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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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I do find it inspiring, but the overwhelming reaction I have to the Superhuman ad is 'I'm so lucky to be fully abled'.

Mine is always a mix of "I have no right to ever complain" and "I would be such a waster if I lost my legs etc..."

Like I think I would give up on life and just play WoW 24/7 living on disability.


What happens when artificial limbs take over real limbs? Like they're lighter, faster, stronger. Do the natural Olympics become the second string?


Isn't it already happening? with those legs can they not run faster / further due to the lack of strain on the joints?

I think in our lifetimes it will become an issue where the Paralympics may get some heat as that's where the records are broken.
Isn't it already happening? with those legs can they not run faster / further due to the lack of strain on the joints?

I think in our lifetimes it will become an issue where the Paralympics may get some heat as that's where the records are broken.

They have separate record keeping.


What happens when artificial limbs take over real limbs? Like they're lighter, faster, stronger. Do the natural Olympics become the second string?

Going into Ghost in the Shell territory here. Soon, people who don't need prosthetic body parts will start getting them so they can shoot on target all the time or go all Jaz Briggs and easily lift weights without training.

Cheezmo said:
Worth it for the sweet-ass Public Enemy track alone.

remarkable taste in hiphop music there.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I decided 3 litres of strong dry cider was an affordable necessity tonight.

It sure was.


I like to imagine KentPaul's life as being like one long, continuous The Streets video.

That or some shitty Danny Dyer film.

Speaking of which, I saw that piece of crap "The Football Factory" the other day (I had read the book when I was about 18). It was god-awful but what struck me was that the main bad guy in it was a racist thug / villain in almost every UK film (Lock Stock, This is England, Bend it Like Beckham etc...) and I had never seen him in any other role, so I IMDB him and sure enough, he isn't even acting. He used to be a football hooligan, a member of a gang and now lives in Spain because "London aint like it was in mah day".

You couldn't make this shit up.


Maturity, bitches.
If you find the paralympics inspiring then that drama about the doctor who started them from two nights ago on the BBC is worth checking out.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
My life is normal. All is well. Just got 400 euros from 320 quid.

Should do me for amsterdam

chocolate milkshake, Pringles and bombay mix for the hangover cure. Sleep to of course.
Tried to get in between a disagreement between my new dog and my old one. Got a bite on the arm for my troubles! So now I am on my way for a tetanus jab :/.

And of course have to get rid of the new dog we were looking after! I was just getting used to him!
Tried to get in between a disagreement between my new dog and my old one. Got a bite on the arm for my troubles! So now I am on my way for a tetanus jab :/.

And of course have to get rid of the new dog we were looking after! I was just getting used to him!

Should have let Kentpaul give the dogs some of his famous 'magic powder' (simply rub it on the dogs' gums, or make them sniff it) and everything would be all sorted.


If kentpaul ever wrote a book I'd buy it instantly. Tales of alcohol, drugs and physical assaults at urinals: The kentpaul story. you should keep a journal when you're in Amsterdam and then post all the entries here.


Day 43

Vatican City

There was like paintings and shit but the pope had MAD STACKS so we played some BF3 and blah blah blah benzo fury.


the end

went to to this nice coffee shop, but demanded they had to play my 90s dance music or I would go elsewhere.


Maturity, bitches.
My mum got sent a con letter in the post. Typical you're entitled to inherit lots of money blah blah blah spiel. Thing is they made no effort to hide it. 1. Their email address is a yahoo one when surely a professional would use their business address. 2. The name of the deceased would be on my father's side and thus my mum would not be entitled to inherit based on names sake or to quote "similar last name" which isn't exactly good grounds when the name in question isn't exactly rare.

And the closing paragraph reads as if he just plucked phrases from a book.

Please, again, note that I am a family man. I send you this mail without a measure of fear as to the consequences, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never comes easy or on a platter of gold. This is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord, we should act swiftly on this. Please get back to me immediately.

And the closing paragraph reads as if he just plucked phrases from a book.


That paragraph is good, but it's no:

Still, we walked around and flirted; I’d tickle her, and she’d lock up and yell and punch me as hard as she could in response, one time kneeing me in the balls, the S&M side of her no longer hidden from view; I’d tickle her again anyway. I showed her a rear naked choke and applied a little force and then had her do it, and she laughed maniacally when she learned how to sink it in, trying to make me go unconscious with her petite arms.
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