peeps, and the guy who showed me Gaf in the first place.CHEEZMO;38615910 said:So which one of you added me on Facebook, then? I'm guessing it's someone here as I don't know anyone from London, and the people I do know wouldn't have the first clue who Louise Mensch is.
This is what I do at work but it's the probability of missing a payment on some bank product rather than a amount of money or whatever.
CHEEZMO;38615910 said:So which one of you added me on Facebook, then? I'm guessing it's someone here as I don't know anyone from London, and the people I do know wouldn't have the first clue who Louise Mensch is.
Our department is called decision science and within retail credit risk.Is there a name for that role? Seems similar to actuarial work, but obviously not in insurance.
what do you look like?
He's late.
It wasn't my doing, Phantast2k, you gotta believe me! It wasn't me!
Yeah, this weather sucks. Grey and pissing down. boo!
What is it you do Sam.
call dr green thumb.
Note the lack of hoverhand :lol : https://fbcdn_sphotos_a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/403604_2804966436033_2076373030_n.jpg
CHEEZMO;38615910 said:So which one of you added me on Facebook, then?
I am similarly concerned, as I have two followers on twitter despite not having actually tweeted anything ever.
Where do these people come from?
I am similarly concerned, as I have two followers on twitter despite not having actually tweeted anything ever.
Where do these people come from?
Make that three.
Mainly only as you pointed it out, but when you succumb I'll get your pearls of wisdom instantly.
The PirateBay is being 'officially' blocked on most ISPs now. Having said that, proxies to the site seem to work so all in all a huge waste of time. I'm surprised the media having picked up on it
The PirateBay is being 'officially' blocked on most ISPs now. Having said that, proxies to the site seem to work so all in all a huge waste of time. I'm surprised the media having picked up on it
There might be a proxy that works just fine on Virgin Media. I guess it'll stop a lot of opportunist traffic, but hardcore pirates (I just like US TV, honest) laugh in the face of their half arsed efforts.
im sorry i think im out of the loop, is suairyu and cheezmo now dating in rl?
Yeah, I've got to stop that mentality, since it certainly isn't helping.Bro, get that "still young" "too late" mentality out of here before you make Smokydave cry. It's never too late for anything except sex with teenagers - you have to do that the first time around and then your chance is gone.
Sex is pretty amazing I'l admit. I love sticking it in and being amazed every single time at how good it is.
Feels incredible.