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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Minutes away from Monday's date arriving at my house. Gonna show her Hataraki Man, From Dusk Til Dawn and Blade Runner. Then my bed.


Kentpaul at work:



Hanging around in starbucks with a laptop? Shorty you dirty hipster.

Hey! I never miss my Friday afternoon cups of white cafe mocha. It's the only way to start the weekend. Your hair sure grows fast kentpaul if you only had your haircut a couple of weeks ago. My last haircut was in the beginning of June. Trying to get a decent Jew 'fro going.

Minutes away from Monday's date arriving at my house. Gonna show her Hataraki Man, From Dusk Til Dawn and Blade Runner. Then my bed.

...woah. That's quite ballsy (assuming she isn't into anime).


Only things I am bothering with this year at the cinema:

Batman, Skyfall, Django...

Superman next year is Day 0 as well, the rest I will Lovefilm.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I'm going to see Brave tomorrow. I hope its not shit.

smuggle a half bottle of voddy in. That way no movie will be shit.

Guys, Full blown relapse here i go, girls bringing her weed upstairs for me to ENJOY. I wont go back to daily smoking but fuck il enjoy it now


Maturity, bitches.
Explain why someone would think it's a good idea to ring a doorbell past midnight. And then do it two more times when clearly no one in going to answer.


Get home from work to find a guy black out drunk in the gutter outside my house.

Went abit closer to see if he was alive and he has definitely shat himself.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Get home from work to find a guy black out drunk in the gutter outside my house.

Went abit closer to see if he was alive and he has definitely shat himself.

Every single time I read this, I read it as "Get home from work to find a black guy out drunk in the gutter outside my house. "


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
The amount of money effort and care my Barber puts into my cut is outstanding. Heading into town for a pint and a burger with a grand on the bee account. Dollar dollar bill yall

Currently nursing a mild hangover with a pint of beer.. My new polo shirt is the most awesome polo shirt ever

Mr. Sam

Got my hair cut this morning too. Hair is neat and tidy, beard is long and scruffy. Look a bit like a cult leader. C'est la vie.


...woah. That's quite ballsy (assuming she isn't into anime).
Really? It's like one of the least anime anime ever. It's an office comedy drama! Anyway, she loved it.

Currently playing the greatest FPS of all time people.

I honestly question if you lot (and the Goldeneye crowd) ever played a decent FPS in your life.

Got my hair cut this morning too. Hair is neat and tidy, beard is long and scruffy. Look a bit like a cult leader. C'est la vie.
Snap! Same here. Except I don't have a beard anymore :(


Really? It's like one of the least anime anime ever. It's an office comedy drama! Anyway, she loved it.

That's great! Anime just gets me funny looks everytime I suggest it to someone. I haven't seen Hataraki man so I can't comment much on the show.
Also, Perfect Dark is a fantastic FPS! what's your favourite FPS? I'm guessing you're in the Timesplitters 2 crowd ;)

EDIT: lol at the 18 sticker on the box art. Shit is tame by today's standards. Probably be rated a 12+


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I've had four haircuts in the last nine years (I cut it short in 2010 but just let it grow back.) It's a combination of being adjusted to having long hair as well as some old fashioned laziness. Hell, the only reason I started growing it in 2003 was because the Gentleman's Barber on Byers Road suddenly put up their prices by £1 and I couldn't afford a haircut. And I'll stop there because it's making me feel old.

If I get the all-clear to resume my Muay Thai and MMA training at the end of the year then I'll probably shave it all off for good. It gets in the way.


How are we to inspire fear in the masses now? You really didn't think this through.
The date demanded it, bro. Sometimes we make sacrifices to wake up next to somebody!

Also, Perfect Dark is a fantastic FPS! what's your favourite FPS? I'm guessing you're in the Timesplitters 2 crowd ;)
No, just... console FPSs were so inferior to PC FPSs until Halo hit. Nobody cracked how to translate the experience to consoles properly before then. They're enjoyably lacklustre at best, awful at worst.

That's great! Anime just gets me funny looks everytime I suggest it to someone. I haven't seen Hataraki man so I can't comment much on the show.
Hunt it down. It's the most 'adult' anime ever, by which I mean it wasn't written for kids, tweens or teens. If you've ever worked a day in your life you'll feel right at home watching it. And at only 12 episodes, it doesn't outstay its welcome. It's possibly my favourite anime tv series ever.


Currently playing the greatest FPS of all time people.


"I have a headache... And with a head this big, that's no joke!"

Great FPS. It introduced me to fly-by-wire rockets and shoot-through-the-wall rail guns. Plus the single-player campaign was quite cool, too.

I honestly question if you lot (and the Goldeneye crowd) ever played a decent FPS in your life.

Please Suairyu, educate us on these decent FPS'.


Please Suairyu, educate us on these decent FPS'.
Okay, it goes like this:

PC - lots of them here
Consoles pre-Halo - nope
Consoles post-Halo - be careful, but you'll find many gems if you dig hard enough

But my response was not to him liking Perfect Dark, but for calling it the greatest ever. I dunno. It'd just be like someone calling Sonic Adventure 2 the greatest platformer ever.
Okay, it goes like this:

PC - lots of them here
Consoles pre-Halo - nope
Consoles post-Halo - be careful, but you'll find many gems if you dig hard enough

But my response was not to him liking Perfect Dark, but for calling it the greatest ever. I dunno. It'd just be like someone calling Sonic Adventure 2 the greatest platformer ever.

Well, I know what the OT title for Sonic Adventure 2 DD will be now. :p


PM'd Minsc, he said he would look into it and that if he carries on he might not last much longer. It is pretty directed at the UK though, but of course it's ok to blatantly and overtly bash the UK because hey, we ran the world a few hundred years ago so we deserve it.


Motherfucker done good.

guys like him and Micheal Sheen:


Must be pimp as fuck, it's not like either of those girls need their money or a career leg up...


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
lol how did steve catch the ban ? hope it aint for life.. anyone made contact ?

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