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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Scary Euro Man
It's pretty hard to find good pubs in Glasgow city centre, there are a few down side alleys, but if you don't want to pay out the nose or get stabbed then your only choice really is Wetherspoons \:

To be fair, it's a pretty damn nice Wetherspoons, or was when I did some work in Glasgow - admittedly a while ago.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I for one am getting ready to hit my local weatherspoons for a burger/few pints of Guinness!



Obsidian fan
For no reason at all, I decided to take a bus into Manchester today.
Spent 2.5 hours just mooching about, eating some food, watching some musicians on Market Street, doing a little people watching and looking around the fancy shops.

Had a nice day ^_^

Then I get home and see some guy proposing to his girlfriend on fucking Jezza.

Fuck this shit.


CHEEZMO™;35191049 said:
For no reason at all, I decided to take a bus into Manchester today.
Spent 2.5 hours just mooching about, eating some food, watching some musicians on Market Street, doing a little people watching and looking around the fancy shops.

Had a nice day ^_^

Then I get home and see some guy proposing to his girlfriend on fucking Jezza.

Fuck this shit.


Where'd you eat?


Obsidian fan

Where'd you eat?

That Southern Eleven place again, heh.
Was thinking of getting a Burger King, but S11 were handing out tokens for money off a meal so I went and got the BBQ wings stuff.

Had to eat it on my own but I di'nt give a fuck 'cause I was happy to be out.


CHEEZMO™;35191268 said:
That Southern Eleven place again, heh.
Was thinking of getting a Burger King, but S11 were handing out tokens for money off a meal so I went and got the BBQ wings stuff.

Had to eat it on my own but I di'nt give a fuck 'cause I was happy to be out.

Good shit,

I'd (again) advise mancs to try the Arndale Market foodcourt, independent places and some fucking cheap, awesome food to be had. Probably healthier too or some shit, I dunno.


Yeah, the Market foodcourt (not the main one) is great, went and had some Greek Beef Stew there the other week, they do Falafel, Buritos, all kinds of cool, no chain stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
Seeing as I'm going on the meetup I should probably do this:

Where do you live: London
Where are you from: Biggleswade
Occupation: Admin
University: Birmingham City University (the shit ex poly not the good one)
Sports team of choice: Man Utd
Current political party of choice: Non
Barm, batch, cob or bun: Roll
Favourite (current) UK TV show: If Sherlock doesn't count as current then it would be Sun, Sex and suspicious parents.
Oasis or Blur: Blur


Pizza Dog
Good shit,

I'd (again) advise mancs to try the Arndale Market foodcourt, independent places and some fucking cheap, awesome food to be had. Probably healthier too or some shit, I dunno.
Yeah, the food part of the market is good, really broad range of places there, although you've still got a few places to avoid. Much better than the god-awful food court upstairs with the McDonalds, KFC et al. Always good to check out the little places. Actually one of the best things about Brixton is how many little independent restaurants there are here in the Brixton Village covered markets. Really good food and you can get pretty much anything. Mmm.


Any of you gents planning on getting the new SSX? Here's a quick video explaining how its RiderNET online features work:
If anyone has any questions as to how online works in the game they need to watch this exclusive video that was given to MerquryCity.com: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAZSBEgHa5w&feature=player_embedded
And I think I can safely say that looks great. Would love some people in my same timezone to have as friendly rivals. My only IRL friend interested in this game fits the "girls = b-tier players" stereotype.

edit - Will be on PS3 myself. Comes with an entire extra mountain (Mt. Fuji) for whatever stupid moneyhat reason. I would have bought it on PS3 anyway because I grew up playing SSX on PS2, but I still don't like feeling people are missing out just for getting the 360 version.


Pre-orders? In this day and age? In our fine country? Pfft, I'm going to wait a week and pick it up for £15 off somewhere.


Pre-orders? In this day and age? In our fine country? Pfft, I'm going to wait a week and pick it up for £15 off somewhere.
I was going to do this, but you don't get Eddie... :(

Also I'm unsure what version to get, because the Mt. Fuji exclusivity thing only applies to the US if I remember correctly.


Also I'm unsure what version to get, because the Mt. Fuji exclusivity thing only applies to the US if I remember correctly.
If it helps, because of it nearly all of US-GAF is getting it on PS3 where possible.

Amazon told me if I didnt order before the 16th I wouldn't get some free rider bonus or sonething
I have no idea what that could be but I also know that EA wouldn't be stupid enough to give huge bonuses to pre-orders as it'd unbalance the online competition. It'll just be an initial leg up/head start bonus rather than any substantial.

edit - I mean, Play.com offers an exclusive board for Elise if you pre-order. That shit aint gonna be game-breaking either. Elise is my favourite SSX character ever (because Canadians kick butt!) but I can resist the pull to pre-order really well. In fact, I can guarantee there will be an alternative board for her in the non-pre-ordered game that will be as-good or even better.

UK GAF's motto should be "Wait a month, pay half." Seriously considering doing this for Mass Effect 3.
Normally I wait six months to a year or even more, but if you reckon you're going to be big into the online community you can't put it off too long. Virtua Fighter I'll pick up day one no questions asked, for example.


I might go into game and get ripped off. Have a voucher though. When I was last in, they had about 30 "new" unopened games at extortionate prices - FIFA still £42, £39 preowned.


I have no idea what that could be but I also know that EA wouldn't be stupid enough to give huge bonuses to pre-orders as it'd unbalance the online competition. It'll just be an initial leg up/head start bonus rather than any substantial.

edit - I mean, Play.com offers an exclusive board for Elise if you pre-order. That shit aint gonna be game-breaking either. Elise is my favourite SSX character ever (because Canadians kick butt!) but I can resist the pull to pre-order really well. In fact, I can guarantee there will be an alternative board for her in the non-pre-ordered game that will be as-good or even better.
Yeah looking again it is a board DLC, I didn't really pay much attention as I knew I wanted it at launch and money isn't a huge issue for me right now as I'm on a placement year so I live like a student but have a good full time job.


money isn't a huge issue for me right now as I'm on a placement year so I live like a student but have a good full time job.
Oh I'm super jealous. Trying to get onto some graduate placements myself right now after wasting a huge amount of time in a job I absolutely hated. Wish my degree (English) actually wasn't useless.


I'm graduating this summer but I plan to do a MSc which is going to cost almost £18000! Its really tempting just to get work and start earning some money but I know if I dont do postgraduate study now then Ill never do it.


I'm graduating this summer but I plan to do a MSc which is going to cost almost £18000! Its really tempting just to get work and start earning some money but I know if I dont do postgraduate study now then Ill never do it.
I was going to do a vocational post-grad but then I realised I couldn't afford it.


I wish I'd done a sandwich degree, that seems like it'll be the future to be honest

Same. I mean here I am with a 2:1 engineering degree but no experience and no effing job... dozens of applications yielded one telephone interview and one proper interview (didn't go any further than that). Got a couple of rejections but most of them never bothered writing back. I'm still somewhat hopeful and there are still a couple of graduate programmes to apply for, but sometimes I really get depressed. Three years of hard work and no one wants to give me a job.. the fuck.

But that seems to be the norm nowadays. From all the guys who graduated with me and last years graduates I only know of one who managed to get an engineering related job. The rest are unemployed, in a different kind of employement, have moved abroad or are doing their Masters. Fucked up.

If nothing happens by May/June I'll probably go abroad as well. Thinking of going to Germany and do my Masters over there.


We've had assessment centres over the last two Fridays for placement students next year and honestly the competition wasn't that fierce. Maybe it's because we aren't one of the very desirable investment banks or whatever, but there were a lot of mediocre CVs of people doing a business degree applying for a position that is more aimed towards mathematical backgrounds. I would definitely encourage anyone who is thinking about doing a sandwich course to do it, mine has been really good and not put me off working life at all.


I have going to Japan to TEFL as my super-last-resort backup plan. It's not something I really want to do, to be honest, but it'd be much better than working random retail or data entry jobs for another year.

Hopefully I'm able to score a paid internship that leads to something. I reckon I'm going to have to do some form of retraining at some point though, which isn't cheap. Feel miserable not having any proper life direction at 24.


I was offered an interview for a 6 month contract that paid £200 a day. It broke my heart to turn it down since I am doing my masters and an internship. I should have gone to the interview for practice. But I didn't think of that at the time. I was not expecting to be offered a £50000 a year job anytime soon.


Stop talking about life after University guys, you're scaring me.

Might head down to the pool for a few lengths before the big game. Got some work to do, but it can wait.


Ugh, stuck at work and it looks like a really nice day out there. Springtime's almost here, folks! When do you guys start thinking about getting the barbeque out?


Junior Member
I have an interview for a promotion at my job (Costco) so I guess it's not all that bad. Past year i've learned to appreciate my situation whilst not the best, atleast has me working.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
"Can't afford uni" Is still a bullshit excuse, you don't have to pay it till after, and even then you barely pay it. Just do what you like.

I'm switching from Computer Science to CS With Games and Virtual Environments, bollocks to it I'm gonna make video games.

Also BK now do a burger of the day for £1.99? I'm gonna be there every fucking day.


I think the natural progression of Universities will be that sandwich degrees are the norm, it's a fantastic idea to be fair, it gives you experience and an academic background.


"Can't afford uni" Is still a bullshit excuse, you don't have to pay it till after, and even then you barely pay it. Just do what you like.
Masters and post-grads aren't paid for. I'd love to go back and do something vocational but I blew what I'm entitled to already. Internships are my only way forward right now.

Also BK now do a burger of the day for £1.99? I'm gonna be there every fucking day.
Give quaffing those microwaved burgers! Personally if I'm in the mood for shite I get a Happy Meal. The toys make me delighted.

I think the natural progression of Universities will be that sandwich degrees are the norm, it's a fantastic idea to be fair, it gives you experience and an academic background.
True, but not always is it a guarrantee of a job. One of my uni mates was doing bio-chem. As her sandwich year she actually worked in one of the UK labs that tested swine flu and concocted the vaccine during that big scare. Yet now that she's out of uni with a good degree she can't find any work in her field at all. It's sad.


lets become sitcom writers.

okay heres an idea, theres this bloke right and he's a pretty bad fella, but one day he has this accident and he turns his life around based on ying and yang, and he writes a list up and tries to make up for all the bad things he has done.

i call it james and the list of redemption.
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