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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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At the risk of provoking Yenrot's wrath by expressing my opinions on video games, I too have never liked JRPG's, and really don't understand the hate that Bethesda games get. Skyrim and Oblivion are both excellent games. They may not have the depth of Morrowind, and they may be riddled with bugs, but they are excellent. As for stuff on the horizon, Planetside 2 interests me a lot, but that's about it. I really can't be fucked to build my own PC (I don't care how "easy" or "intuitive" it is, I'm going to fuck it up, and if I mess up even one important component, the cost-saving compared to a pre-built is lost) so I'm going to look for an affordable pre-built from somewhere like Overclockers when my existing PC bites the dust. I really don't play enough games to justify spending a fortune, though.

Jedeye Sniv

There's actual sex, and not just bowing at each other in remorse.

I don't know if I need / am ready for sex in games. I can't get over the fact that these are just computer models, not people. They have no jiggly bits. It's just weird, these two models pretending to touch each other but really there's no collision detection so there's this disconnect. Conversely this is also why I don't like those terrible porno comics in 3d. Gimme hand drawn filth any day.


I don't know if I need / am ready for sex in games. I can't get over the fact that these are just computer models, not people. They have no jiggly bits. It's just weird, these two models pretending to touch each other but really there's no collision detection so there's this disconnect. Conversely this is also why I don't like those terrible porno comics in 3d. Gimme hand drawn filth any day.

The camera cuts in The Witcher handle 'collisions' pretty well.

I want sex in games. Sex & nudity. The medium feels immature without it.


the boss was great okay even though you didn't speak to her at all during the game she's great listen to this sad music and now imagine in talking in a sad voice okay be sad because this is sad

Jedeye Sniv

The camera cuts in The Witcher handle 'collisions' pretty well.

I want sex in games. Sex & nudity. The medium feels immature without it.

It feels a bit immature with it though, doesn't it? Like in Bioware games, a sex scene is just a checklist - hit the right buttons, unlock the blank eyed grinding (ok, this is similar to real life a little bit...). I don't think you need full on sex in games, a kiss, wink and a fade out is plenty enough to get the point across. Unless the game is ABOUT sex, but I don't think we'll get a good one of those any time soon.

If it weren't for the fact that the story falls apart at this point in the game, I think LA Noire could have been a really interesting take on affairs and such, but they garbled it something rotten. When my character went to the house to see the singer I was like "wtf is going on here??" - if the had given some damn context or backstory it could have been fascinating, roleplaying as a broken war vet who can't even confide in his wife. Instead we get "naughty! he did naughties!!"

And on a technical level we need realistic soft body physics and liquid simulations to get the tech right. We already have Euphoria physics, we're halfway there!



Oh, I remember.


When you have seen a girl "shit" a 14" dildo from her ass into another girls ass (piledriver position) you have seen everything and games would have to go a long way to show anything as interesting as that.


It feels a bit immature with it though, doesn't it? Like in Bioware games, a sex scene is just a checklist - hit the right buttons, unlock the blank eyed grinding (ok, this is similar to real life a little bit...). I don't think you need full on sex in games, a kiss, wink and a fade out is plenty enough to get the point across. Unless the game is ABOUT sex, but I don't think we'll get a good one of those any time soon.

If it weren't for the fact that the story falls apart at this point in the game, I think LA Noire could have been a really interesting take on affairs and such, but they garbled it something rotten. When my character went to the house to see the singer I was like "wtf is going on here??" - if the had given some damn context or backstory it could have been fascinating, roleplaying as a broken war vet who can't even confide in his wife. Instead we get "naughty! he did naughties!!"

And on a technical level we need realistic soft body physics and liquid simulations to get the tech right. We already have Euphoria physics, we're halfway there!
Yeah, it's definitely clumsy and ham-fisted but at least they tried!

I haven't played that far into L.A Noire yet but I'm definitely going to get back into it. I hope there is mild titillation and some seamed stockings.

'realistic soft body physics and liquid simulations' is what I want in a sex robot.

When you have seen a girl "shit" a 14" dildo from her ass into another girls ass (piledriver position) you have seen everything and games would have to go a long way to show anything as interesting as that.

Ask yourself: WWJDD? (What would Jayda Diamonde Do?). She'd find a way to breathe new life into digitised rectums.


It feels a bit immature with it though, doesn't it? Like in Bioware games, a sex scene is just a checklist - hit the right buttons, unlock the blank eyed grinding (ok, this is similar to real life a little bit...). I don't think you need full on sex in games, a kiss, wink and a fade out is plenty enough to get the point across. Unless the game is ABOUT sex, but I don't think we'll get a good one of those any time soon.

If it weren't for the fact that the story falls apart at this point in the game, I think LA Noire could have been a really interesting take on affairs and such, but they garbled it something rotten. When my character went to the house to see the singer I was like "wtf is going on here??" - if the had given some damn context or backstory it could have been fascinating, roleplaying as a broken war vet who can't even confide in his wife. Instead we get "naughty! he did naughties!!"

And on a technical level we need realistic soft body physics and liquid simulations to get the tech right. We already have Euphoria physics, we're halfway there!

I totally agree about sex in games, but its such a small part of the game... well I guess they talk about fucking a lot, but that's just Poland, really


Women always get told that supermarkets are great places to pick up potential dates. I read it in a Cosmopolitan once, in 1998.

I need to step my womans magazine reading up.

That's a good thing, you're obviously looking good in decent lighting

Didn't think of it that way, i'll take it!

I got that a few days ago. Some middle-aged woman winked at me in a shopping queue. D:

Haha nothing wrong with a bit of mature action. Fortunately my experience was with a couple of 20-somethings.

Jedeye Sniv

What's UK-GAF's opinion on hookah/shisha smoking?

Put some greenery in there and you have yourself a good time. Otherwise I don't see the point in all that effort to smoke something as pointless as tobacco. If I'm putting the work in there better be something awesome in it for me in ten minutes time.


Obsidian fan
Burger King is the best of the big 3 chains what the fuck is wrong with you people?

I also never played a JRPG either COME AT ME.

Jedeye Sniv

CHEEZMO™;41250868 said:
Burger King is the best of the big 3 chains what the fuck is wrong with you people?

I also never played a JRPG either COME AT ME.

Then... why are you like this? Maybe it's the anthropomorphic animal thing, but you strike me as the kind of person that would enjoy an rpg.

It's funny, the above could be read as both a compliment and an insult.

You know Bioware made a Sonic rpg right? That's quite JRPGish.


Then... why are you like this? Maybe it's the anthropomorphic animal thing, but you strike me as the kind of person that would enjoy an rpg.

It's funny, the above could be read as both a compliment and an insult.

You know Bioware made a Sonic rpg right? That's quite JRPGish.

Best not mention that game...

...damnit, now I'm being judgmental without having played the game :(

There's nothing wrong with jRPGs just like there's nothing inherently wrong with ANY genre.

I can't wait to get home and play through Darksiders II.

any UK gaffers gonna be going through Borderlands 2 on PC next month? Could do with some more people to buddy up with without resorting to the yanks!


CHEEZMO™;41250868 said:
Burger King is the best of the big 3 chains what the fuck is wrong with you people?

I also never played a JRPG either COME AT ME.

What are the 3 big chains here? Burger King, McDonalds and .... ?




CHEEZMO™;41250868 said:
Burger King is the best of the big 3 chains what the fuck is wrong with you people?
Absolutely correct. They are peerless. XL Bacon Double Cheeseburger with a portion of onion rings for me please.

I also never played a JRPG either COME AT ME.

I played FF7 and quit due to critical boredom about ten hours in. Played FF10 and quit when I hit some big rolling boss tank thing that wiped out my entire party in one hit. I just couldn't be arsed to play it.

I have no love for the JRPG genre whatsoever.


Yeah 6 is turn based and it's the pinnacle of Final Fantasy.
So good.

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and Tactics are all worth your time - but have a look at a wiki or somethnig to see if you like the playstyle/world before you commit - I hate playing the beginnings of dozens of games only to find the world isn't interesting to me.

The best burger I ever had was in Portsmouth at a wedding where they served BBQ. Locally slaughtered and prepared etc. This burger was better than the best steak I've ever had and I've had some pretty damn good steak.

...I wish I knew the farm it came from because I'd probably mo(ooo)ve there.
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