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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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I know a bunch of people at Snow Island. We're moving into a flat near the train station this year. Storthes is fine for meeting people but I wouldn't want to live there again.

Not bad. Yeah, whenever I went up there it did seem like a one-year-only deal. I kept telling my mate to go find a new place and not stay there for another year, but I think he has mental problems because he's completely ignoring my advice. :lol

Snow Island is prolly similar but it's so damn close to everywhere I need to go that it's really fucking hard to care.


Not bad. Yeah, whenever I went up there it did seem like a one-year-only deal. I kept telling my mate to go find a new place and not stay there for another year, but I think he has mental problems because he's completely ignoring my advice. :lol

Snow Island is prolly similar but it's so damn close to everywhere I need to go that it's really fucking hard to care.

The bus is what made most of my flatmates want to move into town. It was really crap having a 30 min bus journey if we just wanted to go shopping. Storthes isn't that nice of a place though, the rooms and kitchens are really barebones. We never really noticed it until we viewed the new flat, it made it look so bad lol.


Obsidian fan



When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I totally can't handle pay day drinking.. 1 strong ass joint when i was already shitfaced sent me into hours of the spins. passed out in my friends bedroom miles from home.


I had to fight of the urge to whitey for hours, slipping in and out of consciousness. I was in such a bad way that at midnight i couln't even handle a cheeseburger from mackers.


This Japandroids sounds good. Somebody tell me more.

Just got back from Bristol. Saw Prometheus and really enjoyed it. Watched the Germany v Portugal match and hated it. Had some of the most intimate sex of my life and loved it. Now I have a cold. That isn't related to the sex. CHEEZMO for OBE.


This Japandroids sounds good. Somebody tell me more.

Just got back from Bristol. Saw Prometheus and really enjoyed it. Watched the Germany v Portugal match and hated it. Had some of the most intimate sex of my life and loved it. Now I have a cold. That isn't related to the sex. CHEEZMO for OBE.

A lot of things start as 'the cold', Just a heads up.


Maturity, bitches.
If I were to get a PS3 I would be so late to the party that everyone would probably have PS4s. I don't even have an HD tele yet.


If I were to get a PS3 I would be so late to the party that everyone would probably have PS4s. I don't even have an HD tele yet.

Eh, I dunno. I've had mine since launch day but I tend to play it in fits and starts and I can see me continuing to do so for quite some time. Gotta get that Cho Aniki fix.

I just signed up for Playstation Plus. I'd been ignoring it because I'm not cool with monthly subscriptions for gaming devices but then I happened to catch the E3 announcement about all the crazy free games so I signed up. I now have far more to play than I can possibly handle. Motorstorm Apocalypse alone was worth the subscription fee.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
aaargh, can't sleep and I got work tomorrow morning.

This is why i work the backshift. I fucking hate having to fall asleep/wake up for obligations.

Everything i do in life is for the better cause of my well being. I'd never do something that affected my life in a bad way (Waking up each morning to an alarm fuck that)

Today i'm going to make homemade tomato soup



Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
If I were to get a PS3 I would be so late to the party that everyone would probably have PS4s. I don't even have an HD tele yet.

I almost felt that way, currently playing on an SDTV while I wait for my monitor to arrive too, but there's such a backlog I have to play now this is gonna be great for my summer.

m-static on the pstriple. Play Uncharted with meh.
Sorry dude, missed that post, will add when I get back on.

EDIT2: Is there a way of seeing what's curently free with Playstation+? Thinking about subscribing.
EDIT3: Found the blog with it, very tempting for all those games...


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Fun fact, I have used the same xbox 360 joypad since i was 16, feels natural using it for gears of war PC, tobacco stains are also on this joypad.


Fun fact, I have used the same xbox 360 joypad since i was 16, feels natural using it for gears of war PC, tobacco stains are also on this joypad.

Fun fact: When I was 16, I was using a Saturn pad.


Edit: Other fun fact: It was the new hotness. Cost me £450 with Sega Rally and an extra pad.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I was using some Saitek dual-analog stick for my PC back then, but It was never the same after I got mad and threw it at the floor. Knock the left stick back inside it.

Bought a wired 360 pad for the PC at the end of last year, such a good decision.

Also, this spare wireless keyboard I have is a godsend for PS3.

EDIT: Man so much editing today, subscribed to PS+, Darksiders and Motorstorm are mine to start :D


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Fun fact: When I was 16, I was using a Saturn pad.


Edit: Other fun fact: It was the new hotness. Cost me £450 with Sega Rally and an extra pad.

Fun fact i was about 6 years of age when i first played the rally game on the saturn, i never did have one of my own though i was Mastersystem,nes,snes,n64,ps1, dreamcast, ps2,xbox 360, gaming PC.

I was using some Saitek dual-analog stick for my PC back then, but It was never the same after I got mad and threw it at the floor. Knock the left stick back inside it.

Bought a wired 360 pad for the PC at the end of last year, such a good decision.

Also, this spare wireless keyboard I have is a godsend for PS3.

Fun fact my tony hawks game for my dreamcast used to always freeze so i walked calmly to my console and removed the disk to snap it. I then snapped the disk and shit went everywhere.

If I were to get a PS3 I would be so late to the party that everyone would probably have PS4s. I don't even have an HD tele yet.

I hate the wonky duel shock stick placements for the ps3, i also hate the R2/L2 half ass bumpers, i also hate its online interface.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I'm trying to film me headshotting 10 dudes on gears of wars multiplayer for a montage i'm making.

Only got 3 headshots on film so far, its a pain in the ass having to press the record key when I'm nearing a possible headshotting situation.

I get such a good feeling when i headshot on gears of war.


Shiiiiiit, just found a thread where people are saying really nice things about me and now I feel awkward as fuck. I want to post in there to say thanks for the love but that feels so cheesy that I'm cringing myself inside-out.

Fun fact i was about 6 years of age when i first played the rally game on the saturn, i never did have one of my own though i was Mastersystem,nes,snes,n64,ps1, dreamcast, ps2,xbox 360, gaming PC.
Fun Fact : never played a Saturn. Everyone keeps going on about the pad though.
TBH, you didn't really miss much unless you had access to the Japanese library. I still have my JP Saturn and a ton of games, ready to hand down to any future kids. They really won't appreciate it though.

I played Saturn Bomberman once.

And that ends my experiences with the Saturn.
I still have it but only 4 or 5 of my pads still work and I can't find a multitap :(

It was a great console if you imported it, it's just that the PAL selection was utter cack.
Press Release - June 11 2012

CHEEZMO's 'Best Taste in Music' award was clearly given prematurely, from a sample of only one song. Now that more have been posted, the committee has decided to rescind the award, and in the interim has split it between f0rk and Green Scar, until further research can be carried out.


the 3d segment was a bit shit, but yeah but it was a pretty own collection of all the sonic games.

I loved the overworld! Finding all the cheats and beating all the challenges was a nice little distraction. Discovering the Japanese adverts for the Megadrive games while high was a right larf too.

My copy is scratched to buggery and I can't be arsed to replace it :(


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Mario > Sonic. Sonic moves to fast to enjoy the game. Your pretty much looking at this small blue blob flying across the map. Its almost automated.

When i say mario i mean the old 2d titles, Not these 3D titles al the fake nintendo fans play.

I loved the overworld! Finding all the cheats and beating all the challenges was a nice little distraction. Discovering the Japanese adverts for the Megadrive games while high was a right larf too.

My copy is scratched to buggery and I can't be arsed to replace it :(

Put your disks inside a case when there not in a console.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Does that make me a real fake Nintendo fan?

Real Nintendo fans bailed after the N64.

(Ps mods i ain't trolling but can you guys not ban me for saying this shit since its banter in the UK thread and not trolling up the gaming side.)


Maturity, bitches.
Well I was still playing the Super Nintendo until 2001 and then I joined the ranks of the 1% who owned a GameCube in the UK.

Had friends who owned N64s so I got to enjoy the multiplayer anyway. In fact I hardly knew a soul who owned a PSX which is kind of weird considering it was the more popular of the two.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Well I was still playing the Super Nintendo until 2001 and then I joined the ranks of the 1% who owned a GameCube in the UK.

Had friends who owned N64s so I got to enjoy the multiplayer anyway. In fact I hardly knew a soul who owned a PSX which is kind of weird considering it was the more popular of the two.

Super Mario All-Stars was the only game i played on my snes for about a decade. I was also one of the cool kids involved in goldeneye multiplayer.

Everyone had a ps1 in my area, GT1,2, GTA1,2, CRASH BANDACOOT FTW


Yesterday, in the supermarket, the dude in front of me finished putting his shopping on the till conveyor belt thingy, and that was that.

But Dave, I hear you cry, what's so bad about that?

Well, I'll tell you. He didn't put down the little divider thing. I had to fetch it myself before I could start putting my own shopping down.

I nearly pinned him down and bit his fucking tongue out.

Does that make me a real fake Nintendo fan?

I dunno man. I'm allergic to Nintendo fans and yet I find you pleasant and agreeable. That's got to mean something.


Guys if you're feeling depressed about England's chances and want to make things more interesting. PaddyPower will match any bet up to £50 if you sign up and refund bets if England win. So unless there's a draw you could either win some money or not lose anything. I know you love a bet Kent!


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Yesterday, in the supermarket, the dude in front of me finished putting his shopping on the till conveyor belt thingy, and that was that.

But Dave, I hear you cry, what's so bad about that?

Well, I'll tell you. He didn't put down the little divider thing. I had to fetch it myself before I could start putting my own shopping down.

I nearly pinned him down and bit his fucking tongue out.

I dunno man. I'm allergic to Nintendo fans and yet I find you pleasant and agreeable. That's got to mean something.

Real men roll there trolley to the self checkouts :p

Having to deal with store clerks is a thing of the past, Though i do like the small talk with the dudes who work in corner stores.

Guys if you're feeling depressed about England's chances and want to make things more interesting. PaddyPower will match any bet up to £50 if you sign up and refund bets if England win. So unless there's a draw you could either win some money or not lose anything. I know you love a bet Kent!

i get a real shitty feeling when i lose money betting so i don't do it any more, that afternoon when i won and lost 100 quid was like a turning point in my life.

My fingernails are to short now so i can't even bite them to deal with the nerves of betting. My plan now is to just cash in on my tax refund each year and travel the world. I'm not even going to fix my dodgy tax code just so i can get a GRAND or so every April.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
We were all about Goldeneye multiplayer, then I was lucky enough to get a Playstation too so it became a lot of Crash Team Racing from there on too.
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