1 week, hope Korey gets longer for his blatant UK-baiting 
Guys what thread is this I need links![]()
No, just... console FPSs were so inferior to PC FPSs until Halo hit. Nobody cracked how to translate the experience to consoles properly before then. They're enjoyably lacklustre at best, awful at worst.
I don't recall people gathered around a PC to play multiplayer splitscreen back in '97. That's what people liked about GoldenEye.
Steve you are a true British hero, your sacrifice has not gone unnoticed.
At a Zombie Fete with Kazenone and eggybob. Good times.
I think it's unfair how she always leads him onPoor Kentpaul.
Question: Is the term "Oriental" racist or at all frowned upon? This is very important.
Question: Is the term "Oriental" racist or at all frowned upon? This is very important.
It's just outdated, I guess. Not really offensive, the "Orient" just doesn't really exist any more.
I hear the Americans think it's offensive? Fuck knows, I really don't see how.
Its akin to called a white english person an anglo saxon. People in north America find it offensive but people from asia not so much.
I hear the Americans think it's offensive? Fuck knows, I really don't see how.
Fuck it - probably not worth getting banned for a joke.
He went down but he took Korey with him, a true hero!
Split screen competitive FPS ew. Works for co-op, not head-to-head.I don't recall people gathered around a PC to play multiplayer splitscreen back in '97. That's what people liked about GoldenEye.
In the states, yes. Nothing to do with the word itself but how it was used. See also: Chinaman, calling someone asian "yellow" (but we can call Africans 'black'!) and Jap.Question: Is the term "Oriental" racist or at all frowned upon? This is very important.
Just got back from doing my weekly shopping at Tesco and now I'm gonna watch The Big Lebowski....really gotta start making crazy plans for the weekends from now on.
You do your weekly shop at midnight?
You do your weekly shop at midnight?
I had no idea suariyu was an animu nerd. Neat.
Shopping in an empty Tesco's is an unappreciated pleasure in life.
I once woke up covered in glitter. Took like 6 showers to get all of that shit off.
Fucking love going to the 24 hour ASDA or Tesco at midnight. Such a pleasant quiet experience.
Late night shopping is amazing. Not having to fight over cheese or wait 20 minutes at the checkouts is the best.
I just got home from playing a gig in the middle of the woods where my friends are now off their tits on mandy. I feel both grown up in that I didn't succumb to the drugs, but also a bit sad that I did not succumb to the drugs. But fuck sleeping in a field with those crazies, I have a bed and a warm woman, beats the floor every time.
I think my friend hit on me too, but she was very drunk so I won't bring it up again...
I gave in to the pleasure's of life and smoked some weed and had a few lines of charles.
(While shitfaced of course, Its a pain in the ass how a weed stone just takes over the drunkness i took all day to build) Had a kick about with the lads at the BBQ to.
morning has hit me in the face, work in two hours still feeling midly shitfaced.
A mcdonalds binge just may be the remedy i require
2 plain doublecheese burgers. 1 large chips, 1 chocolate milkshake, 1 chicken mayo burger.
Il ask the bird to nip me down, though she seen me snorting the wacky dust so i'l be in the doghouse for a few days.
My local Tescos just stopped being 24 hours and is now 6am - Midnight through the week. Saddened by it.
Yeah, lazy men ftw! My long suffering lady is doing her sunday run to town to get me food today, she is greatalthough she woke me up from literally the best dream I ever had this morning, so she's not my favourite person in the world (until she brings me food).