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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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No! Steve is banned!! :( Goddammit!

Ok, we all know that FPS games on the PC are superior but there's something to Perfect Dark that just clicks with me. Great single player, incredible multiplayer, the weapons were intriguing, Most levels were fun (some were really "meh").

and the things with PD that are so different to console-based FPS games nowadays:

You can't exactly blast your way and breeze through all the missions. Sometimes, you have to repeat the mission over and over in order to fully know how to complete the objectives. there's no "Press A" parts to tell you have to complete an objective.

There's no radar (except if you happen to have one in your inventory to find something particular)

There's no health packs or even regeneration.

No checkpoint saves.

To me, Its the greatest (console FPS?) of all time :)

I'll be checking out Hataraki Man and let you know what I think tomorrow. The way you described it makes me think of Office Space and I love that film.


Maturity, bitches.
No, just... console FPSs were so inferior to PC FPSs until Halo hit. Nobody cracked how to translate the experience to consoles properly before then. They're enjoyably lacklustre at best, awful at worst.

I don't recall people gathered around a PC to play multiplayer splitscreen back in '97. That's what people liked about GoldenEye.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I don't recall people gathered around a PC to play multiplayer splitscreen back in '97. That's what people liked about GoldenEye.

lost many a summers day to goldeneye with friends.. as soon as some dickhead picked put the golden gun it was hell for the rest of us..

Good times.

I also used to play UT goty LAN also in 2003 in a local internet cafe, best times ever the dude would close the shop and let us all pwn each other till late on.

Mr. Sam


Mr. Sam

No, don't worry - I can accomplish "funny" on Facebook, in real life and even on other forums but never on GAF. Well, rarely.


Brave was pretty good, the guy with the teuchter voice was hilarious. Went out for dinner after but im off home alone. Left on a high note though ;)


I don't recall people gathered around a PC to play multiplayer splitscreen back in '97. That's what people liked about GoldenEye.
Split screen competitive FPS ew. Works for co-op, not head-to-head.

Question: Is the term "Oriental" racist or at all frowned upon? This is very important.
In the states, yes. Nothing to do with the word itself but how it was used. See also: Chinaman, calling someone asian "yellow" (but we can call Africans 'black'!) and Jap.

Jedeye Sniv

I just got home from playing a gig in the middle of the woods where my friends are now off their tits on mandy. I feel both grown up in that I didn't succumb to the drugs, but also a bit sad that I did not succumb to the drugs. But fuck sleeping in a field with those crazies, I have a bed and a warm woman, beats the floor every time.

I think my friend hit on me too, but she was very drunk so I won't bring it up again...


Just got back from doing my weekly shopping at Tesco and now I'm gonna watch The Big Lebowski....really gotta start making crazy plans for the weekends from now on.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Fucking love going to the 24 hour ASDA or Tesco at midnight. Such a pleasant quiet experience.
Home safe n sound boys

Edit: 3 1/2 hours sleep and suddenly wide awake. What. Noooo need more sleep, go back to sleep. Also I appear to be covered in glitter.
Late night shopping is amazing. Not having to fight over cheese or wait 20 minutes at the checkouts is the best.

Fighting over cheese is the best part of shopping. When you spot that one block you want, reach for it then bam old lady out of nowhere grabs it. Then you say bitch thats my cheese and an epic battle commences


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I just got home from playing a gig in the middle of the woods where my friends are now off their tits on mandy. I feel both grown up in that I didn't succumb to the drugs, but also a bit sad that I did not succumb to the drugs. But fuck sleeping in a field with those crazies, I have a bed and a warm woman, beats the floor every time.

I think my friend hit on me too, but she was very drunk so I won't bring it up again...

I gave in to the pleasure's of life and smoked some weed and had a few lines of charles.

(While shitfaced of course, Its a pain in the ass how a weed stone just takes over the drunkness i took all day to build) Had a kick about with the lads at the BBQ to.

morning has hit me in the face, work in two hours still feeling midly shitfaced.

A mcdonalds binge just may be the remedy i require

2 plain doublecheese burgers. 1 large chips, 1 chocolate milkshake, 1 chicken mayo burger.

Il ask the bird to nip me down, though she seen me snorting the wacky dust so i'l be in the doghouse for a few days.


All you guys talking about late night shopping reminded me of Late Night Shopping.


Watch it, it's British.

Jedeye Sniv

I gave in to the pleasure's of life and smoked some weed and had a few lines of charles.

(While shitfaced of course, Its a pain in the ass how a weed stone just takes over the drunkness i took all day to build) Had a kick about with the lads at the BBQ to.

morning has hit me in the face, work in two hours still feeling midly shitfaced.

A mcdonalds binge just may be the remedy i require

2 plain doublecheese burgers. 1 large chips, 1 chocolate milkshake, 1 chicken mayo burger.

Il ask the bird to nip me down, though she seen me snorting the wacky dust so i'l be in the doghouse for a few days.

Yeah, lazy men ftw! My long suffering lady is doing her sunday run to town to get me food today, she is great :) although she woke me up from literally the best dream I ever had this morning, so she's not my favourite person in the world (until she brings me food).

And I get what you mean about mixing booze and weed, it kills me. Even when my tolerance is up a single smoke will ruin me after a skinfull. If you do both at the same time it's good, but if you drink then smoke then be prepared for the room to spin later! Good times :D


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I slept from 11am until 4pm. I hate this shit. Either it means my sleeping patterns will be fucked for the next three days or I'll need to get drunk tonight. Oh well, I guess if I need to do the latter...

My local Tescos just stopped being 24 hours and is now 6am - Midnight through the week. Saddened by it.

The Somerfield in my town used to be open until 10pm and was right next to the bus station. It was a decent go-to if you wanted a sandwich and a bottle of Irn-Bru before a 8-10pm bus to Edinburgh. But last year I noticed that the company that bought the store changed its closing time to 6pm. A really good sign of economic prosperity that one. Then again it's hard to compete with having two gigantic 24-hour Tesco and 24-hour Asda in a town of 14,000 people.


Yeah, lazy men ftw! My long suffering lady is doing her sunday run to town to get me food today, she is great :) although she woke me up from literally the best dream I ever had this morning, so she's not my favourite person in the world (until she brings me food).

I had about 2 and a half hours sleep last night (I'm pretty sure my McBanquet gave me food poisoning) & I wasn't going to come into work, but short staffed-ness + my long suffering lady offering me a ride in when she didn't have to kinda ensured I got in for 8AM. She can be nice to me sometimes, that girl.

no angel

I finish work in half an hour (hurrah for retail) and have just been told, nay, ordered by my fiancé to clean the living room, kitchen, bathroom and ensuite when I get home. Apparently when we discussed getting everything thoroughly tidied before the wedding I missed a vital part of the conversation, the part where I agreed to do it all. Woe is me :(


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I am so depressed today fml. Can't wait to get the back to the gym tomorrow and sweat this shit out of my system.

Checked out the new Cheddar deluxe burger from macdees and loved it. Then thing is huge for fuck sake the patty sticks out the buns.

Amazing. Check it our ASAP folks.
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