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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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I'M MAKING PIZZA. Oh yeah! Making your own pizza is like a forbidden artform. Nobody does it but it's so easy and satisfying. Just waiting on my dough to prove motherfuckas! Woooo!

I only buy a pizza if I'm lashed up and walking home now. Every other time, we make our own. I make my own sauce as well. It's fucking jizz worthy.


I'M MAKING PIZZA. Oh yeah! Making your own pizza is like a forbidden artform. Nobody does it but it's so easy and satisfying. Just waiting on my dough to prove motherfuckas! Woooo!

I remember when we had to make pizza in Food Tech, back in secondary school. We were all told to bring in our own stuff including pre-made bases, but I ended up making my own in the lesson and got a commendation for it. 100% home-made pizza is great, and I should really try doing it again some time soon.

You gonna post a pic in IronGAF, Jedeye?
To be fair, I've seen you fire your BB gun in the house too. I'm not saying that it was you who shot the telly (I mean, you'd know if you shot it, right?), but it's a bit rough to make out he's the only one who does it.

The last time you saw me do that was probably the last time you were over, which was what, a really fucking long time ago? Using the 0.55 pistol which has fuck all power which couldn't crack an egg let alone a tv screen, and I stopped it after George broke the photo frame. Whereas he has recently bought a very powerful shotgun and was firing it in the house, then all of a sudden a crack appeared in the tv...... yeah I'm pretty sure it was him.


The last time you saw me do that was probably the last time you were over, which was what, a really fucking long time ago? Using the 0.55 pistol which has fuck all power which couldn't crack an egg let alone a tv screen, and I stopped it after George broke the photo frame. Whereas he has recently bought a very powerful shotgun and was firing it in the house, then all of a sudden a crack appeared in the tv...... yeah I'm pretty sure it was him.

3 or 4 weeks back isn't that long ago, dude.

And as I said, I'm sure you'd have known if you had done it.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I just bought a Gameboy Colour.



Don't emulators work on your iToy?

Two litres of strongbow for me tonight folks working at the weekend blows fanny.

Would love a night out and a little bit of me dies when you guys post about heading out tonight..

That's me one month sober from weed apart from a full blown relapse at a wutang concert.. I'm proud gaf. Il only relapse again in the correct settings.

Off next Saturday so that's all good. Also double American standards when it comes to a line of charly in a club lmfao.. Shit is healthier than a workout at the gym.. Gets the heart going with no exercise required.


Unconfirmed Member
Uh-oh I accidently fell asleep for quite several hours and now have to stay up a bit late in the morning. That's what you get when you don't do much sleep from this kind of daylight after going out until the mid morning. I have to say though the 2012 Olympic soundtrack is incredible.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Well back to the pub. Going to drink myself into a coma I think! Seems like a good day for it....

Mix some valium with that drunkness to insure a Coma fte wake up in the year, 2020!

Jokes aside the Americans always seem shocked at our British ways when it comes to a 'night on the town'


Don't emulators work on your iToy?

Two litres of strongbow for me tonight folks working at the weekend blows fanny.

Would love a night out and a little bit of me dies when you guys post about heading out tonight..

That's me one month sober from weed apart from a full blown relapse at a wutang concert.. I'm proud gaf. Il only relapse again in the correct settings.

Off next Saturday so that's all good. Also double American standards when it comes to a line of charly in a club lmfao.. Shit is healthier than a workout at the gym.. Gets the heart going with no exercise required.

I know exactly what you mean. I saw on a mate's Facebook status how he left a club last night, shitfaced, at the early hours (6 or 7am) and it made me feel a little saddened that I'd spent my night at work getting pissed off with people who kept interrupting the best bits of the Opening Ceremony.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I know exactly what you mean. I saw on a mate's Facebook status how he left a club last night, shitfaced, at the early hours (6 or 7am) and it made me feel a little saddened that I'd spent my night at work getting pissed off with people who kept interrupting the best bits of the Opening Ceremony.

It's a sad time for us weekend warriors being shackled go the chains of mad stacks.

Hope I don't get landed with a weekend inside work for the remainder of the summer.. One can hope.

About to clock out fellas next time I post I will have an ice cold bottle of strongbow in my hands. Fight the good fight people


Doing some artwork, drinking beer, and listening to Wish You Were Here.

Tonight shouldn't be too bad after all.
Calmed down. He apologised. Over a good friend's getting steadily drunk, just bagged a load of clothes she doesn't want any more, and about to watch the horror film her bloke made. Life is good again. But could always be better ;)


Mix some valium with that drunkness to insure a Coma fte wake up in the year, 2020!

Jokes aside the Americans always seem shocked at our British ways when it comes to a 'night on the town'

No way mate. Its just the indoor gaffers that don't understand. I've seen it all and know how everyone roles. Uk is the same as the us.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
No way mate. Its just the indoor gaffers that don't understand. I've seen it all and know how everyone roles. Uk is the same as the us.

i know man ;) Having a good time ain't exclusive to the UK. I love the term indoor gaffer lol its they dudes who suggest AA after drinking more than 2 beers in a day har har har.

Feeling fine after my bottle of strongbow.. Nice idea on my own behalf. Alcohol ftw

Scots and French are best buds! :D
Glasgow gaf, im bored as fuck atm. Anyone wanna have a meetup tonight?

Soon enough bro one i have a day off and your off and we both have some minor stacks rubbing upon the leather of our awesome wallets.

What part of soap dodger town do you stance yo


i know man ;) Having a good time ain't exclusive to the UK. I love the term indoor gaffer lol its they dudes who suggest AA after drinking more than 2 beers in a day har har har.

Feeling fine after my bottle of strongbow.. Nice idea on my own behalf. Alcohol ftw

2 beers? Try a beer a week ;)


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Indoor GAF always amuse me when they come out. There's always a few that insist they're not being high and mighty about not drinking, but they so are. OH WELL IF YOU NEED TO DRINK TO HAVE A GOOD TIME THEN CLEARLY YOU HAVE A PROBLEM NOW RENOUNCE SATAN AND ALL HIS EVILS. Man I don't NEED booze, it just helps.


Hilarious night at work, spent literally 25mins watching a guy try and light a cigarette, at the butt end, with a car key fob, inside the venue.
Indoor GAF always amuse me when they come out. There's always a few that insist they're not being high and mighty about not drinking, but they so are. OH WELL IF YOU NEED TO DRINK TO HAVE A GOOD TIME THEN CLEARLY YOU HAVE A PROBLEM NOW RENOUNCE SATAN AND ALL HIS EVILS. Man I don't NEED booze, it just helps.

To be fair, isn't that the alcoholic's motto or something? Obviously you're not one but if Indoor GAF saw that, they'd only criticise further :D


Last night was sorta interesting. Asked friends to meet up at the West End. Waited in bar for an hour. Friends bailed. Decided to stay on and spoke to a lot of interesting women.

Currently watching Fresh Meat and I'm enjoying it. Kinda like Community except a little less goofy. Better than Skins anyway.
I was so wasted last night. Haven't been that drunk in a while. It was fun.

Really feeling it now though. Lazy Sunday doing nothing I think.


Maturity, bitches.
Waking up before everyone else after a party is truly boring. Especially when feels they must wait for the host to waken so they can thank them for the invitation. Could have been watching Space Brothers.


Look at what survived the night!



Back home!

Everyone go see The Dark Knight Rises. Fixes all the flaws that were present in The Dark Knight, aside from Nolan's occasional sloppy editing and continuity direction. Really great way to end the trilogy. Can't quite decide which one is my favourite film. A trilogy re-watch on blu ray will be in order. So currently:

Batman Begins >= The Dark Knight Rises >>> The Dark Knight
I think they're all equal. *shrug*

TDKR gets brownie points for feeling the most like an actual "comic book" story, though. Might just be because of the page-perfect Catwoman from Hathaway, and the obvious inspiration from Knightfall and The Dark Knight Returns.


To me, Dark Knight was the story of a crazy madman wreaking havoc in a city whereas the Dark Knight Rises had that socio-political undertone that was somewhat mirroring current affairs.
Ugh. I would like to express my dislike of job hunting. I thought I might be able to hang on as freelance but getting right stuffed by delayed pay.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Ugh. I would like to express my dislike of job hunting. I thought I might be able to hang on as freelance but getting right stuffed by delayed pay.
Apply for cinema work. It would be beyond awesome working in a cinema.

I may look into a hospital porter job that packs an awesome 7,8 pound an hour and even more of if you work on a Sunday, though there will be times were you have to push a bed with a dead body to the stiff freezer.

The thought of it horrifies me. So I may not even a apply.


Back home!

Everyone go see The Dark Knight Rises. Fixes all the flaws that were present in The Dark Knight, aside from Nolan's occasional sloppy editing and continuity direction. Really great way to end the trilogy. Can't quite decide which one is my favourite film. A trilogy re-watch on blu ray will be in order. So currently:

Batman Begins >= The Dark Knight Rises >>> The Dark Knight

What did you think of the action scenes? Is he ready for Bond?


I rewatched Inception the other day, there is no way Nolan could deliver the gun fights a typical Bond film has. The CoD snow level was awful.


doesn't help that nolan is an awful script writer and all character interactions boil down to them spewing pretentious shit at each other.
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