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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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God damn it Meadows.

Well that's what happened, yeah? I wasn't feeling sorry for myself. I kept having anxiety attacks on the train from Granada to Madrid while I tried to watch some Breaking Bad, like I mentioned. Had to keep pausing it to do breathing exercises. Can't control that, just a result of being isolated and sick for several days and not really having any human contact. I have clinical depression and anxiety, and I'm providing an honest account of the events, so that's why I mention it. It provided for an interesting contrast between the first half of the day and the second half, though, after I forced myself through it and went out and made things happen.

Staying in a nice hotel doesn't make you immune to negativity or immune to life. I only mention that it's a five star because I ended up taking a girl back to my hotel, and I had a different end point of the story in a previous revision but I felt like ending it at the cab. Bringing her back to my swank hotel sort of completed the night, confirmed all the things I had said about myself, and made her think I was James Bond or something ;b. I don't really give a fuck either way where I stay, as you'll notice since I've stayed in a bunch of hostels. Nice hotels are for your woman, not for you. I just so happened to stay at a nice hotel and have a woman that day, a pleasant coincidence.

Ok, I didn't know about clinical depression stuff. I wasn't trying to hate or anything.

My post did come a little from jealously, I mean who wouldn't be jealous of your employment. And I wasn't cringing because you pulled, mostly just the way you're putting thought and effort into the update posts
and the mojitos
and I'm not looking for that (this is completely unfair by me). I am enjoying the thread and I hope you continue to have fun; it's inspiring me to think about something for next summer.
Again, I mean no offence, but if you do write a book I don't think it would be the sort I'd read... but I appreciate there is clearly an audience here of people wanting that stuff.

We're not clothing god stop ironing us out.

I'd buy Kentpaul's book though.

Now I'm cringing at my own back-pedalling, god damn it Meadows. Evilore if you come to Leeds I will buy you a drink.


UK-GAF all bitter because of Evilore? come on now. That's just silly. He's having a good time and sharing it with all of us instead of keeping it to himself. No harm done.

In other news, I spend the evening having some drinks at this place called Citation. Really swanky place and it was decently priced too.


Also, speaking of creepy as fuck, the "show us your girlfriend / wife" thread. A bunch of people posting photos of their partners online seeking validation, I just don't get it. Meadows, I apologise in advance as I think I may have seen a post from you there a while back (I like to check it every now and again out of morbid curiosity), did you not think it was weird? It might just be me!

I saw the confession thread stuff about people wanking off to the pictures and it freaked me out a bit. No way I'd post in there after reading that, some people are sad twats.

All good, will see you there ;b

this decision was your downfall

also I like the travelouge, but the last paragraph was a bit cheesy. Can't fault you for staying in 5* places mate, we all would if we could and had anxiety. I have anxiety and a nice comfortable safe bed is a fair respite from that.

Mr. Sam

Time to be the best receptionist I can be:

I wondered how Evil managed to stumble in here, caught up with his travel thread and saw it's all Meadows fault.

Anyway this is the earliest I've got up in 2 weeks and I'm feeling it, large coffee when I get to work I think and an early night tonight.


I wondered how Evil managed to stumble in here, caught up with his travel thread and saw it's all Meadows fault.
He selfishly gets banned all the time, never writes and when he does show up he leads the big boss-man here. He needs a good talking to!

Anyway this is the earliest I've got up in 2 weeks and I'm feeling it, large coffee when I get to work I think and an early night tonight.
I wish I liked coffee so I could do this. I end up taking pro plus which makes me feel like a dirty addict.


Today during my middle S, I was savagely attacked by a moth the size of a fucking sparrow. Almost done my first S all over again.


Well done boys, now the landlord knows which corner of the pub we smoke weed in and he probably knows it was us that wrote on the toilet walls.

Well that's what happened, yeah? I wasn't feeling sorry for myself. I kept having anxiety attacks on the train from Granada to Madrid while I tried to watch some Breaking Bad, like I mentioned. Had to keep pausing it to do breathing exercises. Can't control that, just a result of being isolated and sick for several days and not really having any human contact. I have clinical depression and anxiety, and I'm providing an honest account of the events, so that's why I mention it. It provided for an interesting contrast between the first half of the day and the second half, though, after I forced myself through it and went out and made things happen.

Staying in a nice hotel doesn't make you immune to negativity or immune to life. I only mention that it's a five star because I ended up taking a girl back to my hotel, and I had a different end point of the story in a previous revision but I felt like ending it at the cab. Bringing her back to my swank hotel sort of completed the night, confirmed all the things I had said about myself, and made her think I was James Bond or something ;b. I don't really give a fuck either way where I stay, as you'll notice since I've stayed in a bunch of hostels. Nice hotels are for your woman, not for you. I just so happened to stay at a nice hotel and have a woman that day, a pleasant coincidence.

Were I you, I'd be getting pretty fucking fed up at having to justify your every movement and thought.

Congrats on blagging some Euro-Clunge.

Edit: Just read the story, and I'm recategorising it as 'Honorary' Euro-Clunge. Still tastes every bit as sweet.
Meadows for Jeremy of the Year 2012!

I think we should set up a new, innocuous-sounding OT Community thread, call it something like "The Official Jeremy Hunt Community" and post there with our true feelings, while posting a filtered, mod-friendly version of events here!

EDIT: Honourary indeed, and while it definitely makes it easier, it makes it no less fun for all involved. I have to admit, a presumably king-size bed in a 5* hotel is vastly superior to a single mattress on the floor, and so forth.


Maturity, bitches.
I'm not a snitch.

Just glad EviLore didn't check the previous pages. Or maybe he's doing that now and he's going to find out that Jeremy's face isn't being used for Olympic themed avatars.

no angel

True. Ever since Take That pulled off a comeback the entire 90's music scene has been eyeing the prospect up.
I'm torn on the whole situation. I'm pleased for Take That who all seem like decent lads (apart from Robbie) but thanks to them we now have Steps on TV again. I'm so conflicted!


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Awwh you guys just got done, who told?

Givin' blood again today, hopefully I don't nearly pass out again this time.


Whats with the OT lately? A lot of sad depressed GAFers are coming out of the wood work and talking about depression and suicide. Seems like the 3rd or 4th thread in a month or so.

Depressing...hopefully everyone is okay in the end.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I'd like to give blood but the blood drives - is that the term? - have dried up around my area.

Easy enough to check on blood.co.uk to see where the closest one to you is happening soon. First time though they just did a walk-in thing at our Uni.


Whats with the OT lately? A lot of sad depressed GAFers are coming out of the wood work and talking about depression and suicide. Seems like the 3rd or 4th thread in a month or so.

Depressing...hopefully everyone is okay in the end.

I dunno and it makes me uneasy. This is a video-game forum, not a place to get serious mental health advice. I'm worried that getting 'online' reassurances doesn't actually do anything to fix the problem because the moment you switch off the PC, you're alone with your issues again. Sooner or later someone's going to actually off themselves and I worry that some people here will be left feeling partially 'responsible'.

It's not something I'd ever mention in one of the relevant threads, but it does bother me.
I haven't given blood in years - keep getting tattoos instead. It's a shame 'cause I'm B -, someone out there might need my blood. Oh well.

Today is draaaaaaaaging by so bloody slowly. 1st day back at work sucks. Plus the Central line was buggered due to person under a train so I was late getting in. Finally gone through my emails deleting all the crap, now to go through the ones I need to look at/action. Yawn. Been in new job barely a month and already they can't cope without me!

Edit: Hope the person under the train wasn't a suicidal Gaffer..... Cheer up Gaf, might never happen!


I dunno and it makes me uneasy. This is a video-game forum, not a place to get serious mental health advice. I'm worried that getting 'online' reassurances doesn't actually do anything to fix the problem because the moment you switch off the PC, you're alone with your issues again. Sooner or later someone's going to actually off themselves and I worry that some people here will be left feeling partially 'responsible'.

It's not something I'd ever mention in one of the relevant threads, but it does bother me.

Speaking as someone who suffers from severe depression (thankfully not at the moment but am always alert for it's possible return), I think sometimes it's just nice to have a place to have a bit of a thoughts dump. Some people in that thread are obviously in need of more help than the thread can give but for others, I imagine it can be somewhat therapeutic.


I dunno and it makes me uneasy. This is a video-game forum, not a place to get serious mental health advice. I'm worried that getting 'online' reassurances doesn't actually do anything to fix the problem because the moment you switch off the PC, you're alone with your issues again. Sooner or later someone's going to actually off themselves and I worry that some people here will be left feeling partially 'responsible'.

It's not something I'd ever mention in one of the relevant threads, but it does bother me.

Exactly what I'm thinking. If you enter these threads, you're caught in a dilemma. Either you try to help and risk getting in over your head, or you do nothing and feel partly responsible if anything happens. You want to help, but risk getting trapped into something that only pulls you down.

And some of these stories just make me feel grateful for having a sorta privileged upbringing.


I dunno and it makes me uneasy. This is a video-game forum, not a place to get serious mental health advice. I'm worried that getting 'online' reassurances doesn't actually do anything to fix the problem because the moment you switch off the PC, you're alone with your issues again. Sooner or later someone's going to actually off themselves and I worry that some people here will be left feeling partially 'responsible'.

It's not something I'd ever mention in one of the relevant threads, but it does bother me.

Totally agree. Some people need real help, not a community telling them it will be okay. Sure it can be reassuring but like you said once the PC is off then what? Its kinda depressing me a bit, feel bad for some of these people.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I wondered how Evil managed to stumble in here, caught up with his travel thread and saw it's all Meadows fault.

Anyway this is the earliest I've got up in 2 weeks and I'm feeling it, large coffee when I get to work I think and an early night tonight.

Using drugs at work is a bad idea.
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