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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.

His fucking warehouse has more warehouse.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU my mistake was seen by the English knight.

Loving this British summer renaissance.

Hitting the beach today. Got my cool box full of beer, coming home redder than a labour voting lobster.

Blahhh I'm working all day from 2pm.. only sunlight i will get is waiting on the bus to the fucking gym (Were i will be working on my awesome body) Also don't swim in the water, Open water swimming is all fun and games until your are pulled under the water struggling frantically for the last few moments alive, Then you will accept fate and breath that water in and go out peacefully.

Lost a dude i used to chat on msn with, even went to one of his gigs he was playing at.. Rip man :(
Fly out to Spain as soon as you earn a week of work. British gangsters have been doing it since the 60's..

I love Spain personally.

Every Englishman (Scotsman I guess?) Loves Spain seeing as our beaches are at best, below average.

I'm a bigger fan of clearer waters further afield, but I can't afford to go off to the Carribean or the Indian ocean now that It'd no longer be on my parents dime.


Every Englishman (Scotsman I guess?) Loves Spain seeing as our beaches are at best, below average.

I'm a bigger fan of clearer waters further afield, but I can't afford to go off to the Carribean or the Indian ocean now that It'd no longer be on my parents dime.

I do love the Med, so nice wherever I've encountered it.

Jedeye Sniv

Loving this British summer renaissance.

Hitting the beach today. Got my cool box full of beer, coming home redder than a labour voting lobster.

Fuck you and your time off :p I just carried a bunch of envelopes up the stairs and now it feels like I had a shower with my clothes on...!

Got a fun day ahead of me, sticking labels on envelopes. I shouldn't grumble, it's the first bit of work I've had to do in like a month.


Gay marriage got through scottish Parliament. Religious institutions have the right to decline gay marriage requests.

Now to guilt England into it.


Maturity, bitches.
Thing is, the Church doesn't have the power to marry couples. It's just a ceremony and you still have to go to the register office for it to be official. In Sweden the Church did have that power but Government threatened to take it away if the Church refused to accept gay marriage.


Samantha Brick is trending. It seems she suggested on This Morning that all Down Syndrome babies should be aborted. Having a Downs Syndrome child is selfish and puts strain on public services, according to her.


Samantha Brick is trending. It seems she suggested on This Morning that all Down Syndrome babies should be aborted. Having a Downs Syndrome child is selfish and puts strain on public services, according to her.

Technically she's not wrong but morally she's on another planet. Almost just called someone a smug c word. Substituted for twat but don't imagine I'm here for too much longer.


Samantha Brick is trending. It seems she suggested on This Morning that all Down Syndrome babies should be aborted. Having a Downs Syndrome child is selfish and puts strain on public services, according to her.
That woman sure knows how to keep her 15 minutes up. Daytime TV deal incoming...

Technically she's not wrong but morally she's on another planet. Almost just called someone a smug c word. Substituted for twat but don't imagine I'm here for too much longer.

Still going to be seen as a 'gendered' slur, I'm afraid. You'd be better going back and editing it to 'Cock' or 'Dick' as those are A-OK.

I wish we could sensibly discuss the double standard.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I could say I'm playing devil's advocate, but I'm not really because I mostly believe it, but using certain gendered insults just isn't as damaging as using others.

See also: 'faggot' vs. 'breeder'.


That woman sure knows how to keep her 15 minutes up. Daytime TV deal incoming...

Still going to be seen as a 'gendered' slur, I'm afraid. You'd be better going back and editing it to 'Cock' or 'Dick' as those are A-OK.

I wish we could sensibly discuss the double standard.

Too late for me, alas. I've been quoted. See you on the other side.


Maturity, bitches.
Would you be playing with fire if you started playing around with the alternative definitions of faggot knowing that people will read your sentences wrong?

Oh and bans as a junior are permanent. There is no other side.


Would you be playing with fire if you started playing around with the alternative definitions of faggot knowing that people will read your sentences wrong?

Oh and bans as a junior are permanent. There is no other side.

Neogaf Facebook group?


I could say I'm playing devil's advocate, but I'm not really because I mostly believe it, but using certain gendered insults just isn't as damaging as using others.

See also: 'faggot' vs. 'breeder'.
I guess my issue is that 'cunt' and 'twat' are no more gendered in my vocabulary than 'cock' and 'dick'. They aren't used to exclusively refer to women, nor are they meant to attack people by suggesting they're feminine. Hell, the words don't even apply to people some of the time, such as with 'he twatted it into the back of the net'.

Anyway, the battle was fought and lost. Never mind.


I guess my issue is that 'cunt' and 'twat' are no more gendered in my vocabulary than 'cock' and 'dick'. They aren't used to exclusively refer to women, nor are they meant to attack people by suggesting they're feminine. Hell, the words don't even apply to people some of the time, such as with 'he twatted it into the back of the net'.

Anyway, the battle was fought and lost. Never mind.

And a very valiant battle it was too. About the only people I meet that get unreasonably offended by the c word are middle class. Very odd.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I guess my issue is that 'cunt' and 'twat' are no more gendered in my vocabulary than 'cock' and 'dick'. They aren't used to exclusively refer to women, nor are they meant to attack people by suggesting they're feminine. Hell, the words don't even apply to people some of the time, such as with 'he twatted it into the back of the net'.

Anyway, the battle was fought and lost. Never mind.

Sure, yeah, I know what you're getting at.

Juicy Bob

I guess my issue is that 'cunt' and 'twat' are no more gendered in my vocabulary than 'cock' and 'dick'. They aren't used to exclusively refer to women, nor are they meant to attack people by suggesting they're feminine. Hell, the words don't even apply to people some of the time, such as with 'he twatted it into the back of the net'.

Anyway, the battle was fought and lost. Never mind.
Honestly, it took me years to figure what 'twat' actually referred to. I thought it was just another great-sounding but generic insult.


Maturity, bitches.
I thought "mong" was a funny word until the Ricky Gervais "scandal". People threw that word around all the time at my secondary school.


Honestly, it took me years to figure what 'twat' actually referred to. I thought it was just another great-sounding but generic insult.

it took me a while before I found out what "berk" and "bugger" actually meant. I even casually threw "Sod's law" around in primary school and got kept in after school to be told that I should've used "Murphy's law". I had no idea what I did wrong that day :(


I even casually threw "Sod's law" around in primary school and got kept in after school to be told that I should've used "Murphy's law". I had no idea what I did wrong that day :(
That one is super ridiculous. Nobody calls it Murphy's law. Teachers to kids to politicians call it Sod's law.


samantha brick is one of the best trolls england has to offer right now. i would even argue she has supassed prince phillip in her trolling.


Kim-Jong-un got married. what does UK-GAF think of the bride?


*picture may not be Kim-Jong-un's wife....or Kim-Jong-un for that matter.

Juicy Bob

I think Supreme Leader and Most Excellent Horse-Like Wife of Supreme Leader will bring glorious future for the many blessed comrades of Best Korea.


I need to know why I should care about him.

He may be inclined to open up North Korea to the rest of the world once he gets power from the generals, or if he is his fathers son Nuke Seoul just to show they can if they decide they are going down anyway (China cut them off for example).






Wow, someone's upset. Bitching about London in the Olympics thread, I make one reply and you come here to cry. Sorry, dude didn't realise you took it so seriously. I'll refrain from making any London based comments from now on.


Wow, someone's upset. Bitching about London in the Olympics thread, I make one reply and you come here to cry. Sorry, dude didn't realise you took it so seriously. I'll refrain from making any London based comments from now on.

Meadows lost a testicle as a child when London bit him. It's a touchy subject.
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