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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Just got my degree result.

First class honours master of pharmacy.

Feels so good.


Congrats :D


because ROI doesn't have enough posters to sustain it's own community and the culture/values/media in ROI and the UK are almost exactly the same.

It didn't make any sense to arbitrarily keep them out of the thread so I changed it to be inclusive.

Ah I see. I was just wondering.

Still, won't help Americans who think Ireland is a part of the UK (Which *royally* pisses me off :p). Not that I have anything against the UK, my girlfriend is from the north, and I spend as much time up there as I do down here.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
because ROI doesn't have enough posters to sustain it's own community and the culture/values/media in ROI and the UK are almost exactly the same.

It didn't make any sense to arbitrarily keep them out of the thread so I changed it to be inclusive.

Please don't compare Scotland and the roi lol


because ROI doesn't have enough posters to sustain it's own community and the culture/values/media in ROI and the UK are almost exactly the same.

It didn't make any sense to arbitrarily keep them out of the thread so I changed it to be inclusive.

Translation: Meadows is slowly trying to bring back the glorious British Empire. First ROI, then Hong Kong-GAF and India-GAF and soon US-GAF will be UK-GAF. *waves flag*


For however much I hate a lot of things around the Olympics, and some of the national news coverage when the flame arrived was really weird LOOK WE HAVE DISCOVERED FIRE, I had such a blast when the torch came through Lincoln the other week. Such a brilliant atmosphere and great celebrations and energy round it, and it was a bit "actually, it's quite cool!" when it came past. Didn't manage to get my hands on a torch though.


Anyone have any experiences with Apprenticeships? I'm currently out of work and it's tough to find a permenant job round here. There are, however, quite a few apprenticeship vacancies knocking about.

I know the pay isn't great, but it's experience and they sometimes lead to permenant jobs right?

That's my thinking anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
So you're in the IT field too?


I was at the Pizza Express in St.Andrews with the family last night celebrating my sister's birthday. Such a lovely town filled with young hipster students and old-ass retired golfers.

Sorry for the late response, I've been talking to Emily (American girl we both get on great) for four hours straight via video skype, it's insane how much we've talked and not even paused in the process.

IT field people represent! I've been an IT technician since I was 17 thanks to doing an NVQ level 3 in IT and then getting experience from the school I did at 6th form, which resulted me getting the IT tech role at another school in kent and again In leicester, where I am at now. The amount of experience and skills I've got from just evolving is incredible. How long have you been doing it for my man?

Anyone have any experiences with Apprenticeships? I'm currently out of work and it's tough to find a permenant job round here. There are, however, quite a few apprenticeship vacancies knocking about.

I know the pay isn't great, but it's experience and they sometimes lead to permenant jobs right?

That's my thinking anyway.

If it's based on a career that you can see yourself enjoy doing and if there will be a demand for it and the future then go for it.


How long have you been doing it for my man?

I did Internet/network tech-support for about 6 years. It was for student uni accomodations all over the UK. Mostly call-centre stuff so I didn't really get to visit student's rooms and fix stuff. Just giving advice over the phone and if all things fail then I'd escalate it to an "Engineer". It was a part-time job while I was in high school/Uni. It was fun for a while and it was especially satisfying when I got something fixed. Great co-workers too and I still hang out with them today. After graduating with a Masters Degree in Dec 2010, I left that job and took up an entry-level IT Developer position at a US tech corporation. Desk job with a hint of travelling every now and then. Carbon copy of Office Space and countless Dilbert strips actually. Mostly ERP system configuration and software development. Co-workers aren't as awesome as my previous job. Huge age gap, mostly people in their 50/60s. It's alright I guess. Paid for my countless trips abroad including my childhood dream of going to E3 so can't complain.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Never again lol cant wait to get through this and have a fresh day tomorrow. Lol lol lll lol fever


Anyone have any experiences with Apprenticeships? I'm currently out of work and it's tough to find a permenant job round here. There are, however, quite a few apprenticeship vacancies knocking about.

I know the pay isn't great, but it's experience and they sometimes lead to permenant jobs right?

That's my thinking anyway.
Scroll back a few tens of pages. You'll find my work experience success story.

The short of it: if you're financially able to do it, do it.


Unconfirmed Member
Had about eight hours of decent sleep so that's good enough for me. Uk gaf meeting is going to be great.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
hows your bee shop going?

Thanks for asking Chinner!

Cash neutral for first trading month and in rotten weather. Not at all bad for a fresh startup when nobody knows we exist, slightly better weather and we'll be in profit in month 2.

Fantastic feedback from customers, partly just from the joy of having a bead shop here, partly from the sheer range of stuff we have, partly for our prices ("are those wholesale prices" said one - well, yes actually they mostly are. We're doing our damn best to keep prices more then sane for the average customer and about half of them are below UK wholesale prices. One of the big advantages of doing our own importing.) Word of mouth is spreading slowly, but fast enough to make our forecasts.

Interesting mix of customers. I'd kind of expected the bread-and-butter stuff to come from small, sub-£5, sales - but there's a lot of people making jewellery for resale who spend a load more, biggest single sale so far £74 (and she came back in the afternoon for more). About half of them local and the other half day trippers from South Wales and Birmingham mostly, so the competition is more widely-spread than I'd expected.

Looks promising for now. If we expand it will be in two directions: online and Swansea - lots of good customers come from Swansea and the valleys.

Best thing about it is that the shop is a happy place. People feel good being there, we feel good helping them out and chatting to them, and there's absolutely no need for hard sell. Sometimes it is quite the reverse, I got one customer who tells me her budget as she comes in the door and my job is to make sure she doesn't overspend - that's fine by me as she keeps coming back.
That's good to hear, phi! Keep it up :)

Given that I've only got 2 more months at home until I go back to uni, I've pretty much given up on getting any kind of job- rather I'm looking in Huddersfield for work, see if I can get a job when or before I return to uni- so I started working at the Heart Foundation shop today. Just for something, ANYTHING, to do. Moving shit around for a few hours a day is up my street, I guess. :lol Actually it's pretty pleasant- shame I can't find a summer job around here, but whatcha gonna do. No-one wants to employ someone for 8 weeks... :/

Just nice to get out and do something, really. Only downside was an old... er... acquaintance of mine getting on the bus as I was nearly home. She was looking kinda rough too. Still- awkward, very awkward.
Hearing so little about the 7/7 anniversary today.

Is that just the way we Brits go about things or is there an element of it actually being forgotten? Not sure myself.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
He needs an avatar more than the results.

Gaf > Real life.

few beers down nearly had 700 calories worth of pringles lol


Going to have to report my parents to the police :(

They offered me some Indian snacks but had no mango chutney to go with them.


I'm starting Software Engineering in September at Napier in Edinburgh. BBBC required and I got just that. I suck with exam pressure though.
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